Saved from Death

David removed Jef's shirt with a rough motion, his eyes narrowed in concern as he examined Jef's back. When Jef's shirt was lifted, it revealed a pure white back, without a single birthmark. David frowned, then let go of Jef. 

"No birthmark! No sign of Arbuzar's grandson here!" David said to himself.

 "This can't be! This can't be!"

He glanced at Jef with a look full of suspicion and disbelief. 

Jef stood still, just looking at David flatly. 

David moved away from Jef, going back to checking the servants and other family members quickly, as if to make sure there were no further mistakes. "Everyone must comply with this inspection! Don't let a single person escape!"

Meanwhile, Jef recalled the circumstances that almost exposed his identity. He was grateful that his wife's expensive foundation and makeup tools managed to cover his birthmark. 

Despite sweating after activities, the foundation kept his back clean and no suspicious birthmarks were visible.

Tired of her father's suspicions, Syarla finally spoke up. "Never mind dad! There is no enemy here," Syarla said. 

All eyes were on Syarla. Including Jef's. 

"Syarla, shut up! You don't know anything about this," David said. This time his tone was quieter.

"But I also fell victim to your suspicions. And you--" 

"Syarla enough!!!"

"I won't shut up dad---"

Jef massaged his forehead as he watched the argument. "My enemies are too stupid and lame to fight. They are both so innocent," Jef said to himself. 


Jef awoke from his sleep when his mobile phone beeped a notification from the underground CCTV camera, indicating that his grandfather was in danger. Quickly, he got up from his bed and ran downstairs. 

When he reached the room at the bottom of the stairs, he saw his grandfather fast asleep, with steady breathing, only seemingly delirious.

Jef breathed a sigh of relief, confirming that his grandfather was okay. He stood there, waiting and checking periodically, to make sure there were no further threats. "Thank God grandpa is okay," Jef said to himself. 

But just as he was about to leave the room, David appeared in front of him. The two pairs of eyes met, and Jef guessed what David's first question would be. 

"What are you doing here?" David's voice broke the silence of the night.

Jef felt trapped. He knew he had to find a way to distract David without revealing the truth. Quickly, Jef tried to break the ice. "I... I just wanted to make sure everything was safe," Jef said in a seemingly calm tone. 

"I heard a noise and got worried, so I checked all the way here. 

David gave Jef a dismissive look, his gaze showing that he didn't believe him. "You're saying that you were just checking? Don't lie to me. What exactly are you looking for here? And how do you know this room?"

Jef panicked instantly. But he had to remain calm. He couldn't give too clear an answer, but he tried hard to blend into the situation. "I know this room, from the waiter who often asked me to help him bring trays here,"

David frowned, still not convinced by Jef's explanation. "So, you think, this way you can free yourself from suspicion? I knew something was wrong. You're too suspicious. Then what's your purpose here?”

Jef sighed. "I'm here because I have a grudge against this man. He has made all the servants undress. Including me." 

However, David seemed to be considering something. The tense atmosphere began to melt away. Finally, David sighed, "Okay. In that case. For this mistake, I will reward you. You can punish this old man however you like," David said.

David stepped back, leaving Jef alone with the sleeping grandfather. 

Jef grinned, feeling that David was giving him a golden opportunity to take advantage of the situation. "Thank you for this opportunity," Jef said as he watched David leave.

As David disappeared from sight, Jef looked back at his grandfather with relief and empathy. "You have no idea how stupid your enemies are," Jef thought to himself.

 "These enemies are really giving us a chance in a way they don't realise." continued Jef. 

Jef checked on his grandfather once more, making sure there was no imminent danger. He felt there was a chance to avenge himself on David and his beloved daughter. 


That morning, the atmosphere in Jef's in-laws' house changed drastically. The usually quiet house was now full of cacophony and shouting. A group of David Devaki's business associates stood in front of the house. They were protesting loudly. Many of them demanded payment of outstanding debts. Reporters and cameras swarmed around, capturing the moment.

Jef, who was doing his morning routine, was confused by the chaos in front of the house. He was about to open the door out of curiosity. 

 "No, Jef, you don't know anything! You better go inside!" David said clearly from inside the house.

