Chapter 67

“Hey, you!” Tyler exclaimed, pulling her into his arms. “How did it go?”

Coming back home to her better half was better than anything she'd ever experienced, digging as she hugged him tighter before

pulling away. “Great, it went perfectly and I was able to get a couple of things off my chest, so yeah…terrific!”

Tyler moved back so that he could look into her eyes. “Are you sure about that? Do you need anything?”

She laid a hand on his arm. “Tyler, I'm fine okay? I think this actually might be good for me.” Worrying her lower lip, she debated on telling him or not before finally going through with it. “I decided to up her sessions from two times a week to three times a week. Is that okay?”

“Um …sure.” He looked puzzled. “Remind me why you're doing this again?”

She pulled away, walking past him to go to the kitchen. “You know why I'm doing this.”

“I do, it's just….you seem different.”

“Bad different?” She queried, turning to face him.

“No, good different which is great because I don't
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