I am not interested!

"Cuih!" Despite being in pain, Aiden still had the energy to spit on Ethan's shiny shoes. "Don't talk like you're a victim! Loser, do you think you can play with my family as you please? Don't dream! No matter what, I won't let your rotten plan succeed!"

But Ethan did not respond. His gaze was fixed on the liquid on his shoe. Unbidden, he winced in disgust. "Your behavior is like that of a stray dog that litters."

"Ah, I feel sick." Next, Ethan took off his shoe with his foot and replaced it with Aiden's. Of course, the man rebelled, but Ethan's strength was so strong that he succeeded with his plan.

"Although I'm actually uncomfortable having to wear your rotten footprints, at least it's better than your disgusting saliva," Ethan said with a smug face.

Aiden gritted his teeth in anger and shouted, "Damn you, Ethan!"

"You're more disgusting than dog shit! You're a despicable man who doesn't know himself! You loser!"

Only then did Ethan lift his gaze, looking at Aiden, trying to stand up with difficulty. "About what you said earlier, it should have been me who said that to you. Stop interfering in my life. I'm no longer part of your family, so... stop acting as if we know each other!"

"Ethan," Aiden growled with a fiery look in his eyes. "Do you think I want to meet and talk to you like this? If it wasn't for you disturbing my sister's peace, I wouldn't be willing to come face-to-face with you!"

"You really don't know yourself! Just watch, I promise to destroy you completely! Not only will you rot in prison, but you'll also be the target of criticism all over the world until there's not even a hint of a place for you!" After saying all this, Aiden turned and walked away with a limp leg.

Ethan tilted his head, trying to digest word by word what Aiden had said.

Disturbing his sister's peace? Ariana?

What had he done?

So far, he had no plans other than the ongoing business game.

Not wanting to get a pointless accusation, Ethan rushed after Aiden, who hadn't gone far, and flipped him over forcefully, making him groan in pain while swearing harshly.

"What do you mean?" he asked directly.

"What?" Aiden replied loudly.

"What do you mean by disturbing your sister's peace?" Ethan tried to be patient.

Suddenly, it made Aiden chuckle sarcastically. "Oh, so after stalking my sister to various places, you didn't admit it and even pretended to have amnesia?"

"How sneaky of you, Ethan! I just found out that you're such an asshole!" Aiden's anger, which was easily ignited, immediately exploded and punched Ethan.

This time, the man was unprepared and took it for granted.

However, he did not give up and stared at Aiden intently. "Stalking? Aiden, I've never done such a despicable thing to anyone, especially your sister! Do you think I don't have a job? You've got the wrong person if you're accusing me of this. I could take this to the law for defamation."

"I'm not just accusing you, damn it! I have proof!" snapped Aiden.

"What proof do you have, asshole?" Ethan's patience had reached its limit. The veins in his neck bulged angrily. "I'm not interested in your sister, not even a little! If you still insist on making these ridiculous accusations, I can't guarantee what I'll do to you guys. You probably won't be able to imagine it!"

Without waiting for a response from Aiden again, Ethan walked away and deliberately bumped his shoulder hard, making Aiden step back slightly.

"Damn it! You bastard, Ethan!" exclaimed Aiden, turning to stare at Ethan's car as it began to move away from him.

"Sir, are you okay?" asked Hazel worriedly.

Ethan just nodded vaguely and chose to lean back again while closing his eyes, trying to neutralize his emotions that were about to explode.

Seeing him like that, Hazel didn't bother anymore.

In his place, Aiden dragged his feet to his car. Just as he sat down, his cell phone rang loudly. He immediately turned to the side seat and picked it up.

It was from his wife.

Just as he received it, a snapping sound was immediately heard. "Where have you been, Aiden?"

"Sorry, honey," Aiden replied in a weak voice. His body was in a lot of pain, and his energy felt drained, whereas a few minutes ago, he was still fine.

"Aiden?" Ellie became anxious. "What's wrong with you?"

"I'll be there soon. Sorry for being late." However, instead of answering, Aiden said something else and disconnected his phone unilaterally.

Afterward, he started to drive his car.

At home, Ellie, ready with her appearance to go to one of her friend's birthday parties, couldn't help but worry about Aiden. Her heart was even racing. 

She paced back and forth in her room before running out, deciding to wait in the living room.

"I hope nothing happens to him," she muttered anxiously.

But in fact, it meant nothing because Aiden was already in a battered condition.

When the man reached his house and got out of the car with such difficulty that he almost fell over, a guard who saw him rushed to help.

"Sir, what's wrong with you?"

Ellie, who heard the sound of Aiden's car, opened the door hastily. However, her steps spontaneously stopped, and she let out a startled cry. "Aiden!"

Aiden raised his head and smiled. But somehow, the pain in his body was getting worse, as if all his bones had been broken. Before he could say anything, he had fallen unconscious.

"Aiden!" teriak Ellie histeris sambil berlari ke arah Aiden dan mendekap wajahnya dengan air mata di matanya. "Bangun, Aiden! Jangan menakut-nakuti aku! Ada apa denganmu? Tidak! Kau harus bangun! Jangan seperti ini!"

"Nyonya, kita harus membawa Tuan ke rumah sakit. Saya khawatir terjadi sesuatu padanya," kata penjaga itu sambil berusaha keras memegang tubuh Aiden yang lemas.

Ellie baru menyadari hal itu. Jadi dia bergegas membuka pintu mobil dan segera memberi perintah. "Ayo cepat bawa suamiku masuk! Hati-hati jangan sampai dia kesakitan lagi!"

Setelah memastikan posisi Aiden benar-benar aman, Ellie berlari ke kemudi dan menjalankannya dengan cepat.

"Nyonya, hati-hati!"

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