Really Rich?

Inside the restaurant's eerily quiet kitchen, Jef stood in front of a pile of dishes that didn't seem to diminish. Soap suds clung to his hands that were already wrinkled with water. 

He let out a long sigh, wiping away the sweat running down his forehead. Moving his hands, which were getting slower and slower due to fatigue, Jef tried to finish his work.

The last of the glasses and plates were washed, stacked neatly on the drying rack. His thoughts drifted home, remembering Syarla and David's inhumane treatment.

Suddenly, there was a noise from the dining room. Jef peeked through the kitchen door and saw his boss, speaking in high tones to the staff. 

"Everyone come here! There's a big problem! One of our important guests' wallet is missing!" The HRD swept his gaze across the room, his eyes sharp like a hawk stalking prey. 

"I'll check all of your bags,"

Jef had never been involved in anything like this, but the situation shocked him. He himself had never thought let alone imagined being a thief. 

One by one, employees handed over their bags for inspection. When it was Jef's turn, the HRD looked at him with a suspicious look. "Jef, take out your bag," she ordered sternly.

Jef handed over his bag. 

The men opened the bag and removed the contents. Among Jef's personal belongings, a brown leather wallet was found. "Here's the wallet!" the officer exclaimed as he held up the wallet.

All eyes were on Jef, who was surprised to see the wallet. "I... I don't know how it got there. I didn't steal it. Someone must have put the wallet in my bag," said Jef in a stammering voice.

Unfortunately, the owner of the wallet was Vigi. He approached Jef with a red face. "So this is how a waiter earns money? Stealing other people's stuff? You poor, ignorant bastard!" 

The people around began to murmur, more and more voices cursing Jef. 

Vigi continued, "You think by stealing my wallet you can improve your life? You're nothing more than trash!" 

His words pierced Jef's heart, leaving him speechless in mingled shame and anger. 

The situation escalated when several people including the waiters and kitchen staff, started pushing Jef. "Come on, get out of here, you thief!" a waiter shouted hatefully.

Jef tried to back away, trying to explain himself, but the voices grew louder and more derisive.

Suddenly, the two men who had called Jef 'young master' earlier approached him again. But, surprisingly, they joined in on the beating. 

Jef fell down, his face bruised and his body aching. He couldn't understand why they had betrayed him.

In the midst of the commotion, the HRD finally broke it up, but in a sarcastic tone. "That's it, that's it, that's enough. Let her go. People like him don't deserve our attention."

Bruised and shattered, Jef walked out of the restaurant. He stopped by the roadside, trying to keep himself from collapsing. His vision began to blur, his body shaking with pain. 

Suddenly, several men approached him.

"Who are you guys?" Jef tried to ask, his voice weak.

The men didn't answer, just exchanged glances and then lifted Jef's body. 

Jef tried to fight back, but his strength was gone. "Let me go!" he shouted, but his voice was barely audible. 

They forced him into a shiny black car. Jef could only watch the car door close before his consciousness completely disappeared.


When Jef woke up, he found himself on a very soft mattress. He opened his eyes slowly, trying to gather his senses. 

The room around him was luxurious, with marble walls, crystal chandeliers, and classically designed furniture that looked very expensive. Beside the bed he was lying on, sat a man with a very dashing appearance. 

He had a stern face, neatly combed shiny black hair, and wore an elegant black suit that conveyed authority and charisma. He looked at Jef with a calm gaze, as if he already knew everything.

Jef tried to get up, but his body still felt weak. "Where am I?" he asked, his voice hoarse. 

The man smiled slightly, but didn't answer right away. He simply picked up a glass of water from the side table and handed it to Jef.

"Drink first," he said in a calm, authoritative voice. 

Jef hesitated, but then accepted the glass and took a sip.

After a few seconds, the man continued, "You're safe here. No need to worry.”

Jef was still confused and suspicious. "Who are you?" he asked in a slightly rude tone. 

The man chuckled, then stood up and walked towards the large window that showed a view of the city.  He stared out, as if thinking of something much bigger.

"I'm... someone who wants to help you, Jef," the man replied finally, still looking out. "There are many things you must know, and many things to explain. But for now, you must rest."

Jef felt even more confused "Why do you want to help me? I don't understand. And how do you know my name?"

The man turned around, looking at Jef.  "I know more than you think. Trust me, everything will be revealed in due time. Rest first, you need the energy to face what's to come."

Jef felt that was not the answer to his question. He forced himself to get out of bed, despite his limp body. 

"Mr Randy," called one of the bodyguards. 

Sure enough the man turned round.

"Randy? Who the hell are you?" asked Jef with a slight snarl. 

The dashing man sitting beside the bed, along with several bodyguards, moved closer. "You can't leave here," said the man in a stern tone. 

The bodyguards also stood at attention, blocking Jef's steps.

Jef looked at them with determined eyes. "Who are you people? Who do you think I am? I'm not one of you. I have to go. My wife and in-laws are waiting." he said. 

Jef knew that the real reason he wanted to go back was because Syarla and David were his running atm. Without them, he could not pay for his grandfather's treatment. However, Jef did not say it directly.

Randy, the dashing man, looked at Jef with a serious gaze. "You may be a nobody now, but you are the heir of the Arbuzar family," he said calmly but meaningfully. 

Jef fell silent, even more confused after hearing that statement. He felt as if he was trapped in a strange dream.

"What do you mean, heir? I don't understand," Jef asked in a confused and sceptical tone. 

Randy leaned closer, a serious look on his face. "You have a birthmark on your back, don't you? It's shaped like a crescent moon,”

Jef was surprised. The birthmark was very rare and only a few people had it. He had never told anyone about it. "How did you know?" he asked in a curious tone.

Randy smiled slightly. "We've investigated your background, Jef. We know you were raised in an orphanage as a child, and your date of birth matches my nephew who went missing years ago. We've also checked your blood sample, and it matches the Arbuzar family perfectly. We've been monitoring you for the past four years. This is no coincidence."

Randy continued his conversation calmly. "I'm Randy Arbuzar. I'm your uncle. I ordered my bodyguards to monitor you and bring you here. Because you are a descendant of the Arbuzar family, and we finally found you. The world is going to change for you, Jef."

"Is this a joke?" said Jef. 

Everyone was silent at Jef's words. 

"How could you fool me. And how can a man like me be your nephew. I'm just an ordinary guy, nothing more than that," Jef continued.

Randy pulled out Jef's DNA test file and birth certificate. Not only that, there was also Jef's childhood photo and birthmark. 

Looking at the file, Jef's eyes did not blink. 

"You still don't believe me?" asked Randy as he watched his nephew's reaction. 

Jef was silent, trying to digest all the information he had just received. His mind was spinning, remembering his past and everything he had experienced. Did he really come from a rich family?

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