Chapter 99

Epic 99

"Well, Dad, I can't say I'm surprised," Kyrian replied, a teasing grin on his face. "Always the adventurer, huh? But seriously, what was it like out there? I'm guessing you didn't have much time for Netflix."

Brian laughed, a rich, warm sound that echoed around the room. "You could say that, son. But you know, there's something about the solitude of nature that's...peaceful. The northern lights, the's breathtaking."

Kyrian's eyes widened with curiosity. "Breathtaking, huh? Maybe I'll have to come visit someday," Kyrian replied, a note of genuine interest in his voice. "But for now, I think we've got our hands full here. The question is, how do we protect you from the government without getting ourselves in over our heads?"

Brian's smile faded, his expression turning serious once more. "You're right, Kyrian. This isn't going to be easy. But I have a few ideas that might help us stay under the radar."

Kyrian leaned forward, his attention fully focused on his father
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