
"Mr. Ethan, thank you for your time. It was a pleasure meeting and talking with you. I look forward to our next meeting." Mr. Oscar stood up and shook hands with Ethan and Hazel after spending almost an hour talking about their project.

"I should be the one to thank you. You trusted our company and were willing to accept my request to keep my identity a secret. I feel very honored. Thank you," Ethan replied sincerely.

"No, that's not necessary. You're too reluctant. This is what I should have done. I know, you must have your reasons." Mr. Oscar waved his hand quickly, looking panicked as if he had made a mistake.

But Ethan meant what he said. "I'll do my best for this project and take you to dinner in return."

"Alright then." In an instant, the look on Mr. Oscar's face turned cheerful again. "I'll wait for the invitation."

Ethan nodded and smiled.

"I'm off. See you later." With a familiar gesture, Mr. Oscar patted Ethan's arm briefly and stepped away, followed by Margaret, who bowed politely.

Ethan stared at their departure, then followed after a while.

Along the way, they were silent without any conversation to avoid meeting any known people who could leak their conversation.

However, when Ethan was about to enter the car, Aiden saw him repeatedly. The man had been accompanying Ariana to meet her friend, but suddenly, there was a call from his wife that made him have to leave first.

"Damn! He dared to follow my sister all the way here!" Aiden's anger became unstoppable.

Seeing the car Ethan was traveling in, he quickly entered his car and gave chase. "Bastard! This time, I won't let you get away, bastard! You'll die in my hands! Just watch, I'll make sure you beg for mercy at my sister's feet!"

Aiden increased his speed even more.

The road Ethan was traveling on now was not the road he had traveled earlier. He asked to be driven directly to his grandfather's house because he didn't have a car and was too tired to wait for a taxi.

"Hazel, how is the GrantBranch company doing?" he asked while leaning back with his eyes closed.

"Their stock keeps going down, sir. They're probably having a big meeting right now to address what's going on," Hazel replied after looking at the GrantBranch company's stock data.

Then she turned to the articles about the company that had started to appear. But they soon disappeared. It kept happening until Hazel finally stopped at an article that surprised her.

She quickly turned around and told Ethan. "Sir, our company was mentioned in one of the articles. I'm afraid it's going to be an obstacle for us. The reporters may have already begun to move in for additional information."

Suddenly, Ethan opened his eyes, looking sleepy. However, it all vanished as soon as he saw the article Hazel was referring to. "How did they know that our company blacklisted him?"

"I'm not sure," Hazel said without daring to look at Ethan.

So the man returned the square object and ordered, "Ask the PR team to remove the article and contact the journalist who published it. Give him a warning to be more careful."

"Yes." Hazel hurried to do so.

However, at that moment, a car suddenly sped up and blocked in front, making the surprised driver spontaneously slam on the brakes. The unprepared Ethan and Hazel were pushed forward.

"Why?" asked Ethan frantically after getting back into position.

"There's someone in front, sir." Being asked such a question naturally frightened the driver to the point of stammering.

Ethan's gaze went straight ahead. Just then, Hazel called out to him with the same fear. "Sir."

A man Ethan recognized very well walked towards him with a face full of anger. Aiden, the man, stopped at Ethan's side door and banged on the glass while shouting, "Get out, you bastard! I know you're inside. Come out right now, or I'll smash the glass! Asshole! Fucking loser, get out!"

"Sir, don't be afraid. I'll call the police," Hazel hurriedly, taking out her cell phone. "I'll also have bodyguards come to protect you. This is very dangerous, so please stay put and let me contact them."

"No need, Hazel," Ethan interrupted quickly.


"Get the fuck out! If you don't come out on the count of three, I'll smash the window and the car, too! I'm going to run you both over! That bastard Ethan, you're a loser!"

Hazel's words, cut off by Aiden's shout, made the atmosphere in the car even more tense. At least, that's how Hazel and the driver felt.

Unfortunately, that didn't apply to Ethan. He could still smile calmly, trying to calm Hazel, whose breathing started to become labored due to panic. "I can handle it."

"You didn't forget I was once part of their family, right? Just Aiden... he's a small thing that I can easily defeat. There's no need to worry. You guys just stay in the car and don't come out, no matter what. I'll be back soon." After saying all that, Ethan undid his tie, rolled up his shirt sleeves, and got out.

The movement made Aiden, a short distance away, startle and spontaneously step back.

"Aiden, what's wrong? Why are you yelling like you're collecting a debt?" asked Ethan casually.

Just as Arista had, Aiden's anger immediately exploded. "I'll fucking finish you!" His clenched fist flew straight at Ethan, about to smash the face he found so annoying.

But it didn't go easily. Ethan immediately blocked Aiden's fist and said, "I asked nicely, but why would you want to hit me? This is assault. Aren't you afraid of me reporting you to the police?"

"To hell with the police! All I want now is your death! You have to pay for everything you've done for my brother individually. I will destroy you, you crazy stalker!" Aiden shouted angrily.

He tried to pull his hand away, but Ethan gripped it tightly. Finally, he threw a punch using his left hand, which Ethan caught again.

"Argh! I'm really going to crush you!" Aiden shouted, using Ethan's hand as a grip, and then kicked him, making him take a few steps back.

Realizing the opportunity, Aiden immediately attacked Ethan and threw punches from various directions.

Aiden's smile grew wide when he saw Ethan, who couldn't fight back and was almost defeated. He felt like he was fighting a sewer rat.

However, Aiden didn't know that what Ethan was doing right now was his strategy before delivering a big blow to the enemy.

Sure enough, just when Aiden felt above the clouds, Ethan countered with a flurry of attacks and ended up slamming his body on the asphalt. Aiden groaned in pain.

"I'll forget this incident by thinking of you as a madman. But if the same thing happens again, I won't stay silent, Aiden. My patience has a limit," Ethan said coldly.

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