Mr. Gary waited for a few seconds after Liam asked him the question about the prophecy. From the look on his face, it was obvious that he had a lot to say, but he was looking for the best way to say it. He sighed heavily, and then he walked toward a corner of the storeroom where he stood, waiting for Liam who joined him at once. “My family belongs to a line of Druids, a group of ancient teachers, magicians, and priests who believe in the Divine. We have existed for centuries, and have lived discreetly on Earth out of the knowledge of ordinary Humans who are not gifted just like myself.” Liam couldn’t help but listen attentively to everything the middle-aged man was saying. At that moment, he realized that there were many other things that he didn’t know about about, and his curiosity lingered. Mr. Gary paused for a few seconds, and when he was certain that the young man standing in front of him was really paying attention, he cleared his throat and continued. “Even before th
Andy drove the car back to the castle, and as soon as he parked in front of the huge mansion, Liam alighted from the car, and walked into the building after putting the black box into his pocket in order to avoid any form of inquisition. As he ascended the stairs, the words he heard from Mr. Gary kept on resounding in his ears, and he tried to figure out what he meant by a familiar enemy. “Is Lord Darius related to me in any way?” He whispered only to his hearing, and when he was done with the last step of the staircase, he stood still, staring at space while he continued going through the ideas that crept into his mind.He had almost forgotten that he was meant to do something when he quickly snapped out of his long thought, and sighed heavily. “Those were really strange words.” He said just before he continued walking to his chambers with slow but steady steps. The moment he shut the door behind him, he walked to the cabinet beside his bed, and then pulled out the drawer.
Liam looked at Brina for a few seconds without saying a word, but several thoughts ran through his mind amidst the silence in the room. “What is it, Emrys? What is going on in your mind, Warlord?”“The message say only the blood of an heir can be able to make the words visible. How am I supposed to get the blood of an heir?”“You are an heir, Emrys. The reincarnation of Lord Phaunos himself, the first and most powerful heir. The message is clear, Emrys…” Brina nodded to affirm her words, looking at Liam with a bright smile on her face.“My blood…” Liam looked at the book for a few seconds, and when he had managed to resolve the conflict within him, he sighed heavily and grabbed the book before placing it back on the bed. He opened to the first page of the book while Brina took two steps forward with her eyes focused on the book on the bed. Slowly, he pulled out the dagger from his pants, and then he lifted his left palm to his face for a few seconds, trying to gather enough
Liam thought about the words he heard from Brina for a few seconds, and then he sighed heavily before returning his eyes to the book. He looked at the pictures of the elementals for a while before he flipped to the next page. Just like Brina explained, it was explained that the green stone that he wielded was the Master stone and the strongest link to the other stones which could be able to summon the other stones if they were close by. “I am going to leave you to study as much as you can, Emrys. Remember, mastering the art of perfection should be your first priority. Every other thing will follow eventually.” Brina said calmly, and before Liam could even think of a response to give to her, she vanished. “You didn’t even wait to hear what I wanted to say,” Liam said with a whisper, looking at the spot where Brina was standing as though she was still there. He sighed heavily just before he returned his eyes to the book, and carried it up with both hands to the table by the corn
Liam thought about the words he heard from the Butler while he struggled with the hunger that was inside him. The fact that he was already ready to eat breakfast before Alfred came with the message made him grunt slightly while he tried to maintain a smile on his face. “Who could that be?” He said with a whisper just before he pushed the chair backward and walked toward the Butler who turned around slowly and started walking toward the living room. Liam was still wondering who the guest was when his eyes caught sight of the last person he expected to be in his mansion.“Greetings, Lord Emrys.” Silas Prescott greeted, and then he started walking toward Liam who stood still with his brows lifted to form a furrow. “Mr. Prescott? I wasn’t expecting to see you.” “Well, I didn’t expect myself to be here this morning. But I realized that it was necessary for me to be here.” Silas stood in front of Liam and offered him a handshake. “I see. Well, you are here, we might as well get t
Silas paused for a while just to make sure that Liam was listening to him before he continued with so much enthusiasm written all over his face. At that moment, Liam was able to see a desperate man who could do anything just to amass great wealth and power, but he wasn’t surprised at all as he was expecting him to be that way. “We can take advantage of the war going on in some of the countries in Europe and Asia, we can even take advantage of the terrorism in most parts of Africa. Imagine the great amount of power we would have if we united the money we have and my connections, not even the government of the country or even the military will be able to stop us.”The moment Silas was done talking, he waited to hear what Liam was going to say, and even though he was silent for a while, he didn’t mind as he was hopeful that he was going to love his business idea. Liam forced a smile on his face while he looked at Silas who was still waiting to hear a response from him. The silence
