V.I Cultural Musings
Time moves forward...


"I can hardly wait for lunch~" The Head of Maintenance almost sang in delight as he and his crew installed another section of carpeting, covering almost three-fourths of the hall's total floor area.

They were making great time. What was supposed to be a two-week job was, if his estimate was correct, being done in the span of a week. The flooring should be done come tomorrow and then comes the finishing up and double-checking of the electrical connections and utilities, just in time for the redecorators and the sellers to come and set up shop by Friday. Eremes wiped some sweat off his brow as he glanced a look at his watch to check the time.

"Have something in mind boss?" The Leon kid asked as he walked up to his boss's location. "I noticed you don't have a bag with you today."

Oh sweet and savory steaks.. "Why yes, Ryan.." Hungry eyes lighting up as the clock slowly turned to twelve. "I'll be down at the cafe lounge today.." There were a few choice cut
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