
Ethan walked through the crowded Pasaraya at a leisurely pace. The oval-shaped glasses already on his face added an addictive sweetness.

He stopped in front of the branded watch shop right in front of the Velvet Vault and told Benedict to choose two couple watches. Meanwhile, he stood by the storefront, staring straight at the Velvet Vault just to watch how the fun happened.

Both corners of his lips lifted, forming a faint smile as he saw how calm and mature Joshua was in handling the matter.

Everything still looked normal until the hurried arrival of Madame Bernita, followed by Alvina, caught his attention.

"Esme! Esme, come out!" shouted Madame Bernita as soon as her foot entered the Velvet Vault area. Her eyes, adorned with luscious lashes, stared at the employees, who looked surprised by her arrival. "Where is your manager?"

"Madam." However, they were so shocked that their voices were stammering.

That, of course, added to Madam Bernita's annoyance. She clucked and gyrated her waist. "Where are your managers? If you still don't answer, I'll fire you all!"

"Madam, sorry! Please don't fire us! The manager isn't here yet." One of the employees hurriedly answered in a panic.

Being able to work at Pasaraya Grant was a fortune. Especially when under the command of Mrs. Bernita. The woman who always dressed festively did not hesitate to give high bonuses to employees when she was in a good mood. Granted, the sales demands were quite high, but it didn't matter because the Velvet Vault's customers were numerous.

"Damn it! How come she's not here yet at this hour? Argh! Call her now, quickly! If she doesn't come within 10 minutes, I'll fire all of you without exception! No bonus, no severance pay, and no future!" After giving the ultimatum with such a dire threat, Mrs. Bernita turned around rudely, about to step towards the cashier's desk to sit on the chair that was there. But she was startled by the presence of Joshua, who stood quietly not far away.

"Who are you?" The question was represented by Alvina, who was also confused by the man's presence.

Joshua smiled and stepped forward to introduce himself. "I'm Joshua, the new manager of this place."

He opened his briefcase, took out a folder containing Velvet Vault's new employment contract, and handed it to Mrs. Bernita. "This is the new employment contract I was referring to, Madam. You can sign it right away if you understand. But if you don't agree, you can withdraw all these products and terminate the contract."

"What?" Madam Bernita gaped in disbelief.

Her hand shot up, pointing shakily at Joshua. "You? So you're the one who sent that email to me?"

"Yes." Joshua nodded calmly.

"Argh!" cried Mrs. Bernita loudly. She stomped her feet on the floor with both hands clenched near her head.

Then she glared angrily at Joshua. "Where is this bastard from? Don't expect you to play me! My manager is Esme, and you're not her! Who sent you, huh? Tell me, or I'll smash you to bits!"

"Mom, calm down," Alvina whispered as she grabbed Mrs. Bernita's hand, but the woman brushed her off roughly and returned to her rage.

"How can I be calm when there's a rancid bastard like this in my place? Come on, tell me who sent you! You've got the wrong person. Because I, for one, cannot be controlled at will! This is my place, my father's place, who are you to dare claim to be the manager of Velvet Vault?"

The employees standing behind Mrs. Bernita pressed themselves together with their bodies trembling with fear. They were even more frightened when their manager could not be reached.

Ethan, who saw Mrs. Bernita's reaction, could not help but let out a small chuckle. The woman couldn't help herself and was always passionate.

"Madam, there is some confusion in your words. But I don't want to explain them now," said Joshua, who was still calm and unaffected by Madam Bernita's words. "Please understand the contents of the contract and sign if you have no problems."

"Don't expect it!" Madame Bernita rudely grabbed the folder Joshua was holding, then tore it into two pieces and threw it in any direction regardless of Alvina's rebuke. "I will never sign anything you give me. This is a fraud! Just watch, I'll put you in jail and make sure you rot there!"

Alvina gave Joshua a doubtful look, then looked down, grabbed the torn folder that had fallen near her feet, and opened it. Coincidentally, it was the section containing some of the deal points.

Suddenly, she stood up. "Mom, this person is indeed the new Velvet Vault manager. You no longer have any power here."

"So now you've even been influenced by him?" Mrs. Bernita glanced at Alvina sarcastically.

Alvina shook her head quickly and showed the document she had just read. "But-"

"Hello, my beautiful employees! I've come to bring you some delicious food!" Unfortunately, Alvina's words were interrupted by a shout of happiness from someone who had just arrived.

That person was the old Velvet Vault Manager, Esmeralda. In both hands were several bags of food from a fancy restaurant. She, stepping with a slight jump, instantly froze in shock. Her wide smile faded, replaced by a panicked face. Her shoulders drooped limply. "Madam."

Mrs. Bernita, who was about to scold her, immediately stopped herself. She pointed at Esme with a look that was directed at Joshua. "You see, right? She's my manager! You don't have any more loopholes to lie to me, so you better get out of here before I call security."

"What are you waiting for? Go!" shouted Mrs. Bernita.

However, Joshua still stood where he was with a faint smile.

Afterward, he picked up some documents neatly wrapped in a white envelope and handed them to all the Velvet Vault employees, including Manager Esme.

Everyone gave him a confused look until he returned to his place, facing Mrs. Bernita.

"That is your dismissal letter. From now on, you are no longer a part of Velvet Vault," he said emphatically. "Pack your things and get out of here!"

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