All Chapters of The Revenge Baron: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
10 chapters
Chapter 01
Water and a Baton storms at me!"Throw this poor Idiot out!" A familiar voice yells as my dizzy eyes re-Balances.I was forced out of my sleep, In pains... I stared through my bleeding face to see Mr. Patrick, My father's Best friend next to me.“Before you throw him out, I want these divorce papers signed with immediate effect!” My wife yells at the corner at me as she slaps divorce papers over my face.Shock and trauma attacked me.Was this a Dream?By my right were bodyguards.“He doesn't need to even sign the papers, a poor loser like him won't be able to even afford a lawyer!” My father's friend added.“Why will you be divorcing me?” I asked my wife who laughed in return.“Because I will be getting married to Mr. Patrick's eldest son, he is the heir to Patrick's manufacturing Corporation.” She added hurting me that instant."What's happening?" I innocently asked before I saw the landlord walking into my room... Did they all barge into my house?"Mr. Patrick? Landlord..." I said b
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Chapter 02
Baron's - [P.O.V]I was Mouth Caged Like a Wild Dog!I should have known Mr. Patrick Donovan was a Powerful Third Citizen individual in the state, with the office he held and his influence, he could make me disappear, hence He's up to silence me now, I surely broke his face earlier and he promised to deal with me too.It took nothing from him, for papers warranting my arrest to be prepared and just like that... My trail began in court!You won't also believe if I told you that it took less than five minutes for the judges to read out a Verdict and just like that... I was sentenced to Nine months in Jail for assault to Mr. Patrick Donovan.The Punches and Beatings they had earlier served my body was nothing the judge will consider, all that stopped them was the fact that my age and crime wasn't lethal enough for them to keep me there forever.I served my Nine months in Jail, getting beat up by security officers Mr. Patrick would pay to deal with me but over time... My expiration was du
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Chapter 03
Baron's - [P.O.V]I continued my work nevertheless whilst everyone sat down having snacks, I enjoyed every second as I continued building the foundation of the Flat down to the window level, I had never gotten a work that paid that high for an hour, if they wanted me to build the two story building... I will gladly do so, hence I noticed an old man had arrived the place.I continued my work as the mans Burning stares continued till he finally speaks."Young man, come here! what's your name?" He asked me as I walked towards him greeting him with a bow."I'm called Baron Useni sir." I greeted and he smiled as he looks at my hands."I see you have a talent at this... It's incredible how you build those foundations, mixing the cement and using your skills to swiftly place the blocks like it's nothing, but you know what surprises me mosts?" He asked as I looked at him with a light blush."The fact that YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE WORKING ON THIS SITE!!" The old man removed his black hat revealing
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Chapter 04
Baron's - [P.O.V] I didn't waste any second as everyone turned running away as I rushed towards the old man, using my body as a shield to protect him from the blocks falling towards him as he stays over the floor shocked. "You saved my life!" The old man said. "It's nothing..." I said to him and he shakes his head in return at me as I helped him get up and away from the mess. "Thank you so much but I musts reward you, for saving my life, I have decided to give you my grand daughters hand in marriage." He said and shock fills me. "What!?" Cecilia blurted out pissed. "Me... Marry him?" Cecilia kicked against it but with just a glare she kept mute. "This man! You are so full of tricks, now dare you destroy our work just to prove a point, do you know how much those blocks costs?" The manager asked as he walks towards me firing a slap at me. "Bam!" Mr. Leonardo grand his hand and returns a left hand slap to his face which sent him right before re-dailing a right handed slap to his
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Chapter 05
Cicilia thought she could deal with the fuss that came with murder. She had prepared her mind to stab Baron in the leg and watch him be crippled. For sharing her nude photos not just among her classmates but across the entire student at Cheris College, he was going to be dealt with.She had never been impious. But Baron was plunging her to do what she never thought she could do. She willfully agreed not to break words with her parents and school management over her ordeals with Baron.She was not only ashamed to discuss her nude photos but the reason behind it.Who would believe Baron took photos of her pale ass without nursing feelings for each other.God forbid!Thought of having feelings for Baron made her throw up severally and she just hated to set her eyes upon him now.Sometimes she wondered if she could recreate herself to be ugly just to wade him off and make him avoid her.Nobody had made her throw up at just mere sight.Baron irritated her than the devil himself!His presen
