Chapter 02

Baron's - [P.O.V]

I was Mouth Caged Like a Wild Dog!

I should have known Mr. Patrick Donovan was a Powerful Third Citizen individual in the state, with the office he held and his influence, he could make me disappear, hence He's up to silence me now, I surely broke his face earlier and he promised to deal with me too.

It took nothing from him, for papers warranting my arrest to be prepared and just like that... My trail began in court!

You won't also believe if I told you that it took less than five minutes for the judges to read out a Verdict and just like that... I was sentenced to Nine months in Jail for assault to Mr. Patrick Donovan.

The Punches and Beatings they had earlier served my body was nothing the judge will consider, all that stopped them was the fact that my age and crime wasn't lethal enough for them to keep me there forever.

I served my Nine months in Jail, getting beat up by security officers Mr. Patrick would pay to deal with me but over time... My expiration was due and I was released into the street.

"Make sure you stay off anything that has to do with your father, your imprisonment here is actually illegal but listen to us, even if it's your father's grave, Avoid it!" They warned because it would only mean that Mr. Patrick Donovan was in still in search of me.

I was reduced to something Nothing!

Getting a Regular Job will even be Dangerous because as I have heard now... The Donovan Family are now super Rich people handling contracts in almost every Top Companies which makes getting Employed difficult for me... I even still have nothing on me at all.

All my documents were probably Trashed.

I walked into the road... Truly feeling like a hopeless Loser as the man told me before, one will think I was walking into the road to commit suicide but it was something else.

I was previously beaten in jail before my release and I had nowhere to Go, except the gutters which as Soon as I reached, I fell in.

Anything could be in this sewers, snakes, scorpions, Name it, but fear thrills me once I heard a Voice of someone else above me.

"Hey! Watsup! You look new." The guy said.

"Yep! Probably a human Eater." I said giving up at this point cause what will a normal human be doing in a gutter with me.

"My name is Pascal, and you?" He asked.

"I'm called Baron Oleche." I said to him.

"Nice name, you sound rich." He added.

"I'm far from that." I replied to him.

"Broke?" He asked.

What's with this stranger making conversations with me for?

"No, I'm not Broke... I'm wretched." I replied and he paused for a moment.

"So do you have a hand job?" He asked.

"Sure..." I replied.

"What do you do?" He asked.

"Pascal... If you are going to ask me for money, just forget it, I have no work, feel free to rob me if you need my pants." I said bluntly and he laughs as he looks at me.

"No bruh! I was in the military school but my parents sadly passed before I could finish, I'm very good with using Guns, and any weapon, I'm homeless today cause our school was attacked my terrorists!" He said and I kept silent because Mcheew!

"I'm so sorry about your parents deaths, but that's none of my business, I just left a terrible place and my body hurts, although I'm a good menson, I'm good at building plans and house construction, kind of what I studied." I said to him and he jerks up from the gutter.

"Really! There's a huge construction man looking to hire constructors in the city, he is looking for someone to build his guest house and promises to link the best workers to his Chinese business partners, they pay is $60 per hour." He said and I got up.

"Where?" I asked moving towards him as I checked to see if was at the capital City.

"I would have loved to go but I'm out of cash." I said back to him and he smiled.

"No problem, I will take you along with me." And just like that... We headed the following day to the bus station and then to the place.

Although on our way there... We were attacked by Gunmen who robbed the bus and shot Pascal because he tried to fight them.


Soon Afterwards, we were at the Hospital.

"Listen you have to go without me, here's the flier, make sure you do this job Man, I will catch up with you soon." He said to me as he pushes me to leave with some cash in hand.

"Thank you, so much!" I said to him before leaving for the city which I was soon to reach.

On reaching there; They were other men on ground all station in clothes torn or drenched in cement, it was obvious these men were all construction workers as well.

"Hey you! Come here!" A man with a tag 'manager, Called me and I quickly walked to him only for him to throw building tools at me.

"You came late, get to work!" He rudely yells and I immediately began work.

"How come he is so fast at it?" Another worker asked.

"Such speed and Professionalism, is building his talent?" Another person asked.

"He hasn't even seen the house plan yet, how does he know what to build, who is this guy?" I hear them murmur as I turned back too see everyone staring at me.

"Is he trying to say he is better than the manager, he is almost done with everything." Another person asked.

"I see I underestimated you, since this man chose to have super powers, let's let him show us how powerful he can be." The manager said, indirectly punishing me that instant.

"Sir?" I said but got interrupted by him.

"Don't Sir me! You can't come into my site and show everyone you're more skilled than me without a punishment, get to work or you can as well, Leave!" He yells at me.

"Sorry Sir, I will get to it." I said because I didn't mind, as Far as the pay constituted me getting $60 an hour, they should even sleep off if they wish to punish me that Rich.

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