Chapter 03

Baron's - [P.O.V]

I continued my work nevertheless whilst everyone sat down having snacks, I enjoyed every second as I continued building the foundation of the Flat down to the window level, I had never gotten a work that paid that high for an hour, if they wanted me to build the two story building... I will gladly do so, hence I noticed an old man had arrived the place.

I continued my work as the mans Burning stares continued till he finally speaks.

"Young man, come here! what's your name?" He asked me as I walked towards him greeting him with a bow.

"I'm called Baron Useni sir." I greeted and he smiled as he looks at my hands.

"I see you have a talent at this... It's incredible how you build those foundations, mixing the cement and using your skills to swiftly place the blocks like it's nothing, but you know what surprises me mosts?" He asked as I looked at him with a light blush.

"The fact that YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE WORKING ON THIS SITE!!" The old man removed his black hat revealing himself to the entire place causing everyone to jump up on their feet in fear, it was like a Choas.

"He was the Original Contractor of the Construction Project and it seemed like everyone forgot he was using this project as a program to find workers for bigger projects, welp! My focus was on Money.

"You right there! Why is only this young man doing all the work?" He asked.

"The manager asked him to do it alone because he felt threatened by his building skills, Sir." An obvious fan amongst the worker replied to the old man.

"Mr. Leonardo! Greetings sir!" The manager rushed in with Food on his lips to Mr.  Leonardo who dashes him a slap!

"Are you insane? How can you punish a worker to work for hours while other people rests? Is this project meant for your jealousy? answer me me immediately!?" Mr. Leonardo asked like demon.

"No sir, this idiot came here late and started acting like he's some top pro to insult me, as I result I asked he continued with his skills cause I knew he will obviously be a disappointment." The manager replied.

"A disappointment? Look behind you... There is his accomplishments." Mr. Leonardo said pointing behind him and as the manager turned his eyes widened in shock and disbelief of what I built.

"Grandpa! I am sure not only this young man worked today, the other men were probably resting from a long day of work, and our manager asked him to work more since he came late." The pretty damsel standing next to her grandpa added.

I looked at her beautiful Eyes and lips, her curves and ass were as set as Ever.

This grandpa had such a beautiful grand daughter and with the way she looked at me... It felt like she was already thinking what I was thinking of her as well.

Our eyes were soon to lock and I turned mine away because hers was too Charming for me to maintain eye contact with.

And why would she even like a poor Construction worker who's skills is causing the most uproar at the site.

"You will regret this." The manager whispers to me as he continued.

"Yes Mr. Leonardo, our men have been working all day, before this filth came here trying to prove himself to be some hero... Follow me... I will show you the second part we have built." The manager said.

"Well I would want to assume he is a show off because he is amazing at what he does, if so that's how he truly works..." Mr. Leonardo said as he signalled for me to follow him and his grand daughter to the second building where the manager continued to boast about the work.

"What do you think?" Mr. Leonardo asked me... Woah did he just ask me for a review... The manager is probably going to kill me on what I wish not to say but have to tell the old man.

"Sir. The building is weak, it was rushed, the windy weather can bring this down." I said and everyone turned to look at me shocked that I dared to condemn their work, hence this only made the old man fascinated as he looked at me.

"Pow!" I received a slap from the manager.

"How dare you lie to Mr. Leonardo about a successful work you know nothing about, are you mad? Or are you trying to say his old and dumb?" The manager slapped me as Mr. Leonardo walked towards the building to touch it, judging from my words.

"Sir, I wouldn't advise you do that..." I said as he touched the wall.

"Oh yes Prophet! The walls of Jericho fell down flat!" The manager sang mockingly as the rest men laughed hard pointing at me.

"I told you Mr. Leonardo, this newbie idiot knows nothing about construction, I am very sure his talented foundation is another dumb work to begin with, what do you say we do with him?" The manager asked.

"I insist! The building is weak!" I added causing the men laughing to get annoyed in return.

"What's his problem?" One asked.

"I think he's trying to do eye service for Mr. Leonardo to like him or Favour him." Another person said.

"What a sore loser, lying to a man threw times his age! I would have given him another slap if I was the manager, like where did all that foolish talk come from." The managers assistant added.

"So he is trying to say, all our collective work here is weak, all my corrections and able workers did a shitty job and he dares to mock Mr. Leonardo!" The manager said as the old man looked at us.

"Manager!! So what do we do with him?" Mr. Leonardo asked in return.

"It's simple, He gets fired!" He added.

"Alright, Mr. What's your name again? Oh yes, Baron, your work review was rather... Ahhhhh!!" Mr. Leonardo screams out in terror as the two story buildings begin to collapse directly over him!

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