Chapter 8

Meanwhile, Liam watched in delight, the sad look on Piper's face. He was seeing them from the CCTV footage. 

Soon, Piper began to walk away in disappointment. Perhaps, she was expecting that she'd easily get the deal because she was Piper Weston. The precious granddaughter of the Weston family.

When Piper left, Liam decided to go through the media and saw that Aura cosmetics was putting the company up for sale.

“Wow! This is great.” He muttered to himself.

He was going to acquire the company if its sale was legit indeed. Liam put a call across to Sean and the next minute, he appeared before him.

“You called me, Sir.”

Liam nodded his head and without lifting it up, he said to the man standing before him. “Aura cosmetics is selling the company and from what I gathered, the owner wants to leave the country for good and doesn't want to have any company here in Dublin.”

“And they seem to be doing well. No scandal, no financial crisis.”

Liam lifted his head and gave Sean a serious look. “Find out if it's genuinely being sold, I want to acquire it.”

“Right away Sir.”

Sean quickly got to work and before the end of the day, they sealed the deal. Liam would be signing C of O the next morning.

Meanwhile, Miranda was busy in her diner that evening and had the company of Hailey. 

After she was sacked by Liam, Jane had not shown her face at the diner. It was so unusual.

The friends normally converge at the diner after the day's work. Unfortunately, Jane was not present. The friends concluded that she must still be busy.

Tyler had left the place a while ago.

Since she was less busy that evening, Miranda sat with Hailey and they were engaged in a serious conversation.

Still engrossed in their discussion, a delivery man came into the place bearing some packages.

The man walked up to the ladies as though he knew who the packages belonged to.

The ladies in turn, exchanged confusing glances at each other as the man stood before them. “Excuse me Ma'ams, I'm looking for Miranda Weston, I was sent to deliver these packages to her.”

“I'm… Miranda.” She hesitated at first before replying. Miranda was still bearing her surname and had not consummated her marriage with Liam. Maybe it was the reason Tyler was still perching around her.

She was still a virgin and her parents knew about that and must have told Tyler.

“Ok Ma'am, you have to sign here to receive your packages.”

The delivery man provided a space for Miranda to sign on and she did that and took her gifts. However, she didn't want to open it.

“Come Mira, open up your gift. I'm sure it must come from the nice young man who left a while ago. He wanted to surprise you.”

“But it's not my birthday, why would Tyler get me a gift?”

“You already know why.”

The girls have already concluded that the gifts came from Tyler. Hailey also probed her friend to open the gift but she refused so she opened it on Miranda's behalf.

“Wow, Mira. These are very lovely and quite expensive.”

The gifts were a set of jewelry which looked really priceless. The bigger package contained three dresses whose design could not be seen in just any boutique. 

They were rare and were bought strictly on order from the company. Liam wanted only his wife to own those dresses and had Bruce make the clothes customized for only her.

If the same design was seen on anyone else, the company would be charged and must pay for breach of contract. It was indeed a surprise how Bruce was able to pull that off in such a short time.

Obviously, the design had already been made and waiting for such special orders.

Hailey's jaws dropped as she gaped at her friend and the gift. “Mira, what are you still waiting for? This guy obviously loves you. Why won't you say yes to him.”

“Hmph.” Hailey scoffed before she continued. “I wish I had someone like this coming after me, I won't hesitate to let him in.”

“Well, I'm a married woman. And how are we so sure that the gifts came from Tyler.”

“Isn't it obvious? And stop telling me that you're married. That thing is not marriage.” Hailey shut her friend up and instantly pulled out her phone and took pictures and videos of the gifts.

She sent them to Jane and also put a call across to her. Unfortunately, Jane didn't pick the call.

Although she saw her friend's message, she didn't reply because she knew it was Liam and not Tyler who bought gifts.

But how did Liam suddenly get so rich? Or has he always been rich and was pretending to be poor?

After calling Jane a few times, Hailey left her a message to call back. She believed that she was probably busy with work.

Since Jane was a marker in the bank, sometimes she goes home late because she had to take her time to convince rich customers to put their money in her bank.

 “Come on girl, you have to call Tyler now. Tell him that you saw his gift and have accepted to be his girlfriend.”

“I won't do that.” Miranda replied, her tone serious.

Her intention was to return the gifts.

“In fact, I need to return these to him if they were truly from him.”

“You won't do such a stupid thing.”

Hailey glared at her, she was angry and disappointed at Miranda. She shook her head and let out a dry chuckle before saying to her friend.

“At this point, I'd say that you're being silly and childish. How could you want to throw away a rare gem because of that abomination of a husband.”

“Wow! Hailey. Abomination of a husband. The last time I checked, you have none of your own.”

While Hailey was busy throwing shades at Liam and badmouthing him before Miranda, she didn't notice when Liam walked into the diner.

Hailey rolled her eyes and turned to give him a disgusting look. “Isn't it obvious? I'd advise that you set my friend free so she can see people who truly matter. People who have money to spend on her.”

She directed her gaze to the gifts on the table and continued. “I'm sure that in your lifetime, you won't be able to afford any of these.”

Hailey took her bag and hissed before leaving the place. She was still wondering what Miranda saw in Liam that she was still sticking by him.

With a forced smile, Miranda stood from her seat and said to her husband. “Sorry about Hailey, you shouldn't listen to anything she says.”

“Why are you still keeping her as a friend? It's obvious that she wants to tear your home apart. Hailey and Jane are not your friends and don't want the best for you even though they claim so.”

Miranda furrowed her brows. “They're the only friends I have and I can't chase them away just like that.”

“Even though they keep insulting and demeaning your husband even in your face.” Liam retorted but his wife said nothing.

She was about to clear the gift when Liam's eyes fell on them and he asked. “I can see that you got some gifts.”

Miranda nodded at him and began to scratch her head before speaking cautiously. “I uh…I think they came from Tyler. Don't worry, I'll return them.”

“Hmph.” Liam let out a chuckle before replying. “You don't have to return them because I'm sure they didn't come from that bastard.”

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