Bullets in Your Home

This morning Jef was back serving his family-in-law breakfast. He served attentively, although he could feel the sardonic stares from Syarla and his in-laws. 

He tried to hide all his hurt and sadness, preferring to keep matters under wraps rather than express anger which might only make things worse.

During breakfast, Jef overheard his in-laws discussing the security plan. David called in some of his bodyguards, and a trusted bodyguard. He ordered that security for Syarla be tightened. "Remember, make sure you stay alert. Our enemies could strike at any moment," David said in a serious tone. "Don't leave even the slightest gap."

Jef, who was turning the dishes, smiled sarcastically to himself. "However, even if thousands of bodyguards are deployed, if the enemy is at home, it's useless," he muttered to himself, feeling satisfied with the situation. However, he chose to remain silent.


Suddenly, David called out to Jeff. 

Jef was startled, worried that his father-in-law had heard what he was saying to himself.

"Jeff, I have something to talk to you about," David said.

Meanwhile, Syarla and her bodyguards prepare to leave the house. Because Syarla had a photoshoot today. 

David took out a baby picture from the desk drawer. "Look at this," David said to Jeff, showing him the photo and some birthmarks on the baby's back. 

"This is the grandson of my enemy. I believe he is still alive and must be found soon. Look at these birthmarks, very distinctive and rare. If you can find him, I will reward you."

Jeff looked at the photo, his eyes shrinking. "What do I get for finding this man?" Jef demanded. 

"A treaty."

"A deal?"

David nodded. "If you succeed, I will pay off all your grandfather's medical expenses and make me my daughter-in-law officially."

"That sounds interesting," Jef said to himself. 

Jef couldn't help but laugh at his foolish enemy. 

Jef accepted the challenge. He knew it was just a drama. However, he was also aware that the risks he faced were enormous.


On the other hand, today there was a share auction at Airlangga's company. 

The office hall was filled with dozens of investors from various cities. Randy Arbuzar and David Devaki were no exception.  

Randi Arbuzar and David Devaki are two long-time business rivals. They sat in the corner of the room with serious expressions. Today's much-anticipated stock auction pits them in a fierce battle.

The bidders, consisting of prominent businessmen and investors, sat attentively. The auction this time was about big company stocks and everyone knew that Randy and David were the main contenders in this race.

"Call for the next bid, sir!" exclaimed a prominent auctioneer, breaking the silence with his firm voice.

"One hundred thousand dollars!" exclaimed David confidently, followed by a dismissive smile.

Randi showed no expression of surprise. She just smiled faintly, then raised her hand. "Two hundred thousand dollars," she said in a casual tone.

David gave Randy a sardonic look, feeling offended by the offer. "Three hundred thousand dollars!" he exclaimed, raising the bid with confidence.

Randy rolled his eyes, then calmly said, "Four hundred thousand dollars."

The bidders began to whisper, mesmerised by the tension. Randy and David stared at each other with a strong businessman's aura. 

David, with a very expensive suit and a confident look on his face, felt that he would win this auction. Randy, with his calm and collected demeanour, showed a firmness and certainty that made him a fearsome opponent.

"Three hundred and fifty thousand dollars!" shouted David, raising the bid vigorously. 

Randy only smiled faintly. "Five hundred thousand dollars," he said in a confident tone.

David, though visibly angry, fought back. "Six hundred thousand dollars!”

"Seven hundred thousand dollars!" replied Randi in a snapping tone, without losing her cool.

David looked shocked, but he still fought back. "Eight hundred thousand dollars!"

However, Randi was ready to finish the fight. "One million dollars!" he said firmly.

David, feeling frustrated and disappointed, finally declared, "One million two hundred thousand dollars!"

However, at that moment, the leading auctioneer raised his hammer and announced, "This stock goes to Mr David!"

David smiled broadly and stood up, approaching Randi with triumphant strides. 

"You'll never beat me, Randy. I'll take everything off your hands.  You lose!" David said in a mocking tone.

Randy, despite losing the auction, didn't show any hint of anger. He just smiled faintly. "Do whatever you want, David. Whatever you do, you may be able to mobilise all your bodyguards and treasures, but I only have one bullet.”

David looked at Randi in confusion. "Bullets? What do you mean?"

Randy turned around and started walking towards the door. "Realise that one bullet could finish you today. And it's in the hands of someone very close to you."

David felt the tension in the air. "What do you mean, Randi?"

Randi paused and turned her gaze to David. Never mind, there's still a lot to think about. So focus on the others. Don't be afraid of one bullet," 

Randy patted his enemy on the shoulder. Then he walked out of the room.  

David immediately contacted his men and asked for a report on everything that was going on at his house. "Make sure there's nothing suspicious in the house. I want a full report within the hour!" he called out.


After returning from the auction, David felt dissatisfied and restless. A sense of unease continued to haunt his mind, especially after Randi's statement about the "bullet" threatening him. He believed his enemy, who was in his house, could be a big threat if not dealt with.

"Ah, how could there be enemies in my own house. After Arbuzar, no one dared to enter my house. Even if there were, I would have finished them off." 

David decided to go down to the kitchen. There, he found his servant preparing dinner for his enemy, who was currently in the dungeon. David approached the servant with a serious expression.

"Stop for a minute," David ordered, making the servant stop and turn his head.

"Can I help you, sir?"

David scanned his surroundings to make sure there was no one else here but the servant. 

Then David reached into his trouser pocket. David took out a small bottle from his pocket, containing a red coloured liquid. "Add this to the tomato juice. Make sure she drinks it."

The waitress looked doubtful. "Sir, is this safe?"

David looked at her sharply. "Follow my orders. This is important.”

The waitress accepted the bottle and started pouring the poison into the tomato juice glass. 

Jef, who happened to be passing by, saw what the waiter was doing. Jef's eyes widened instantly. He quickly sneaked closer, trying not to make a sound.

"That waitress was specially assigned to deliver Grandpa's food and drinks. And what did she mix into that drink," Jef thought. 

He quickly hid his face as soon as his father-in-law came out of the kitchen. 

Jef quietly picked up a glass and poured the tomato juice in the blender into the glass. He did it very carefully.

While the waiter was busy organising the plates and picking up the spoons, Jef seized the opportunity. Carefully, he replaced the poisoned tomato juice with freshly prepared tomato juice. 

Without attracting the waiter's attention, Jef threw the poisoned juice outside, seeing the dangerous reaction coming out of the glass.

Jeff breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the poisonous liquid was bubbling and blackish in colour outside the glass. "What a horror," Jeff muttered, amused.

"David's gone too far. He's overstepped his boundaries!"

Jef put the glass on the table. 

"I swear, I won't spare him."

"Hey! What are you doing?" the waiter shouted when he saw Jef standing near the table with his glass.

Jef quickly moved the glass to avoid being caught.

Jeff pretended to be calm. "Nothing. Just making sure everything is safe."

The waiter, who seemed unsuspecting, returned to his duties. 

"How could I let this happen?" whispered Jef to himself, thinking of his grandfather's safety.

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