The next morning, as early as the first flicker of dawn, Liam was up on his feet, standing tall in front of his mirror with a bright smile on his face. The joy that radiated inside him was unexplainable, and he tried everything he could to figure out the reason why he was happy. “A penny for your thought?” Brina appeared behind him, putting on a grey jumpsuit with a helmet on her head. Liam was surprised at her dressing when he saw her reflection in the mirror, and he was forced to turn around instantly to look at her. “What is that? What are you wearing?”“Oh, you mean this? You like?” Brina gestured to her outfit, looking at Liam with a bright smile on her face. “Hell, no! You look like a road worker, Brina!” “Well, I saw some men by the roadside putting this on, and I decided to try it out. I think I like the way it feels on my body. It’s so free and light.” Brina lifted her right leg, and that was when Lim realized that she also had black rubber boots on. “You are unbel
As soon as Liam heard the knock on the door, he turned to look at Brina, but she disappeared at once, leaving him alone with the ostrich which started whistling while it continued walking around the room. “Hey? Can you be quiet? Shhh!” Liam placed his index finger above his lips while he continued looking at the ostrich. The nervousness that engulfed him made perspiration run down his body as he thought of what to do. A few seconds later, the knock came back, this time, it was louder than the previous one, and Liam gestured his hands toward the ostrich in other to turn it back into a vase, but it continued moving around. “Can you stay at a place? Stop moving around!” Liam stole a glance at the door when he heard the knock for the third time. Realizing that he was too distracted and nervous to make use of his powers, he went after the ostrich and led it into his bedroom before he shut the door and rested his back against it. “Quiet, you creature! Quiet!” He said with a loud whi
The three of them looked ahead, attempting to see what was ahead of them, but there was nothing, not even a shadow.“Whatever that was, it doesn’t sound friendly all all.” Mr. Gary said with a shaky voice, struggling to get a grip on himself just like Maya who hurried to stand behind Liam. “Stay close, guys. Whatever that was, it senses us as threats, and I am sure it’s going to come out from wherever it is.” Liam said calmly, looking ahead while the others stood behind him. The growl came back again, accompanied by louder echoes that reverberated from several corners of the dungeon. They could hear the sound of chains rattling from some of the dungeons, but that was the least of their troubles. As soon as the echoes from the growl went silent, the sound of heavy tromping on the hard floor followed suit, causing more tension in the bodies while they kept their shaky eyes staring in its direction. Taking in a deep breath, Liam exhaled some of the tension inside him while he he
After almost an hour of driving on the road, they eventually arrived at their destination and alighted from the car before heading down the hill that led to the sea. The hill was located on the outskirts of the city, a place where anyone hardly came, and they could hear the sound of birds and crickets chirping from a distance, and owls hooting from the top of the trees where they nestled. Darkness was already upon them, and even though Maya was afraid that she could fall from the hill as they climbed down, the thought of Liam being close to her made her continue. “That’s the sea over there, Lord Emrys!” Mr. Gary pointed as soon as he saw the sea, still surging under the effects of the wind, cascading from one point to the other while the three of them moved to it, eager to accomplish their mission.Standing in front of the sea, Liam and Maya looked at Mr. Gary who was the only one who knew what next to do, but the look on his face showed that he was struggling with a strange fe
Liam left the Castle as soon as he was well-rested. He headed to the Tavern, hoping that Mr. Gary was back from his travel while he sauntered into the building, ignoring the eyes that stared at him with keen attention. “That’s him! That’s the one I told you about! Strange isn’t he? He walks silently, yet his strength is as noisy as the turbulence of the sea.” One of the old men who recognized Liam whispered to his friend who was not present at the tavern the previous night. Some of the other men in the tavern who recognized him cringed with a little tension, flashes of the memories from the previous night couldn’t leave their minds. They had always been afraid of the assailants who tried to take advantage of the fact that Mr. Gary was not around, and the fact that Liam single-handedly beat them to a pulp made them very wary of him. Some of them adjusted themselves quickly, hoping not to offend him for any reason. Even the stares from his orbs were enough to send jitters down their
