Chapter 7 - Fooled

Richard couldn’t help but wonder what his sister was thinking that could have made her choose such an option as Mason. He was lost in thought and did not know when his other brothers' messages kept popping up until a call came in from the group chat but cut abruptly.

Stephan: [Something seems off. Are you okay over there? Brother come on I’m waiting!]

Richard giggled to himself upon seeing how curious his younger brother was and he couldn’t believe what he just saw happened between Mason and Charlie earlier.

Another message popped up on his screen still on the family group chat.

Macdonald: [Am I the only one who seems to notice this, but why didn’t Charlie bring her man home and introduce him to us? I mean…this picture says more than…I mean they are in love and he’s her husband…]

Back to Mason and Charlie who just got back to their room. Mason dropped her on the bed without looking back and was about to head out but was stopped by Charlie’s words.

“Can you help me with my makeup toolbox right on the cupboard at the mirror stand?” Charlie requested and tried to cover herself up well with her towel.

“Can I—open my eyes?” Mason asked cautiously.

“Yes…I mean you can’t possibly get those with your tiny eyes shut?” Charlie complimented.

Mason walked back and helped Charlie with what she requested before answering “You look so beautiful though.” Mason raised his brow.

“You can leave,” Charlie commanded and waited for Mason to shut the door which had already been opened by him.

“Are you sure you do not need a foot massage–it’s gonna help your sprained ankle?” Mason suggested.

Charlie rolled her eyes before responding “I’m fine, thanks.”

Mason nodded before saying “Just reach out if you need my help.”

Charlie couldn’t believe she blushed for a moment in front of him and was trying to act tough and asking herself if she was really in her right state of mind.

“I’m sure he didn’t see anything right? I hope he doesn’t come back.” she shook her head, closed her eyes, and dragged her makeup bag towards herself.

After applying the necessary skin care products on her face and the rest of her body, Charlie laid down to rest but she couldn’t get her mind off Mason. The way he looked at her skin back in the bathroom flashed through her head.

“Oh no! Charlie, come on. You are not that girl.” She hits her head. “Stop being that girl.” She slapped her cheeks slightly and switched off the main light while turning on the bedtime lamp.

“Wait.” She raised her head. “What if Mason comes?” Charlie tried to get out of bed but remembered she had sprained her ankle and quickly reached for a knife she used to keep under her pillow due to some childhood panic attacks and to protect herself.

“Hia!” she weaved the knife and stared at the door imminently, breathing heavily and feeling a bit at ease.

Mason went back to the bathroom scrutinizing the floor to find what had caused Charlie to slip off the other time only to see that the floor was slippery as a result of some soaps on the floor. He made sure he washed the tiles off and cleaned them making sure it was no longer slippery. He went back to bed and had a flashback about how beautiful Charlie’s skin had looked.

No one can blame him as he has never had sex before as a result of Judith denying him of touching her for a good three years. All he had ever done was hold her hand and play with them. With the chemistry that had played between Mason and Charlie earlier, he had wished she would reach out to him at night but all of that was just an impossible imagination.

Mason never knew when he got taken into the dreamland by the refreshing cold air emitting from the air condition.

The wall clock alarm had rang and this had jolted him out of his sleep. It was exactly 7. a.m. The first thing that crossed his mind was Charlie. He decided to make a surprise breakfast in bed for her but he decided to ask her first.


“Yes, who is it?” Charlie’s voice seemed a bit faint and she asked Mason who was knocking knowing that they were just two in the building looking weird.

“It’s—Mason. I just want to ask if I can make you breakfast and…” He paused a bit when he noticed there was no movement.

“Do not disturb yourself. I’ll order some food.” Charlie pushed him away.

“O–okay.” Mason ran his hand through his hair and was about to leave before he added. “Your ankles…I…I” he stuttered.

“Don’t worry. I will call the family doctor. She will be here any minute from now. Just focus on yourself.” Charlie answered and listened to Mason’s footsteps retarding.

