Chapter 60

After the little hearts-to-heart that they had, things went well between Tyler and Katerina; it turns out that all Tyler needed was some bedroom action to stop his lousy grouchy attitude.

That morning while Tyler was still in bed, she had gotten it into her head to make a nice breakfast as a thank you for supporting me/ I love you gift. The only downside to her plan was the fact that she didn't have any cash at hand to make a quick stop by the grocery store and buy a couple of things.

Thankfully, one thing that her father had imparted to her was the ability to think on her feet. Immediately she dashed to the bedroom, checking Tyler's pants pocket in case you could see any spare change but still nothing except his car keys…even his credit cards were not there. The next idea she got was to check his office which was always locked but thankfully the key was on the bedside table.

Tyler mumbled something in his sleep, rolling over on the bed smiling as she bent down to place a kiss on h
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