Liam was gradually becoming very impatient with Reggie, but he tried as much as he could to remain calm. “Reggie?” “Yes! Jack! He had an emergency, and he had to leave! Yes, that’s what happened!” Reggie chuckled again to cover his nervousness. “He had an emergency? What type of emergency?”“Erm? He…He.” Reggie stuttered, and more sweatballs streamed down his face while he searched for the right answer to give to Liam. “His mum sent him on an errand! Yes! An errand…” Reggie nodded to affirm his words while he continued to avoid eye contact with Liam who nodded slowly. “It’s fine,” Liam said with a low tone, and then he looked at the others who quickly withdrew their gazes from him at once, pretending to be talking about something else. “Yeah! He should be home now, probably with his mum. You should check his house.” “Alright. Thank you, Reggie.” Liam waved at Reggie with a smile on his face, and then he turned slowly and walked back to his car. Sitting silently, Liam
Liam saw that the old lady was gradually becoming very apprehensive, and he looked for a means to get her to calm down. He forced a smile on his face, but that still wasn’t enough to get her to calm down. “Where is Noah? What happened to him?”“I need you to calm down, Miss Thompson. Noah is safe, he is probably out there someone on one of his jobs.” “I don’t believe that! Noah would never go anywhere without telling me!” The old lady stood up from her seat at once and struggled to walk toward Liam who hurriedly grabbed her when he noticed that she was about to stagger. “What happened to Noah? Tell me! He said he was going to a party with you last night!” She looked into Liam’s eyes, making him look away at once, cringed by a little guilt. “Please, have a seat, Miss Thompson. I promise to tell you everything that happened.” Liam gently led the old lady back to her seat. He removed the wool, the scissors, and the knitting needle from the chair before he made sure she was comfo
Waking up the next morning, Liam couldn’t stop thinking about his encounter with Maya and the little children who reminded him so much about himself. Growing up in the orphanage was too tough for him, and he had to struggle his way to be able to put himself in school, moving from one job to the other in order to make a living. He couldn’t have much for breakfast and even the Chauffeur noticed that he was unusually quiet throughout the ride from the castle down to Hilton’s college. “We are here, Lord Emrys,” Andy said calmly after turning to look at Liam who was still lost in thought. He had been staring at him through the rearview mirror, wondering what had kept him thinking for such a long time. “Thank you, Andy. I will see you after school.” Liam got out of the car and shut the door at once before he walked away while the Chauffeur watched him for a few seconds before he drove out of the school premises. Liam expected to see Noah who usually waited for him in front of the
Liam watched the children with keen attention, and he couldn’t get rid of the nostalgic feeling that crept into his body, making him smile even without knowing it. He watched as some of them grabbed Maya’s hands and her clothes, and led her toward the only couch inside the house. “Maya! We made some cupcakes for you!”“Oh! Really?” Maya chuckled, looking at the children who seemed very excited about the words from the teenage boy who opened the door. He was the oldest among them and was obviously the leader. “I will be right back!” He ran off at once and returned a few seconds later with a plastic plate that contained two pieces of cupcakes. “We knew that you would be very exhausted and hungry by the time you get back, and we decided to make this for you.” He handed the plate over to Maya who laughed pleasantly. “Oh, Dave! This is lovely! That’s so sweet of you! All of you!” Maya looked at the cupcakes with a smile on her face while the children watched her keenly. The c
Maya wanted to believe the words she heard from Liam, but she couldn’t get over the fact that he didn’t get hurt by Raph’s dagger. “Maya? Don’t be scared, okay? I am not going to hurt you, I promise.” Liam reassured her again and waited patiently until she eventually decided to listen to him. After a few seconds of struggling with the conflict in her nerves, Maya sighed heavily, and then she managed to get a grip on herself. “I will listen to you only if you explain everything to me. You are going to tell me how you were able to do that.” Maya said nervously, looking at Liam who nodded after a few seconds. “I agree, I will tell you everything you need to know. Can we go somewhere private and talk?” Liam said when he realized that everyone was staring at him without any plans of looking away any time soon. “Just give me a few minutes.” Maya retorted almost immediately, and then she walked back to the counter to put things in order before leading Liam to the back where they sa
The man who Maya punched was so furious that he growled angrily, and leaned forward over the counter to grab her. “That’s not a good way to treat a lady, don’t you think so?” Liam was on time to pull the man backward with his left hand while he put a smile on his face. “Who the hell are you? Get your hands off me!” The man grunted angrily, glaring at Liam who lifted his hands slowly without letting go of his smile. “I am just her friend. I am not here for any kind of trouble, okay? I am just here to see Mr. Gary.” Liam looked at the five men surrounding him, and it was obvious that he had succeeded in pissing them off. He took two steps backward while his hands were still in the air, but they moved closer to him, making sure that he didn’t have any space to escape. Maya was relieved that her assailants had moved away from her, but she was worried that Liam was not going to be able to defend himself against the five of them. “You made a terrible mistake coming here, boy! Mr.