Chapter 302: The Ten Supreme Martial Arts Masters

Among the Northern Faction's partisans, Christian Cox and his ilk had turned deathly pale, cold tendrils of dread gripping their cores.

"Sweet heavens...can this be real?"

Benjamin Howard could only gape in stupefied awe. This whelp's ferocity knew no bounds! He had already witnessed Jason's prowess firsthand, yet never could he have fathomed such transcendent might. His power rivaled even his formidable brother Arthur!

On the other side, old Stewart and Julia Stewart's expressions shone with ill-concealed elation as they scanned the crowds, seeking the unassuming stranger who had presaged this very outcome.

Yet the prescient seer had long since vanished into the dispersing masses.


Albert choked out a thick gout of blood, his every ragged exhalation a tortuous strain. Agony lanced through his battered form, his bones all but shattered, his musculature turned to enervated gelatin.

That single strike had nearly ended his life outright - he had been overwhelmed
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