Take off your shirt!

Like the previous morning, Jef was going through his routine. Carefully, he washed his wife's feet, while trying to stay focused. However, his fatigue and lack of focus led him to make a misstep. His long nails accidentally scratched the skin of Sharla's feet.

Instantly, Sharla cried out in pain. "Ouch! This Jef of yours never gets it right! Look what you did!"

Suddenly, Sharla grabbed a basin of water, which contained germs from her own foot, and spilled it on Jeff's face. 

Jeff, whose face was wet with dirty water, remained patient. "I'm sorry Sharla I didn't mean to,"

Syarla snapped. "You can't do your job properly! I've recognised your face here and you've let me down!"

Jef stared blankly at Syarla, annoyed but choosing to remain silent. "I was just following orders."

Syarla was getting annoyed. "It's not enough to follow orders! You have to show that you're useful here. Otherwise, what's the point of me employing you?"

Jef held his breath, trying to be patient. "This is the first time I've been treated like this. I don't feel at home here anymore. But if I leave, what will happen to my grandfather?" Jef said to himself.

Syarla did not care about Jef's explanation. "You have to work in that restaurant. No matter how hard it is, you have to show that you are a man!"

"Why do I have to work there?" Jef asked.

Sharla remained firm. "You have to go back to work. That's your only choice. If you don't want to, please leave the house. Our contract is over," she threatened. 

Jeff shook his head. "But I have no choice. If I don't work at the restaurant, what about my grandfather's medical bills?"

Sharla snorted. "That's your business. Now you have to get back to work. There's no reason to shy away."


As he walked away, Jef felt his steps heavy. His grandfather's wellbeing and the comforts of life seemed further and further out of his reach.

Jef felt increasingly depressed about his situation. He went back to see his uncle. 

As soon as he arrived at the headquarters, Jef approached his uncle and told him all his problems. 

"Jef, don't worry," his uncle said as he handed Jeff a small camera. 

"This is a secret CCTV. It will be very useful for you."

Jeff looked carefully at the device. "How does it work?"

His uncle explained calmly, "You install this near your grandfather in the dungeon. If there is any danger or threat, it will sound. At that moment, you can use bodyguards or other help to rescue your grandfather immediately. Whenever your grandfather feels threatened, this device will detect and notify you.”

Jef nodded and said. "Thank you very much, uncle. This is very helpful."

"Don't worry. We'll all make sure your grandfather is safe. Now, go and install this device," Randy said with a smile.

After leaving the base, Jef returned home. He put the CCTV in his pocket and snuck downstairs to the basement, where his grandfather was kept. It was dark underground.

Arriving in front of the prison where his grandfather was, Jef took out a small camera from his pocket and set it up in the corner of the room. He looked at his grandfather with empathy.

"I won't let any harm come to you," Jef said.

His old and frail grandfather looked at Jef with a look of astonishment. He didn't say a single word. 

Jef looked down, trying to hold back the tears. "I just want to make sure you're safe. I'll make sure that you're not alone here."

After ensuring that the camera was properly installed and working, Jef turned to leave the downstairs room. Before leaving, however, he looked at his grandfather with hope. "I'll be back as soon as I can. I won't let you get depressed. I'll find a way to set you free."

Jeff closed the prison door and walked away. Although he looked calm on the outside, Jeff's heart was full of anxiety. He knew how important it was to keep his grandfather safe and how the threat from his in-laws could arise at any time.


After Jef left, it wasn't long before the shadow of a stout man approached the dungeon. He watched Arbuzar's face and listened to the middle-aged man's breathing. 

"SHIT!!! HE'S ALIVE!" He said. 

The poison should have worked and caused his heart to skip a beat. 

When Randy learnt that his enemy was alive and well, his anger exploded instantly. He stood up shakily, almost losing control. Cold sweat ran down his temples as he resisted the urge to punch the person in front of him.

"How could this happen?!" shouted Randy, his voice full of anger. 

"Our enemy is alive and in good condition! This is a huge failure!"

"I'm sorry sir, but--"

"Aahhh, you're useless. You all suck!" 

He stepped out of the stairwell with heavy steps, his angry feelings radiating from his every movement. He stopped in the living room and in a stern tone shouted, "Gather all the members and employees here right now!”

The servants and family members who were in the house immediately ran into the living room. Cold sweat poured down their foreheads, and they could feel David's anger. 

The tense atmosphere made everyone feel like they were under threat.

David, who had begun to feel anxious, began to observe the surroundings carefully. He knew that Randy would not hesitate to find out who was spying in his house. David sighed heavily, realising that this was a critical moment. 

He decided that today was a good time to end this drama, especially with the threat lurking in front of his eyes.

In the living room, David stood with authority. He looked at everyone gathered with a sharp gaze. "I will check all of your bodies today. If there is a single birthmark similar to Arbuzar's grandson, that person will be put to death right now."

The atmosphere grew tense as servants and family members one by one came forward to be examined.

Randy examined each person carefully, his eyes not missing a single detail. He made sure to check areas that were often covered, careful not to miss anyone.

David stood in the corner of the room, his hands clenched into fists. He observed each check seriously, his mind busy trying to figure out how to handle this situation. When it was the servants' turn, David ordered one of his servants to make sure everyone clearly revealed the birthmarks they had

"One birthmark similar to Arbuzar's grandson, and it will all end here!" David shouted, his voice echoing throughout the room.

David realised that this was his last chance to make sure Randy's spy would not act again. He had to be quick, or everything could end in disaster.

Worst of all his favourite daughter, Syarla, was also being examined. 

"You're too much. How could I possibly have that birthmark. Even everyone knows that I am your daughter," Syarla said after having her back examined. 

"Anyone can disguise themselves as anyone. I will not spare anyone who tries to be a coward."


David gritted his teeth. His favourite daughter was more dangerous than he thought.

"Well, then where's your husband, Jef? Why is he nowhere to be seen," David said as he looked around.

"Oh no, I asked him to buy some nail art at the mall. And now he's back," said Syarla. 

"YOU IDIOT!!! What if she really is the person I suspect. Send her back quickly. Don't let her run away," David snapped. 

Seeing her father angry, Syarla got goosebumps. "Yes, wait dad. I'll call him. Don't worry, Jef will be home soon." 

"What if he doesn't?"

"Dad, be quiet. Please, I'll make sure he comes back. He is not a man who leaves his responsibilities easily. I know Jef well," Syarla said, holding up her mobile phone. 

"Then why hasn't he come back until now? Is he afraid?" probed David. 

"Enough dad, if Jef wasn't a responsible person he wouldn't have come home after being accused of stealing a wallet yesterday," Syarla defended Jef. She did so in order to deflect her father's anger. 

"That's enough. He's not coming back. I'll look for him myself. Move aside---"

"I'm coming sir!" said Jef in the doorway.

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