Forcibly Expelled

Carver was so shocked that he stuttered. His mouth opened, but not a single word came out. His voice seemed to be choked with shock.

"Miss Hazel, what do you mean?" asked Secretary Iram finally.

He stepped forward and looked at her with seriousness. "We came here with good intentions filled with hope. Our company may still be subordinate to Zenith Corp, but we don't have the slightest bad image. You must know Mr. Carver's true identity. The Grant family and the Celeste family are both families with clean businesses."

"It's fine if this cooperation is rejected, but can you explain logically?"

To people who were just observers, they were indeed good families who had clean businesses. Nothing Secretary Iram said was wrong either. However, things were different for the people who knew everything.

Hazel remained flat-faced, not giving Secretary Iram a face at all. "As I was saying. Mr. Carver's name is already in the black book, so there's no reason for us to accept his cooperation proposal anymore."

"Isn't this so ridiculous? People who are on the blacklist are people with problems. Our master, on the other hand, has never had any problems. This makes no sense," Secretary Iram said.

"Wait." Carver, who had gotten a grip on himself, spread one hand in front of Secretary Iram, asking him to stop talking.

Then he stepped closer, looking Hazel right in the eye, trying to figure out what was really going on. "Was all this on the CEO's orders?"

Hazel nodded honestly. "Yes. So I call his attention to it and leave this place immediately, Mr. Carver. In the future, you can no longer set foot here for any purpose."

"But why?" cried Carver suddenly, leaving everyone shocked. Even the few employees who passed by immediately looked at him with questioning eyes. "I don't think I've done anything wrong, but why was my name in the black book?"

"Now, where's your CEO? I want to meet him. Hurry up and get him here!" The man became uncontrollable and grabbed Hazel by the arm, shaking her violently. "I need an explanation from him! Hurry up and meet me with him!"

"Mr. Carver!" snapped Hazel, losing her temper. But even so, she didn't take any action.

"Don't yell at me, bitch! You're just a secretary, not my equal, but why do you have so much guts? Oh, I know, you must be his bed warmer, right? You must be his plaything, right? Hurry up and call that dark lover of yours and ask him to meet me right now!" Carver shouted in front of Hazel's beautiful face. His bulging eyes and drooling saliva made the girl spontaneously throw her head back with a frown on her forehead.

Secretary Iram moved forward and tried to pull Carver's body, but the angry man's strength was so great that it was difficult to control.

In the end, there was even more commotion.

Hazel, who couldn't stand it anymore, shouted. "Security guards! Hurry up and drag these two away!"

Not just two security guards arrived, but five at once. They immediately grabbed Carver and Secretary Iram, dragging them away by force. Of course, it wasn't easy as Carver continued to rebel while swearing.

"Bitch, just watch, I'm going to ruin your life. You'll all get your comeuppance! I'll make sure you regret treating me like this. Mark that!" Carver shouted, pointing at Hazel and everyone else in the room. His attitude made him look like a man who had lost his sanity. "I will destroy you. The Grant and Celeste families will not stand idly by! Get ready for a life of misery! You will feel like you are living in hell!"

"Argh! Let go of me, you bastard!" When they got to the front of the building, Carver went berserk and pulled his hand away.

The security guard holding him released his grip and pushed the man away. "Go away! Don't make any more noise!"

Carver gave them a hostile look after managing to balance his body that was about to fall over.

"Sir, let's go!" Not wanting to become more of a spectacle, Secretary Iram forcefully carried Carver to the car.

"Damn it!" Carver flung himself on the back seat and smacked his thigh in annoyance. His sharp gaze returned to the Zenith Corp building. His hatred for the people inside was fierce. "I'm really going to destroy you guys!"

"Iram, find out about them!" he commanded absolutely.

Secretary Iram could only nod approvingly. There was no reason for him to refuse his superior's orders, especially after the past few moments.

At the GrantBranch company, Carver's father, Neuman Grant, who was struggling with important documents, was surprised by the presence of his secretary, who looked panicked.

He put down his pen and looked up. "What's wrong?"

"Sir, something has happened," said Aland, the secretary, who placed the iPad in front of Mr. Neuman.

Mr. Neuman was relaxed at first, but after seeing what was on the iPad screen, he became wide-eyed. He quickly grabbed the object and examined it closely. "What's going on? Why are the stocks going down?"

"I don't know for sure, but I just got a call from one of our potential investors. He canceled his investment because he didn't want to be associated with a blacklisted company," Secretary Aland explained.

"Blacklisted? Since when did our company experience something scary like this? Who? Which company did that?" asked Mr. Neuman furiously. This was not a simple matter. He had worked hard to make the company grow, but now he was getting blacklisted. If this continued, it was possible that all potential investors and investors would withdraw their funds, and the company would go into crisis.

All of Grant and Celeste's families would mock him to no end. At that point, his life would be over. He would no longer have a face to meet people with.

"I think we should ask Young Master Carver for a detailed explanation. Since this is related to Zenith Corp, sir," Secretary Aland replied.

"What? Damn it! What is that stupid kid doing? He said with confidence that he would get the cooperation. But now? Argh! It's a waste that I trusted him! Hurry up and call Carver and get him to see me!" Mr. Neuman pounded the table and stood up. His anger was so unstoppable that the veins on his neck were visible.

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