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Chapter 06
A chubby pale ponytail-haired girl drifted close to Cicilia during late lesson hours. “I am the new bee in the class. The name is sammy,” she intoned all smiles and added, “I make friends with beautiful chic girls,” she shot a contagious smile at Cicilia and expected her to return the compliment.Cicilia wasn’t a snub but didn’t wish to start with sammy.“I am Ella,” she said coldly and idly and thrashed her bag pack to her corner.Just then Baron pranced into the class and thumped on the head of a male student that came on his path.“Give way, bitch!” he barked arrogantly.The student tucked to the edge of the wall and nursed himself, since no one could raise a fist at the most ruthless bad boy at Cheris College, everyone gave way for him.“I think he loves you,” said sammy, rolling her eyes at Baron who was having a lollipop in his mouth now.“To hell with his love. I wish I could kill him and use his corpse for barbecue,” Cicilia nagged and molded a frown at sammy to further pass
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Chapter 07
At the bust stop sammy struggled to earn a room in the same schoolbus as Cicilia. Once their eyes locked together, Cicilia threw away her gaze from her and later bowed her head to view at the video of Baron banging sammy. She knew sammy would drift to sit by her, and once she did, she would tell her she was a CUNT. She never knew she meant it when she told her Baron was good in bed and she was left to wonder if the one in the toilet was their first encounter. “I am sorry. I am a mess,” sammy tendered her apology once she sat down by Ella Cicilia raised her restive face at her, rolled her eyes and bowed her face. “Please forgive me and delete the video. I am a maniac. I am only obsessed with bad boys.” At the mention of that Cicilia raised her gaze at her, warned her with her stilled eyes and blocked her ears with ear pods which murmured with the sound of music, she was playing from her phone. Like the strike of lighting, the screeching tyres of their bus interrupted sammy when
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Chapter 08
While she was lost in her thought he cut in, “But it has a condition,” he said amidst afire face. “You must be willing to take a blood oath with me,”Those words broke out as thunder.She stole a glance at his face and saw nothing but hatred and vengeance. She suspected it would end in nothing-goes-for-nothing. But blood oath for what?“We will have a blood oath right now,” he sounded even more emphatic. “You will promise to be my sex slave.” He paused, dragged a smile across his face and pointed at his zipper to elucidate further, “You will be loyal to my dick any time I want you. Blood would bond us together and only this blood could separate us. If you agree to this, we will do it right away and I will save you.”Cicilia had no option. She gave a weak nod and grinned.Quickly Baron cut his thumb on the sharp edge of the bus and a pin of blood gushed out .“Lick!” he commanded once he brought his bloodied thumb to her lips.Cicilia responded hastily, and he took the blood from her
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Chapter 09
Who would believe someone who was supposed to save a soul at an auto crash did it with a promise of eternal sex slavery. Who would believe the enemy she planned to murder had found his way at the cross roads of saving her from death with a dead-end blood oath of sex slavery. After Brian had laughed out his loins, he replied, “I can only secure your heart because that is where I belong since our childhood.” Cicilia was flushed with goose pimples as she stared gaping. Brian snorted, and added, “Happy birthday baby girl,” Cicilia blushed as she was flushed with emotion. “oh my God,even I have forgotten my birthday is in two days. Thank you sweetheart. I am going to celebrate it once I heal,” she said. “I don’t know how to tell you this and I don’t know the right time. I have been dying in silence over how my heart beats for you, Cicilia. I want you in my life.” He couldn’t finish his words when their eyes locked; faces froze, and pulled forth for a kiss. Their lips had almost cle
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Chapter 10
She had picked a paper, handed over to her father who opened the paper to announce the name.With bated breath Brian waited for the name to be pronounced. He shut his eyes and his heart did likewise. His knees were moving apart and his sniffing was as the snore of a speeding train. He could hear the bass beat of his heart; heaven was crumbling while he read the lips of Mr. Fanny make the pronouncement; “On this paper is Baron Rightman. So who’s Baron Rightman?” he asked yet further, his stare combing through the booing crowd.Brian knew who it was but for the smiles on Ella’s face he didn’t know why. Is she happy to be with another guy? He thought.For the first time in his life, he saw himself orbiting in the middle of mocking planets as Baron ran to the podium to enjoy his offer. On his way, Baron stopped by Brian and muttered, “A pick of love knows Baron. You left me at the front so be my spectator.” How did she know Baron? Are they having a thing prior to me? A catalog of
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