Psychopathic Father-in-Law

Jef walked slowly through a secret passage that led to the back door of the house. He deliberately went through the back door to avoid questions from his in-laws and wife. 

He knew that his contract with Syarla was coming to an end, and with Randy ready to help pay for his adopted grandfather's treatment, he felt there was no reason to stay. However, there was one thing he needed to do before leaving and that was to collect his belongings.

"David and his son already took everything from me. I'll make sure they don't take anything else from me, including my stuff," Jef said. 

As he opened the back door, Jef saw several servants busy in the kitchen, preparing food. He was relieved that so far there were still some servants who were friendly, and made him feel a little welcome, even though they all knew Jef's position in this house was nothing more than a servant.

Jef noticed that the food they had prepared looked unappealing, almost rotten. "Who is this food for?" asked Jef curiously.

One of the servants, a middle-aged woman, turned her head and said, "Not so loud, Jef." She then leaned closer and whispered, "This food is for someone who lives in a secret place.”

Jef felt even more curious. "A secret place? Who lives there?"

The woman hesitated for a moment, but before she could answer, Syarla's voice called out to the servants from above. 

The servants hurriedly left the kitchen, leaving Jef and a male servant struggling with several trays of food.

The manservant whispered urgently, "Jef, please help me with these. I need to take them downstairs."

Jef agreed, sensing that something strange was going on. He took the tray and followed the waiter to a small door hidden in the corner of the kitchen. 

"What room is this,"

"Shh, just follow me. Don't ask too many questions."

The door led to a dark staircase that descended to the underground. They walked in silence, lit only by a dim lamp on the wall.

"Who are you trying to feed," Jef couldn't stop grumbling because he was already curious. 


"I know. But who is he, what did he do wrong to be locked up here?"

"Jef I think you'd rather keep quiet than suffer the same fate as that man,"

"I'm not afraid,"

"Don't say that. You don't seem to know Mr Davjd very well. He is very cruel, he will punish anyone who tries to go against his orders,"

"That's all? I'm not afraid. My heart is already dead here. Even if it's because of David and his favourite daughter," 

When they reached the basement, Jef was surprised to see an old man with a beard sitting in a small prison. His hands and feet were chained, looking frail and unkempt. The old man's eyes, though tired and wrinkled, had a familiar look to them.

"Who is he?" asked Jef in a trembling voice. 

The servant looked nervous and said, "He is an enemy of Mr David. He is imprisoned here."

Jef sensed that something was wrong. "Mr David's enemy? But why is he imprisoned here? Who is he really?”

The servant seemed hesitant, but finally confessed. "He is Mr Arbuzar," he said quietly, as if afraid someone might overhear.


Jef's mouth opened slightly. His eyes glazed over instantly. He got goosebumps as soon as he heard what the waiter had just said. "Mr Arbuzar? That means he's my grandfather?" He said to himself. 

In her mind, she tried to match the story she had heard with the figure of the old man in front of her. This man had a similar eye colour to him.

Jef felt his heart racing. Everything he knew about himself and his family seemed to be turned upside down in an instant. Once again he ventured to the man again. 

"I found him, I found my grandfather," Jef said to himself.

He knew that he had to tell his uncle Randy immediately. To confirm all this. Without another word, he hurriedly left the room. 

Jef ventured into his in-laws' living room, a feeling of tension enveloping him. 

At that moment, Syarla was sitting with an indifferent face, waiting for Jeff's arrival. "Where are you from? Why do you keep leaving without saying goodbye?" she snapped, her eyes full of suspicion.

Jef, trying to remain calm, replied, "I was just out for a while, I had some important business."

Syarla sighed, still upset. "What are you waiting for! Let's get my hair done!" 

Jeff was silent for a moment. Although reluctant, he knew that refusing would only make the situation worse. He picked up a comb and began to tidy up Sarla's hair. As he worked, his eyes fell on his father-in-law who was talking on the phone in the corner of the room. David's expression was tense, something Jef rarely saw. "He's so tense. He's usually so relaxed," Jef thought.

"I can't stay here for long," David said on the phone, his voice low but clearly audible in the room. "We have to act immediately. If the granddaughter is found, it means we don't have to keep the old man alive."

Jef continued to do Syarla's hair, but his mind was racing. What was really going on? Why was David talking about the 'old man' with such a panicked expression? Who on earth was David referring to. 

Syarla looked at Jeff through the mirror, her eyes narrowed. "Why are you so slow? Hurry up Jef I'm already late."

Jeff nodded, speeding up the movement of his comb.

Once finished, Syarla stood up and stepped towards the door. "Make sure these are put back where they belong," she ordered before heading out.

Jeff picked up the hair tools and walked towards the fashion and make-up area. Halfway there, he heard David's voice getting louder, though still faint. Jeff slowed his pace, trying to listen more clearly.

"We can't let him live any longer," David's voice rang out clearly behind the door. 

"Arbuzar has breathed freedom for too long. We need to focus on finding his grandson and getting rid of Arbuzar. It's not just about the money anymore, it's also about our business."

Jef clenched his hands into fists. If it was true that David was planning to kill his grandfather, this meant that this family was more dangerous than he thought. He couldn't let this happen, but he also knew that going against David and his family openly could be dangerous.

When David hung up the phone, Jef quickly moved back to where the beauty tools were stored. He put everything down in a hurry, then rushed towards the exit. 


Jef had to act fast. The only person who could possibly help him was Randy. Jeff knew that even though he himself was still unsure of his status as the family heir, the information he had just heard had to be shared with Randy immediately. 

Jeff waited until everyone in his in-laws' house was fast asleep. Carefully, he slipped into the bathroom, the safest place to send a message without being overheard. In the silence of the night, he switched on his mobile phone and started typing a message to his uncle Randy.

[Uncle, I know where grandpa is being kept. I'm not going home until I get him out of here. Please help me. I'll save grandpa, no matter what happens."]

He sent the message anxiously. Jef knew it was a bold move and full of risks. But he had no other choice. He had to act quickly before David and his family went ahead with their evil plan.

Suddenly, the bathroom door burst open. 

Syarla stood there, looking at Jef with suspicious eyes.

"What are you doing in the bathroom at this time of night? What are you doing with your mobile phone?" her voice sounded snappy and demanding.

To Jef's surprise, his mobile phone almost slipped from his grasp. Syarla stepped closer, trying to grab the phone. "You must be hiding something!" she accused, trying hard to wrestle the phone from Jef's hand.

Jef backed away, trying to keep his distance. "I'm just sending a message to someone," he said, trying to remain calm despite his racing heart.

Syarla, however, did not take his word for it. She pressed further, trying to grab the mobile phone. "Don't lie! You must have other plans. Give me your phone right now!"

"Syarla stop it! Trust me, I'm not---"

"Hurry up and give me your phone!"

"No way!"

"Jef, you—”

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