Chapter 9

Miranda swallowed hard and gaped at her husband.

“How can you be so sure?” She asked, confusion evident on her face.

“Tyler might be able to afford those but won't be able to give it out as a gift. His company would go bankrupt if he does.”

Liam's response made her more confused. What was he talking about? She was about to ask him another question when her phone began to ring. It was Lady Mary.

Seeing the identity of the caller, a gasp escaped her mouth and she lifted her phone to show her husband.

“Go on, pick it up.”

While Miranda wondered what the lady was calling her for, she quickly picked up the call.

“Lady Mary.”

The old lady had instructed them not to call her anything else but ‘Lady Mary’. 

“Miranda.” The old lady called out in a solemn voice. She was clearly speaking like she was being forced.

More than anything, she wanted them to sign the LR deal and for Piper to be the one who wears the crown of glory as the person to pull off the deal.

“Yes, Lady Mary.” Miranda replied cautiously. It was rare for the old lady to call her on the phone and the call must be an important one.

“I know that you're a good interior designer who decided to open a diner because of your love for cooking. However, Top notch interiors need your help now.”

Lady Mary hesitated for a while before saying those last words. “Prepare your best interior designs and represent us tomorrow at LR. All that really matters right now is that Top notch interiors get the contract. It doesn't matter who won the contract for us.”

Lady Mary ended the call even before Miranda could give a response. Even if she wanted to decline, she won't be able to do that. In the Westons' family, Lady Mary's words were laws. No one goes against it.

“What did she say?” Liam quickly asked his wife even though he already knew the reason for the call.

He had told Sean to reject Piper's designs and get someone else to come up with better ones or they'd lose the deal to Navey interiors.

Lady Mary didn't want to hear that they lost the contract. It would be a heavy blow on them that a small firm like Navey interiors beat them to such a huge contract.

They were known as the best in the whole of Dublin city. The late Ryan Weston worked tirelessly and gave them that title. It was now their job to maintain that title and keep the family legacy.

“I think Piper's works were rejected and Lady Mary wanted me to come up with better designs and represent Top notch. Do you think I can pull that off?”

“I know you can.”

Liam tilted himself and lovingly pinched her cheeks. “I think you should let your girls handle the diner for now. You should also hurry up and get home. Don't worry, I'll help you out.”

Miranda smiled at her husband, nodded her head and went to pass the instructions across to her employees.

A few minutes later, she was back to where Liam sat. “Come on, let's get going. There's a lot to be done.”

“That's the spirit.” Liam smiled in satisfaction as he saw his wife's enthusiasm. His wife was a resilient young lady and that was another reason he loved her dearly.

“And you should go with your gifts. I'm sure one of those dresses would give you some confidence when you approach LR.”

Miranda nodded nervously and took her gifts with her. Since her mind was occupied in crafting great designs for Top notch, she had forgotten the question she wanted to ask Liam.

The couple drove back home on Miranda's bike and soon, they were at home.

It was a good thing that her parents were not around so the couple had the whole house all to themselves.

The couple started working on interior designs that could possibly be accepted by LR. Since it was Liam who would pick the designs, he knew what he wanted and helped his wife as she created them.

Like a team, they worked tirelessly together throughout the night and finally slept off.

Liam woke up to see that his wife was ready to set out for LR. He was indeed impressed at her hardwork and dedication. They had worked throughout the night yet she was able to wake up on time and got ready.

Once Miranda left, he quickly picked up the phone and called Mr Sean.

“My wife is coming to the company. She's representing Top notch interiors. I need you to give the contract to her.”

“Alright Sir.”

The man on the other end of the line obeyed immediately even though he was stunned to hear that Liam was married to one of the Westons'. 

He was keeping the contract for his wife which was why he refused to accept Navey interiors designs and Piper's designs even though they weren't that bad.

Liam also got ready and rushed to work. Before he reached the office, Sean was already going through his wife's designs.

“Well, there's no need for you to waste her time. Just let her know that her's have been accepted .” He instructed the man.

“Right Sir.”

Sean went ahead to meet with Miranda where she sat nervously waiting as her fate and that of Top notch was being decided.

Seeing the man approaching her, Miranda stood up, her heart beating wildly like she had been wrestling with a stronger opponent.

“Sir, I hope your boss loves my work.”

Miranda was the first to speak. She wanted to ward off her nervousness. 

Scanning the man's straight face, she concluded that there was no chance for her. All her efforts had been in vain and her family would keep seeing her as a loser, especially as she had refused to divorce Liam.

Expecting the worst, Miranda sighed deeply and tried to reach out for her bag but Sean's words stopped her.

“Well congratulations Mrs, I mean, Miss Weston. Your designs were approved by the CEO and we would love to work with you.”

“What? Wow! Thank you so much.”

Miranda was so happy that she didn't notice when the man addressed her as ‘Mrs’ when she clearly used the ‘ Miss' title in her presentation.

“You're welcome. You'd go and come back tomorrow for the documents to be prepared for the signing process.”

“Thank you so much, Sir.”

Out of excitement, Miranda almost hugged the man but quickly restrained her. She took her bag and raced out of the company. She was going to call Lady Mary as soon as she got outside.

From the CCTV footage, Liam watched in admiration as his wife happily left the place. He was feeling fulfilled seeing her so happy.

Turning to Sean who had entered his office, he said to him.

“Now is time for me to take over Aura cosmetics, I have some unfinished businesses there.”

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