Chapter 70

Tyler woke up with a smile on his face, his eyes still closed—the thoughts of the memories of what happened last night into his memory.

Casually rolling over to the other side, he reached for Katerina, only to meet with a cold, empty space.

His eyes flew open immediately and he sat up surprised. “Katerina?” he called out, only to be met with silence again. Flipping the covers back from his body, he swung his leg over to the other side of the bed slipping his legs into the slippers.

He checked the bathroom but she wasn't there.

Thinking she was downstairs, he went down the stairs only to see Eliza cooking up a storm.

When she heard the sound of footsteps approaching, Eliza turned around with a smile on her face, a spatula in the other hand, and an apron tied over her matronly body. “Good morning, Mr redwood!”

“Good morning,” he returned her warm greeting. “I'm sorry but have you seen Katarina around? I've been looking for her.”

Her smile has dimmed. “No, sorry sir. I thought she was up
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