Rise of the Student Trillionaire

13 ratings

Rise of the Student Trillionaire

By: Ty Writes Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 382 views: 77.8K

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William was a poor struggling student who had it rough all his life. Although he lives and schools in the highbrow elite community of Bel Air, Los Angeles, his life was nothing like the environment he found himself and everyone made sure to remind him of that. Losing his girlfriend to his stepbrother and being accused of stealing, William lost his education and his mother in one day. All his hope was lost and his life plunged into oblivion. However, a strange encounter at the hospital where his mother died changed his life forever as he suddenly inherited a $2 trillion empire. Now his oppressors and tormentors must bow to the Rise of the Student Trillionaire.

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  • Nwodechika Chika


    this story is different from the others totally

    2024-09-25 07:44:34
  • Perry will


    beautiful story. I enjoyed every bit of it

    2024-08-29 18:57:25
  • Perry will


    beautiful story. I enjoyed every bit of it

    2024-08-29 18:57:10
  • RS Ghatak


    I like it better than the other similar ones. It truly is very different yet still the same which makes it more interesting than any other story with similar titles. Now, I'm waiting for a conclusion so that my OCD can subside. It's a really great story. I love it!

    2024-07-20 02:20:15
  • Gert Van de Venter


    This story is different from the others. Totally brilliant! Love it.

    2024-05-20 21:54:53
  • Kehinde Raji


    I quite enjoyed reading this story.

    2024-05-05 10:23:33


    The minute I finished reading chapter one, I just knew I was going to like this novel. I'm loving the challenges being faced on the protagonist's journey

    2024-04-08 18:49:37
  • nugraha


    Gol story with logical storyline

    2024-09-01 17:27:25


    please stop writing and delete this disgrace, for your next one write the characters better instead of this cestpool

    2024-08-21 00:01:48
  • MD Dilshad


    OP ............

    2024-08-15 13:47:01


    this is getting hideously boring and repetitive with the corniest characters and the most hopeless interactions among them

    2024-08-13 23:44:13
  • Christian Lissassi


    Not like the usual story ,I like it

    2024-04-23 23:43:40
  • Jumong Rasco


    5stars beacause the story is so beautiful and understanding.

