The Revenge Baron
The Revenge Baron
Author: Ayodele Oyewole
Chapter 01

Water and a Baton storms at me!

"Throw this poor Idiot out!" A familiar voice yells as my dizzy eyes re-Balances.

I was forced out of my sleep, In pains... I stared through my bleeding face to see Mr. Patrick, My father's Best friend next to me.

“Before you throw him out, I want these divorce papers signed with immediate effect!” My wife yells at the corner at me as she slaps divorce papers over my face.

Shock and trauma attacked me.

Was this a Dream?

By my right were bodyguards.

“He doesn't need to even sign the papers, a poor loser like him won't be able to even afford a lawyer!” My father's friend added.

“Why will you be divorcing me?” I asked my wife who laughed in return.

“Because I will be getting married to Mr. Patrick's eldest son, he is the heir to Patrick's manufacturing Corporation.” She added hurting me that instant.

"What's happening?" I innocently asked before I saw the landlord walking into my room... Did they all barge into my house?

"Mr. Patrick? Landlord..." I said before he mockingly looked at me like I was a filth.

"After your father passed... Did you think I would let you stay in my house rent free? I know your father was a hardworking man but you of all people should know I didn't build this house for charity!" He slams at me.

"My father? Passed, like dead?" I asked in disbelief because my Father left three days ago with my friend for the hospital, there's no way he'd be deceased.

I've been in touch with him for the pasts three days so that's Impossible, even his illness wasn't even that serious.

Except he didn't tell me the truth?

"Let me help your confusion, your Father's illness has passed his office resumption dates, he sadly wasn't able to notify the office for another Pardon and so his position has been given to my son." Mr. Patrick added, making me feel like I had ran mad here, my point was... My dad Died?

"Hey! Stop acting oblivious here, your father died for over three days now, and as we now know... There's no place for you to continue where he stopped cause you're still a young dumb boy!" The landlord mocks as he uses his walking stick to hit me.

"Landlord please, stop hitting me, no matter the case, I will get the rent for you but now I need to find my father." I added worried.

"How would you... An orphan boy, who can't even feed himself well pay a rent of $3000? Your father was able to stay here because his job sponsored the payment but now that he is gone, who's going to pay me? Your kidneys?" He asked wickedly as my eyes turned a bit watery.

Was my dad really Gone?

"Sir! With all due respect, My father cannot be dead, and I promise you that I..." I said before Mr. Patrick dashes me a hard slap to my face, that sent me a step backwards.

I was shocked because he was my father's best friend and him slapping me was like the opposite of what I will ever expect.

So he was the one that ordered his men to splash water and hit me with a Baton!?

"Listen to me very carefully young boy! I have bought this property, it is now mine and I can't let a filthy rat thing like you live in it, before you destroy the looks of my precious new house." He slams.

"Your house?" I asked before the landlord dashes the payment receipt at my face, causing me an injury and more shock.

"Uncle Patrick... Why would you buy my father's house? He always told you he promised to buy this house for me because of the Compounds land, it's only Honourable for me... His only son to fulfil his wishes, or would I be able to live here since you have bought it?" I asked thinking maybe he slapped me cause it was probably disrespectful to respond to the landlord.

"Me? Allow you live in my property?" Mr. Patrick lets out a laugh with the landlord.

"Okay, please what happened to my father?" I asked in dismay and emotions.

"On his way to the hospital, he was kidnapped and later released, although he rested well at the hospital, perhaps his dreams of buying this mansion ended his life?" Mr. Patrick heartlessly says to me.

"But I was chatting with him throughout?" I said and Mr. Patrick laughs in return.

"Sure, I guess the kidnappers wanted to throll at you." The landlord said with a worried look but Mr. Patrick laughed.

"Now Get out of here and never you ever Return here!" He orders me as I looked at this monster pointing at the door whilst wearing my father's Golden Ring which had a 24 karate gold house logo design on it.

"Wait, that's my father's ring!" I said stopping in my steps as I looked at him.

"I know this ring, it truly belongs to his father Mr. Patrick, Did he give it to you?" The landlord asked a bit suspicious.

"Mr. Patrick, that's my father's Ring, how are you now wearing our families ancestral ring?" I asked and fear rushed through his face as he looked away from me.

My brain started linking possibilities... My father left home wearing that ring too.

"Enough of the useless drama! Boys! Throw him and his things out this instant!" Mr. Patrick continued and I prepared myself.

"Mr. Patrick, did you hurt my father? My father will never give our ancestral ring to you, Give it back!" I demanded.

"Boom!" His men landed a punch over my face beating me up but I wouldn't stop trying to get the ring back from him.

"Please, give it back to me!" I pleaded spitting out blood, fighting my way till his men pulled out their guns while I grabbed into Mr. Patrick's Suit in return.

"I respected you, my father trusted you... I surely will remember this Mr. Patrick, if truly you hurt my father because you wanted this jobs position for your son and this house...I will make you pay!" I swore to his face as I landed a Nod unto his pathetic face causing his nose to instantly bleed.

"Damn it! Take him away! and lock him up! I want this useless bastard to rot in jail!" Mr. Patrick ordered as they dragged me away from him as pain boiled in my stomach.

"I will reclaim the house my father wanted Mr. Patrick, you will regret today!" I said to him and he laughs mockingly at me.

"How!?" He yelled back.

"A poor hopeless loser like you can never pull that out, you will see how much I will keep you in prison." He said to me cleaning his bloody nose in return.

"Hahaha!" I let out a sad laugh as the pain in my stomach erupted like a Curse with its will... A will... I wanted him to hear.

"I will build a thousand estates just to spite you, I won't be like my father who trusted you... I will make your children and their children's children bow at my feet..." I cursed as I looked at him dead in the eyes.

I wanted him to know I rather be dead than live a life where he'd take everything from me... He should know I am his core enemy!

My yelling continued, My lungs hurt!

"One day... I'll pat on your old balded head and take the ring of my father back! Mark my words! This is my Promise-Land to you!" I swore to him in pain as I spat out blood over my father's Promised land.

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