Chapter 61

She did the first thing that came to mind, ducking underneath his desk. Katerina held her breath, hearing his footsteps as he matched towards her.

Her heart was beating so fast that she feared he might hear it from where he was.

Thankfully, the gods up there listened to her prayers because he only poked around for a while, and minutes later she heard the door closing behind him, allowing her to heave a sigh of relief. However, she waited for a couple more minutes before she crawled out of the desk, glancing around.

The room was empty, save for a few scattered paperwork on his desk. Walking towards the door, she pushed it open and then she slipped out, only to dash into the nearest bathroom to fix her hair. Katerina also splashed a little bit of water down her dress. Casually walking out of the bathroom, she collided with Tyler who was also walking out of a room, pretending to act surprised.

“Hey, there you are! I've been looking for you.” Tyler exclaimed, drawing her into his arms.

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