Grandson of a Rich Billionaire

After hearing Randy's confession and reflecting on what had just unfolded, Jef realised that last night's events had been long and full of surprises. He looked out the window and saw that the sun was already rising, signalling that a new day had begun. 

He decided to head back to his in-laws' house. There were tasks that still needed to be completed, and although his new identity as the heir to the Arbuzar family had just been revealed, his contractual agreement had not yet expired.

Randy, who had found his nephew, was relieved though also a little anxious. "I won't stop you," he said, making room for Jef to leave. "But know that I'll always be watching and looking out for you. You are free to do what you want, but remember who you are."

Jef nodded, understanding what his uncle meant. He felt cared for, though he still felt strange about all this.

With his wounds still sore, his hands bandaged, and his forehead still bruised, Jef left the place and headed for his in-laws' house.

Once he arrived at the front of his in-laws' house, he was greeted in an inhumane manner. Syarla, his wife, stood at the door with an angry face. Without warning, she threw a bag of dirty clothes at Jef. "Where have you been? Just coming home now?" she exclaimed in an angry tone.

But before Jef could answer, David showed up with an angry face.

"I know what you did, Jef," David said in an accusatory tone. "You're a thief! You don't belong in this house." 

Syarla looked confused and asked her father for an explanation. "What does he mean? A thief?"

David snorted, then explained, "Jef stole Vigi's wallet last night. You know what that means? He must be planning to use that money for inappropriate things. Seeking pleasure in perverse ways." Her voice was full of contempt and hatred.

As usual Jef just looked down, silent in defeat, while thinking about what to do next. 

Syarla, still angry and upset, looked at Jef with a hateful gaze. "Wash your clothes now!" she ordered in an equally harsh tone.

Jef simply nodded, walking towards the bathroom with heavy steps. He knew that for now, the only option he had was to wait for the right time to reveal the truth. 

"Heir to a wealthy family, but a maid in the in-laws' house.”

As he washed the dirty clothes, his mind kept spinning to find a way out of this situation. Despite feeling cornered and unfairly treated, Jef decided to stay calm and complete his task, while preparing himself for whatever was to come.

After doing the laundry and preparing Syarla's clothes that would not be worn for today's performance, Jef found an envelope from the hospital where his grandfather was admitted. 

"An envelope from the hospital," Jef said. 

He felt the need to open it, as anything related to his grandfather's health was a priority. When the envelope was opened, Jef read the contents quickly and his face contorted. As it turned out, the letter contained a notice that the payment for his grandfather's treatment was late, and as a result, his grandfather's condition had deteriorated due to late medical treatment.

Full of burning emotion, Jef immediately went in search of Syarla. He found her in the living room, sitting casually playing with her mobile phone. "Why is my grandfather's medical payment so late?" he asked in a serious tone.

Syarla looked at him for a moment, then replied nonchalantly, "Late or not, it won't prolong your grandfather's life. We all know that.”

Jef felt his blood boil, but he refrained from letting his emotions out. He clenched his fists and took deep breaths, trying to contain his emotions. 

Meanwhile, Syarla was guiltlessly lost in her own world, as if what she had just said was not important.

Not satisfied with Syarla's answer, Jef walked quickly to the terrace, where he found David sitting casually reading the newspaper. 

Jef threw the envelope of the hospital letter at David. 

David glanced at what Jef was doing and put the newspaper down.

"Why is my grandfather's payment so late? What did I do wrong to make you treat me like this?" Jef demanded an explanation from his father-in-law.

David stood up as he folded the newspaper and placed it on the table. "Who are you, Jef? And who is your grandfather? This marriage is just about a contract, nothing more than that. If you want to earn your own money, go ahead. It will reduce the burden I have to bear while you live here.”

Jef was transfixed by these words. A sense of disappointment and anger overcame him. 

David continued in a dismissive tone, "Your grandfather won't recover, especially with a contract marriage like this. You think you can save him? It's a waste."

Jef glanced at the man sarcastically. Until finally Jef turned around and left David without another word.  At a crucial time like this they still had time to insult him. 

"They're not human. They're beasts that always eat my heart."

After leaving the house, Jef felt a sense of urgency. He walked with the aim of seeking a loan for his grandfather's medical expenses. 

Until he forgot that his identity was that of an heir, not a poor man as people thought. 

Pressured by the gravity of the situation, Jef walked out of the gate of his in-laws' house. However, as he exited, he noticed something unusual. A man who looked like a beggar was sitting by the roadside. Jef takes a closer look and realises that the man is wearing the same necklace worn by his uncle Randy's bodyguard.

Noticing something strange, Jef approached the man. "What are you doing here?" he asked curiously.

The man looked around carefully, then replied, "We're here to keep an eye on you, Young Master. Our job is to ensure your safety."

"Uncle Randy ordered you here?"

The bodyguard nodded and explained, "We're just carrying out orders from Mr Randy. He wants to make sure you are safe. If there's anything you need, you just need to tell us."

It just so happened that Jef needed help from his uncle. He then said, "I need money for my grandfather's treatment. Can you guys arrange a meeting with my uncle? I need to talk to him."

The bodyguard immediately nodded his head. They arranged a meeting at a place that Randy and his men often used. 

When Jef arrived at the location, he was greeted by Randy and a few others. 

"Jef, what's going on? You said you needed money, is that right?"  Randy asked, looking confused.

Jef sighed and explained, "That's right. My grandfather is sick and needs treatment. I entered into a contract marriage to pay for his treatment. But now, the fees are overdue.”

Randy frowned. "What did you say, Grandpa? Which Grandpa?"

Jef was silent for a moment, then answered, "The grandfather who took care of me when I was a child. He adopted me from the orphanage and always supported me even though he didn't have much money."

Randy shook his head. "Jef, the grandfather you are referring to is not your biological grandfather."

Jef opened his eyes wide. "But he's been with me since I was little. He loved me very much. How can you say that he's not my real grandfather?"

"But that's the truth. He's not your biological grandfather," Randy said. He also couldn't understand how his nephew could fight for someone who was not related to the Arbuzar family.

Jef was devastated, realizing that the person he had thought of as his grandfather all along was not his biological grandfather. "So, who is my real grandfather?" he asked in a shaky voice.

Randy looked at Jef with sympathetic eyes. "Your real grandfather is alive, but he's in danger. He's being held captive by enemies who are trying to take over our family fortune," Randy said.

"WHAT!" Jef was shocked.

"Yes Jef, your grandfather is alive. His name is Arbuzar," Randy explained. 

"Who would kidnap my grandfather. What enemy would dare to do such a lowly thing!"

"Jef, we don't have time to be angry. Now is the time to act," said Randy while holding Jef's shoulder.

Jef nodded his head. 

Randy added, "Don't worry about your fake grandfather's medication. I'll take care of it. Focus on our mission to find your real grandfather."

"I promise uncle! I'll save grandpa," said Jef confidently.

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