Chapter 69

Katerina rolled out of bed, covering her mouth with one hand to hide a yawn as she stretched the other over her head.

Jumping out of bed, she walks towards the bathroom to take a leak. When she was done, she moved to wash her hands at the sink staring at her reflection in the mirror.

She almost couldn't recognize who the woman in the mirror was.

The usual dull and ashy pallor wasn't present anymore, instead a vibrant and energetic woman took her place.

Between the session with Amber Green and spending more time with Tyler and Eliza, she was slowly recovering the woman that she was meant to be.

The only thing that she was putting off was visiting Mom and Dad. She had been spending the past couple of days staring at school pictures and various books that held memories from another lifetime.

While she was currently happy, she still couldn't help but feel guilty, as though she was robbing them on some sort of chance.

Sighing to dispel each sad thought, Katerina splashed water on her face
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