Think About Your Own Comfort

After leaving the Waverly residence, Ethan did not head straight to Zenith Corp but instead stopped by a cafe to enjoy lunch. Of course, with Benedict and the driver.

This rare event succeeded in scaring the driver. The skinny man tried to refuse Ethan's invitation, but unfortunately, it didn't work.

"Why are you just staring at the food? It's not going to walk into your mouth by itself. Eat it!" Ethan, who was about to feed his food, instantly stopped his movement when he saw his driver, Andre, just standing there with his eyes straight on the plates in front of him.

When his gaze shifted to Benedict, the man did the same—making Ethan lower his hand and chuckle softly. "What are you guys doing? Are you not eating rice?"

"Ah, no, sir. It's not like that," Benedict replied quickly. He glanced at Andre and lowered his gaze again. "It seems inappropriate for us to eat at the same table with you."

"Why is it inappropriate?" Finally, Ethan put down his spoon and looked at the two people sitting with him seriously.

"You are our superior—someone we must respect. Your comfort is a priority, so we should not interfere with it. Sir, since you won't allow us to refuse this lunch, how about you let us move to another table?" Benedict slowly looked at Ethan.

However, the man he was staring at just propped up his chin and stared at the surroundings with a twist of his lips. "But all the tables are full."

Instantly, Benedict and Andre turned their heads to the surroundings. Sure enough, no matter their direction, there were no empty places.

"In that case, we'll eat in the car-"

"If it's my comfort you guys are thinking about, then who's thinking about your comfort?" This time, Ethan spoke in a cold tone. The look in his eyes became sharp. He really couldn't when faced with a difference in status. It felt like he was back in the past, where he was constantly pushed aside just for being a family driver. There was no one place he could belong.

"You have to respect me, but before thinking about other people's comfort, you must think about your own. Don't throw away your comfort just because you feel responsible for it," he continued seriously.

"During work hours, you are my employees. But during breaks like now, we are friends working in the same environment. If you still can't accept it, just think of it as one of your jobs. Without eating, you won't have any energy, and ultimately, it will only hinder your work." After saying that long sentence, Ethan immediately picked up his cutlery and stuffed food into his mouth without caring about them anymore.

The more he spoke, the more emotion he felt. Ethan didn't want to lose control, which would hurt the hearts of the two people.

The shadows of the past were deeply imprinted on his heart and mind.

He felt disgusted. But, the passion for revenge was getting hotter.

Benedict and Andre looked at each other. Then, both slowly picked up their respective cutlery and followed Ethan's lead, silently devouring their lunch.

The silence lasted until they left the table and walked out of the cafe.

"Ben, you go with Andre!" commanded Ethan, suddenly stopping his steps as he was almost to his car.

Suddenly, Benedict turned around in surprise. "Sir? How about you?"

"I still have somewhere to be. This is it for today. You can continue your work there," Ethan replied.

"Is there no need for company?" But Benedict was worried about leaving Ethan alone like this.

"No, I don't. Call me if there's a problem. I'm leaving." Without giving Benedict a chance to reply, Ethan had already stepped away and stopped a passing taxi.

Benedict stared at the departure of the blue-colored vehicle until it was no longer visible as it blended in with the other vehicles. Lunchtime was the time when the highway was most congested.

Finally, he turned to enter the car that Andre had started.

On Ethan's side, during his journey, he was in constant communication with Hazel. Listening to all the reports given and occasionally asking something he didn't understand.

However, when he arrived in front of the company building and was about to open the door, he saw Ariana, who had just exited the car with her sunglasses on. He immediately pulled back his hand and watched the direction his ex-wife had gone.

Seeing her actually enter his company building, Ethan quickly dialed Hazel again, after a few seconds ago, he disconnected the call.

"Do you have an appointment with Miss Celeste?" he asked directly.

"No, sir. After yesterday's meeting, we haven't had a chance to communicate again."

"But now she's here," Ethan said.

Hazel was wide-eyed with surprise. "It seems she's come to inquire about continuing her project."

"Then you should meet her first. I'll go in through the fire escape," said Ethan as he exited the taxi. "If you ask about me, just say that I have an important meeting out of town."


After that, Ethan put his cell phone in his pants pocket and looked around with his forehead wrinkled due to the strong sunlight.

Unbeknownst to him, inside Ariana's car, there was the figure of Aiden, who was staring at him with narrowed eyes full of suspicion.

Aiden, who had been about to play a game while waiting for his sister's return, was shocked to see someone he hated standing in front of him.

"What's he here for?" But a thought suddenly crossed his mind, making his eyes widen with a gaping mouth. "Could it be that he's stalking my sister? Oh my! This is horrible! How could that crazy loser do this to my beautiful sister."

"It can't be helped. I have to tell Father." In a hurry, Aiden opened his cell phone camera and took a picture of Ethan, still looking around him while walking slowly.

His movements did look suspicious. But actually, he was making sure that no one else saw him because he was about to enter the basement.

"Fuck you! Don't expect you to be around my sister," Aiden cursed as he looked down, busy sending messages to his father.

When he raised his head again, he could no longer see Ethan. He panicked and looked inside the building, thinking that he had entered. But no matter where his eyes went, the loser was nowhere to be seen. "Damn it! Where did he go?"

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