Chapter 97

The days blended together in a blur of sweat, pain, and exhaustion. Lilliana's training sessions were relentless, pushing the group to their limits and beyond. They stumbled from one exercise to the next, their bodies screaming in protest.

There was no respite, no time to catch their breath. The training was incessant, draining their energy and their spirits. They barely had time to eat, let alone sleep. Their nights were spent collapsed on their beds, their minds numb and their bodies aching.

The group's fatigue was palpable, their movements slow and labored. Their eyes were sunken, their skin pale and clammy. They looked like they were walking dead, their spirits crushed by the relentless training.

But Lilliana showed no mercy, her demands growing more extreme with each passing day. She drove them harder, pushing them to their breaking points. The group stumbled, fell, and struggled to get back up, their bodies screaming in agony.

The group trudged into the training grounds, their e
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