Ulmer’s fist was supposed to strike Vincent’s cheek, but it hit an invisible barrier first.


Surges of electricity leaked and electrocuted Ulmer, repelling him back for almost fifty feet. Even the dirt was dispelled from that impact.

Ulmer somersaulted and landed on his feet. “What the hell was that?” His skin got charred, and it hurt.

“There it is!”

“The Invisible Barrier System that only the royals take turns to possess!”

“Yeah, nobody outside the Ten Lions can even hope to put a dent in that barrier.”

“Since Prince Vincent has that barrier now, it basically means that the Knight Beater has already lost this fight.”

As the people kept talking, Ulmer was about to hear their conversation and understood what was happening without Dove having to explicitly explain things to him. “Invisible Barrier System, huh…” he smirked. “I guess you can only hide behind some barrier and bark like a dog. I shouldn’t have expected too much from a royal who grew up experiencing all the lu
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