    2024-04-08 13:20:12
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382 chapters
The intense glare of the high noon sun was unrelenting on every single area of Bel Air University – an elite ground for tertiary education granted to only the wealthy kids of the city.A six-foot-tall young man was heading towards the university’s exit on foot when he felt his phone vibrating in his pocket. He picked it up to hear the distressed tone in a familiar feminine voice. “Oh my god! William, you finally picked up. I’ve been trying to get to you for half an hour now. Didn’t you get my texts?”William’s brows furrowed. “Wait, Tracy, calm down. I left class less than an hour ago. What’s going on?”“William, you need to come to the estate right now. I just got home to find my dad yelling at your mom. Then I saw his goons going inside the house to pack out her belongings. William, I think my dad is throwing your mom out of the house.”William’s heart froze as his eyes stared into space. “What? Your dad wouldn’t do that. Why…” He was struggling to form coherent words when he sudd
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Ever since William and his mother got thrown out of the Camillo Estate, William quickly hunted down extra jobs in order to provide for both of them; one of his part-time jobs is a cleaner at MURKY CAFÉ. This café not only earned him a living, it was also convenient working there as it was close to the university.He had clocked in for his three-hour shift for the day and he began mopping the floor as multiple customers came and went.“Watch out!”The sudden warning had just reached William’s ears when a solid object smashed against his face and something extremely hot was poured down his face, making him yell in pain and fall to his knees. He opened his one good eye, as the other one had turned bruised, to find a broken ceramic cup on the floor. He realized the hot liquid burning his face must be the hot coffee.“Dude, you gotta watch where you’re going next time.”William looked up to find Wilson and Donald standing over him with evil smirks. He didn’t notice when they had entered t
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When William had gotten that gig, he was elated. All his life, the highest salary he had ever earned was fifteen dollars an hour, and this gig is offering twice of that. He immediately accepted the offer. Later, he found out these top-tier party hosts were Donald and Wilson and he realized the offer had been a trap. He had already accepted the offer though, and the person who sent him the offer had made it clear that he would be affected if William didn’t show up for the event. William was sure the manager had been bribed by the twins to pull him into this trap, and yet, he decided to look at the bright side. As long as he survived tonight’s torture, he might end up getting as much as three hundred dollars. It’s the weekend and night parties among the wealthy students of Bel Air University tend to stretch up to ten hours. He decided it wasn't all bad.Once he arrived at the event, his job had begun immediately, and so had his tortures.“Hey, mop boy! Clean this floor!”“Mop boy, go
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“Ayra? No, it can’t be.” William felt like his world was about to shatter. He prayed this was just a nightmare.Donald’s eyes held a deep satisfaction as he saw the misery in William’s eyes. “What’s wrong, mop boy? Aren’t you happy for me?” He pulled Ayra closer before reaching down to ruthlessly slap her butt cheeks before squeezing them through her tight dress.Ayra, on the other hand, was giggling and squirming. “Donald, calm down.” She gently slapped her new boyfriend’s chest. “We’re in public. You have to take me out to dinner first.” She giggled as the crowd cheered them on. William was finally pulled out of his trance. “What the hell are you doing with this guy, Ayra?! How could you agree to his proposal when you’re already my girlfriend?!”The crowd gasped at this revelation and rumors began travelling between them.Donald remained unbothered as he tugged Ayra’s face and smashed their lips together in a steamy kiss. “Babe, is this true? Are you really with this piece of garba
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ur stupid wristwatch. I work my ass off every day to provide for myself; I am not a thief.”“Then you wouldn’t mind us searching then?” Donald spoke for the first time since this incident started.This made Tracy extremely worried. If Donald was supporting this claim, it means he might have planted some evidence on William. The Camillo twins were complementary opposites. While Wilson is the brute brawn, Donald is the cunning brain. They definitely came prepared.Unfortunately, Williams did not know the twins like Tracy did. “Sure, I have nothing to hide.” He knew he didn’t steal anything.Once it was decided, Donald ordered one of the students he came with to search William's belongings. William's clothes were thoroughly searched, disregarding the pain he felt as his body was still healing. Then they moved on to his school bag, throwing his books and other stuff out carelessly.“I found it!”"What?!" William, Andre, and Tracy exclaimed with a shocked expression.Everyone gathered arou
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“For the sake of Bel Air University’s reputation, I regret to inform you that you’re hereby expelled from the institution and all its programs.”Those words from the VC’s mouth sent despair coursing through William. As soon as he left the man’s office, he had been escorted by security to leave the university grounds. He stood outside the gate, watching as Wilson, Donald, and Ayra mocked him. Wilson even gave him a solid punch to his jaw right before the university gate closed in his face. Yet, William didn’t have it in him to be angry, not when he had just been expelled. Studying at Bel Air University, though hard, was a guaranteed way to gain access to a great future for him in the future; this had been the sole reason for persisting this long. But now, everything was gone. He had been struck over and over again by the Camillo twins until he was left with nothing.“William! What happened?!”Andre and Tracy had just rushed over to the gate to find William standing outside of it. The
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“Sir, he’s awake!”William could see two men coming towards his bed. The closer one looked to be in his forties; he had a refined aura about him. The man behind him, on the other hand, looked to be in his seventies; he had a more imposing and dominating aura about him.“Who are you guys?” William’s eyes shifted from their faces to the nurses.The two men didn’t get to answer before the female doctor came in to check up on him. As soon as William saw her face, the memories of the last words she said to him came rushing back. “Mom! Is my mom really dead?” His eyes teared up as he knew the answer he was going to get deep down.The female doctor looked at him with pity. “My condolences, Mr. William.” She took a moment of silence for the dead before turning to the two men. “He’s going to be fine. He had simply passed out from deep stress and grief. Though we found extra bruises all over his body, he should be fine.”“Thank you, Doctor. We’ll take it from here.” The man in his forties nodd
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When William stepped out of the office, he could see a fleet of luxurious cars lined up. Before him stood a Rolls-Royce Phantom trailed behind by six GMC Yukon SUVs. These were all expensive cars right in front of his eyes. He was a smart young man, and he easily deduced all these belonged to the man in his seventies. What was even scarier was the heavy line-up of professional security men in front of the cars.Once these numerous security men saw who had come out of the hospital, they bent their torso forward in a smart bow. “Boss!”Whether it was the sight of the intimidating-looking men or the unified welcome, William couldn’t take it anymore and he ran back into the hospital.“Young Master William, wait!” Mike immediately followed him; Bill McArthur was right behind him. “Where are you going?”William turned around with fear and confusion in his eyes. “I..I must be high on some ecstasy drug right now. I need to go get myself checked.”“You think you’re drugged?” There was amuseme
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“William, I’ll explain everything to you, if you give me a chance.” Bill remained seated, looking at the flustered young man.“I really am related to the McArthur?” Even though William knew his mother had the same last name as this man, he didn’t dare indulge the thought that they were related in any way, and yet, it truly did turn out that way. William slowly sat back down; he was still a little dazed. “Okay, I’m listening.”Bill shared a glance with Mike. “Sarah McArthur is the only child I ever had with my late wife. I loved her with everything as a father should, and she grew up to be a brilliant woman.” Bill’s warm gaze suddenly turned cold. “Then your father, Derek Chain, came along and destroyed it all.”“My father?” William looked at the man with confusion."Your biological father was a poverty-stricken man who had managed to worm his way into my daughter’s heart, and she ended up falling deeply in love with him.” Bill banged the table in anger.“Easy there, Master McArthur.”
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“Just to be clear, you’re saying the family business is a Trillion-dollar Empire?!” William stared at his grandfather in utter shock.Billiard chuckled at the somewhat comical expression on William’s face before glancing at Mike. “Fill in my grandson, will you?”Mike nodded with a warm smirk. "Young Master William, the McArthur Empire is a primary shareholder and secondary conglomerate mega-corporation."William nodded his head despite his slight confusion. “You mean our empire primarily owns and maintains company stocks as a Holding Company while complete ownership of multiple company branches comes second?”Billiard chuckled. “Well done, my grandson! You’re just as brilliant as I’ve been told!”"So how much stocks do the family empire control, and how much belongs to us?" William refused to dwell on the compliment from his grandfather, which warmed his heart a lot. Apart from his mother, he rarely got any compliments from the people around him.“Every single piece of company stock u
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