Chapter 04

Baron's - [P.O.V]

I didn't waste any second as everyone turned running away as I rushed towards the old man, using my body as a shield to protect him from the blocks falling towards him as he stays over the floor shocked.

"You saved my life!" The old man said.

"It's nothing..." I said to him and he shakes his head in return at me as I helped him get up and away from the mess.

"Thank you so much but I musts reward you, for saving my life, I have decided to give you my grand daughters hand in marriage." He said and shock fills me.

"What!?" Cecilia blurted out pissed.

"Me... Marry him?" Cecilia kicked against it but with just a glare she kept mute.

"This man! You are so full of tricks, now dare you destroy our work just to prove a point, do you know how much those blocks costs?" The manager asked as he walks towards me firing a slap at me.

"Bam!" Mr. Leonardo grand his hand and returns a left hand slap to his face which sent him right before re-dailing a right handed slap to his face sending him to the ground as he pleads in return.

"You do not mistreat workers! Your judgement for this hero here was to get him fired if he was lying and now that judgement will also apply to you as well, you are fired!" Mr. Leonardo orders immediately.

"Mr. Baron, I would have gladly made you the manager of this business but I think I have more important projects for you to do.

“I would like you to first deliver some things home, do call me when you get there, so afterwards I can draft you a contract okay?” He said and I accepted his deal with a huge smile.

The notification over my phone informed me that the things Mr. Leonardo had earlier ordered to reach his home as a surprise, and they have finally arrived for pickup, so I had to be fast to retrieve them.

Before reaching his Home Mr. Leonardo stops me.

"Young Boy You seem hardworking, would you like I get you enrolled in collage, so you can learn some more skills, I would like to sign you as a Heir to my empire, today I figured after you saved my life the universe has brought a son to me." He added.

This was how Barons life Changed, he became rich and spoilt to a high degree, a degree that even his school where he studied was terrorized.

He became the highschool bad boy, a young Billionaire.

A Fight Broke out!

Baron had literally intruded a girl in the girls only Toilet, doing the most that he even had pictures of the girls nakedness and the girl whom was knew understood that she now has a real life enemy and hated whatever gave Baron the audacity!

Whilst Baron looked at the girl with annoyance seeing that she resembled the billionaire's daughter in his past whom rejected him after saving her father's life.

Baron breathed was on Fire, his eyes on fire, palms still nursing his cheeks while she screamed.

“That you are the most dreaded bad boy in school doesn’t give you the impetus to peep at me and take nude photos of my ass. Are you stupid, eh, gold-digger answer me? Oh you must be stupid!" Baron was yet to speak when Cicilia raised her hand to send another resounding slap and he caught her hand in the air.

“If you dare raise your filthy hand at me again, I am going to break your wrist like a biscuit bone,” Baron threatened through clenched teeth and suspended her fragile hand in the air.

She struggled to pull from his firm hold, “Let go of me, you deranged swine!”

He chuckled tauntingly and held her wrist more firmly before he pulled her to his chest and burnt her face with his warm breath while her portable breasts pressed into his chest.

Nothing had been so soft and arousing!

He thought.

“I may be a deranged swine but I promise you some day you are going to beg me with your life and then I will give you my condition,” he said at a breath and implacably sneered at her face and tempted to kiss.

She was free from his grip with a spank on her ass and then a squeeze.

“Nice ass. Someday I am going to fuck you and leave my dick in that pussy.”

He smacked his lips, blew her a kiss and pranced away with a heavy laugh.

“Fool!” Cicilia cursed, struggled with her breath and felt walked up.

“The end of Baron will be the beginning of joy for everyone at Cheris College,” a female student said once she walked to the side of Cicilia. “Whatever he did to you, he has done to every soul here.” She added.

Cicilia still writhed in pain, breathed uneasily, adjusted her dress and snorted.

“You wouldn’t believe that uncircumcised idiot took nude photos of my ass while peeing in the toilet. I caught him and he proudly owned up to it, saying he would have me or no other boy would,” her jaded voice sounded.

The female student struggled to choke back laughter.

“Apologies if I may interrupt you girls,” another student said, “He has done worse to me likewise other students,” she intoned, “The other day after school, he held me at gunpoint and threatened I give him a head else bullets will pierce through my heart.”

Cicilia was held spell bound as her gaze widened in shock.

The other student clicked her hands in disgust. “What the hell!”

“And did you do it?” Cicilia asked with bated breath for her response.

The student hesitated before she replied, “I had to give in to his demand. I prefer to be killed by karma than a bad boy. I gave him a head for thirty minutes and he cum on my face.”

“Oh shit!” the other student exclaimed. “Bad boy’s cum!”

Cicilia raised a brow and meshed her face in disgust. “I can’t wait to see him subdued to nothing. I wonder what he is going to do with my nude. I despise him so much now,” she wailed and caught the tears trickling down her cheeks.

The ting from the school bell interjected them.

“English class,” the other student clamored. “I got to go girls.”

“Perk up girl,” the other student nursed Ella, “We all want him tamed, but he has refused to be tamed either. I wonder who could help us tame him?” she dragged a frown across her face and walked away.

At English class the presence of Baron hampered Ella’s interest in the subject. She wondered why she kept getting involved with the same bad boy, who had been making passes at her in the craziest of ways.

And about now he winked at her, stuck out his tongue, flapped it to show off how good he was at licking the fragile vagina of girls, and then tossed a wrapped paper at her.

Cicilia bit her lower lips while reading what he scribbled on the paper:




Cicilia burnt with disgust as she cast a menacing stare at him; her face peered to scribble some words on the paper and tossed back at him;


Baron read and molded a frown across his oval face before he picked up his phone on the desk.

She perceived her impervious written note troubled him so much and now he picked up his phone, he was about sending her a text. But in few minutes no text message beeped on her phone, rather a quarrelsome chuckle spread across all the students as they glared at their phones, stared at her and chuckled irritatingly

Cicilia was worried. Itches of suspicion ravaged her body as she sensed Baron was up to ruin.

“Heh, have you seen this?” a female student behind said to her. “It is damn annoying. Who could have done this to you?”

“Such an impish photo demands punishment,” another student, a boy nagged at Cicilia with a crimson look.

“What is it?” she queried, and wondered if the boy would berate her without a cause.

“This is it,” the other student flashed into her face a photo of her white buttocks like a stripper on her phone, “Who did this to you?”

“Oh my goose!” Cicilia exclaimed, her palm on her lips as she managed to stay unruffled but couldn’t.

She stared at Baron and he was busy winking and chuckling at her.

He had succeeded in spreading her nude photos which left all the students giggling with keen interests hanging in their eyes.

“I am going to make you pay!” Cicilia threatened, stood up furiously and dashed out of the class.

The entire class burst into a radical laugh.

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