She took her phone and dialed Lily, the family’s doctor but she wasn’t picking up. Her ankles were swollen already and she knew something needed to be done. She opened her F******k and clicked on the family group chat which has her included.

Charlie: [Hi, brothers please can anyone help reach out to Lily, I need her help.]

She dropped her phone but quickly picked it up when she looked at her swollen ankle knowing fully well that she won’t be able to go to work looking this way.

Charlie: [And yeah…@Stephan. Please, I need you to occupy my space for me in the office today. Marve my assistant will give you all the support you need.]

Charlie dropped her phone and heaved a sigh. Hers is to tell her brothers what she wants because she knows the Wheels family always poke their noses into her private life and this pisses her off. So she knows better not to always give full details.

In her brother’s group where she was not included, Stephan sent a message to his brothers.

Stephan: [Did you all see Charlie’s message.? I think we really need to know who that guy is. I think Charlie is hiding something from us all. She needs the family doctor and also needs me to go to her place of work to help her out. What’s going on?”]

Richard frowned his face and started to type.

Richard: [Listen up everyone. @Macdonald I need you to do some background research about Charlie’s man. We need to know who that man is. Mom and Dad reached out to me last night and they seem so worried that Charlie has been so stupid not to bring her man home to us for introduction. So we need to do the needful. Are we game?”]

Macdonald and Stephan: [Yes.]

Mason had left for work immediately after Charlie made sure she didn’t need his help. He couldn’t keep his mind off his Dad who was still at the hospital and he also needed to go to work. If at all he had to quit his job, he had to take some of his property which he uses at work now that he knows the relationship status which existed between his boss and his girlfriend.

He was still contemplating when his phone rang—it was Mrs. Reed.

“Mom, how is…dad?” He asked.

“You can come by evening. He’s still yet to be conscious.” Mrs. Reed answered.

“Okay. Thanks, Mom. Take care of yourself and I’ll see you by evening. I’m off to work.” Mason went off the call and entered a taxi which drove him off to his office. Unknown to Mason, he has been trailed by one of Charlie’s brothers—Macdonald.

On getting to work, Carl, his colleague who had earlier saved him, beckoned to him after everyone was giving him a weird look.

“Hey, come over.” He weaved Mason who looked around feeling nervous.

He walked over to Carl who dragged him to a corner. “I thought you were never going to come, guy!”

“Why? Did something happen?” Mason frowned, still confused.

Carl ran his hand through his hair before adding. “Alex was here and he threatened to make you pay a great deal for the PC you broke. Man, the PC is a whole lot trust me—It’s damn expensive.”

“Okay?” Mason raised his brows to know if that was all and this made Carl open up finally. “Judith, she’s here…with…Alex.”

That girl sure doesn’t have any shame at all. Two idiots!

“I’m not bothered. It’s her problem. I have to go.” Mason tapped Carl’s shoulder before leaving.

“That’s my man,” Carl whispered and went back to his seat.

Upon getting to Alex’s office before knocking Mason could see in between the door how Alex was fingering Judith in his office but he turned a blind eye.



“Who the hell is that?” Alex responded out of frustration.

Mason coughed before responding “It’s Mason.”

Judith quickly pulled on her trousers and adjusted herself placing her hand on Alex’s shoulder while he sat on the chair before ushering Mason in.

“Come in, I’ve been awaiting you.” Alex smiled.

Mason was so curious if Alex was actually going to ask him to repair his PC. What a scumbag.

“Well, some days back you came asking for compensation and everything escalated to you ruining my expensive PC. Right. You’ve served the company well with your knowledge and skills for ten years and it is only best to get what you deserve mmmm…” Alex smiled and caressed Judith’s hand.

What is he trying to do? Mason had thought to himself.

“Well, I think you really deserve some raise as you’ve suggested.” Alex sighed, dipped his hand under his desk, and brought out a file that had some documents inside, and threw it to Mason.

“Pick it up,” Alex commanded while his eyes scanned Mason’s and back to the document on the table.

Mason approached his desk and did as he was instructed. But after opening his file, he saw words written in red on an empty A4—


“Hahaha.” Alex laughed mockingly.

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