Chapter 68

Esther rested her head on his chest snoring peacefully.

The car hit a bump on the road and she started, reaching for his arm.

Dylan tried to calm her down. “It's okay, honey. It's just a little bump.” He ran his hand down her body, rubbing her lower back so she could go back to sleep.

Soon enough, her eyes fluttered closed and she drifted off. They were just coming back from a function at one of his friend's wedding. It was a spectacular affair but it also ran into the night which is why they were heading home this late.

The streets they were passing were usually supervised by security but to make sure they were extra safe, Dylan always went everywhere with his extra muscle, and his driver was also trained for combat.

Honestly, he was drained and he looked forward to heading to bed and taking a long warm shower before drifting up to sleep but unfortunately, that was not the case.

This time the car rolled to a sudden stop, jolting Dylan forward.

It was only thanks to his quick reflex
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