Chapter 62

Somewhere in South France…

A knock sounded on the door, the sound loud in the quiet space.

A man was standing, facing the floor-to-ceiling windows. His back was to the door with a cigarette in his hand, the smoke billowing up the ceiling. “Come in.”

A waiter ruled a trolley in the field to the max with food and snacks as well as a lot of beverages to take from. Demonstrating at the window slowly turned around on his heel watching the waiter approach with a cautious eye.

“Your food, sir.” The waiter announced, removing several dish covers from each dish with a flourish, the smell wafting up from the food and flooding the room.

The man nodded with satisfaction as he stared at each meal, happy with his choices. “Thank you, you may leave.” He instructed the waiter after slipping several $100 bills into the guy's hands. As the guy was about to leave, he stopped him with his voice. “Oh, and please tell the lady outside to come in.”

The waiter bowed, rushing to the door to carry out the man
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