Jef nodded his head and moved away from the door. 

In the living room, the situation was getting tense. David stood in the corner of the room with a worried expression. Syarla, meanwhile, also looked panicked. "Dad, I don't want to be poor! I don't want to go bankrupt! You have to solve all these problems immediately!" Syarla shouted, her voice full of worry.

David looked frustrated, trying to control the increasingly chaotic situation. "I know, Syarla, I know! But they're asking for so much money. If I have to pay it all, I'll go bankrupt today!"

David, who also looked confused, didn't know what to do. "This is crazy," he muttered. "The money is too much. Even if we sell all the assets, it might still not be enough."

Jef watched the chaos unfold. He had no idea that after defeating his uncle, his in-laws were now almost bankrupt.  "If my in-laws have other enemies, that means my grandfather's safety is also at risk. I must act," Jef thought to himself.

Spontaneously, Jef stepped forward and said, "I will help pay off your debts," he said confidently.

David and Syarla immediately turned their heads with cynical looks. "What?" asked David in a dismissive tone. "You? You're just a servant. How could you possibly help me?"

Syarla chimed in, "Jef realise what Kay said earlier. You think you can solve this problem? You have nothing!”

David couldn't help but laugh. "Are you really sure? You're just a poor servant. How can you possibly overcome millions of dollars in debt?"

Jef felt his heart churning at their reaction, but he tried to remain calm. "I don't care how. I just want to protect my rights and ensure her safety."

David gave Jef a mocking look. "Impossible Jef. The son of a conglomerate may not be able to pay off our debts, let alone you. Hahaha! It'll just make you look silly.

The tense and fearful atmosphere of the house instantly turned into a battlefield when a series of bullet shots hit the living room window. The window glass shattered into pieces, and glass fragments flew all over the room. 

"Father, awaassss,"

"Hurry and take cover," 

David swiftly shielded Syarla, pulling his daughter behind the wall for cover. "Syarla, don't move! Stay here!" David shouted, his voice full of anxiety and worry.

Meanwhile, Jeff quickly took cover behind the sofa, feeling the adrenaline rippling through his body. He tried to make sense of the chaotic situation, but his mind was focused on his grandfather who was still trapped underground.

"Is this uncle's plan? But why is he doing all this?" he said to himself.

The sound of gunfire continued to echo, making the atmosphere even more tense. 

Suddenly, in an attempt to find safer cover, David fell. A bullet hit him in the chest. Blood flowed, seeping through the fabric of his shirt. He fell to the floor limply, losing consciousness. 

"Daddy!" cried Syarla hysterically. 

Tears rolled down her cheeks as she ran towards her sprawled father, helpless. "Help! Please, someone help us!" Syarla pleaded, her voice trembling and panicked.

Jef, who was about to run down the stairs to save his grandfather, suddenly stopped in his tracks. The scene in front of him was heartbreaking. 

Syarla was sobbing, trying to wake her unconscious father. 

Her heart was in her throat. He was faced with the difficult choice of saving his grandfather or helping Syarla who was in danger.

 "Jef, please! Please help me!" Syarla wailed, her voice full of hope and fear. She held her father's bleeding hand, shaking his motionless body.

 "Father, wake up! Please, wake up!"

Jeff swallowed, feeling a heaviness in his chest. He wanted so badly to help Syarla, but he knew his top priority was his grandfather. However, seeing Syarla so broken, his heart could not turn away. "Syarla, I... I have to save my grandfather," he murmured softly, almost inaudibly. But his words did not reach Syarla, who was still lost in tears.

The gunshots continued to echo, coming closer and closer. Syarla turned to Jeff with a tearful face. 

"Jef, please... don't let my father die. Please help us! We have to get out of here!"

Jef paused, looking at the door leading to the stairs and back at Syarla. His heart felt like it was being played. He knew what to do, but he felt guilty about leaving them.

Meanwhile, David lay motionless, his face pale. Jef could feel the weight of responsibility. 

Jef, who felt sorry for them, wanted to get closer. But in his mind were the words of his father-in-law. 

"You don't belong in this house!"

"You're useless!"

"A poor man like you doesn't belong here,"

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