
How many more letters have I written to you? But no matter what I write and say on the papers I write, it is unlikely that you will read it because I know that what I write will not reach you nor will you know the things that I want to tell you.

But I only want one thing to happen Erelah, that is for everything to be fine and to tell the truths that I have been hiding for a long time.

Of all the lies I know, of all the lies I've done, there's only one thing I've never lied to, and that's to love you even when you're far away from me.

Forgive me Erelah, forgive me.


I don't know what is happening or why Damon rejected me, my heart is beating so fast, I can't rest. I feel like something bad is going to happen.

"Mr. Damon, you know for yourself what happened. As a friend, I want you to tell them the whole truth." The lawyer said. Damon looked at the lawyer, he took a deep breath then looked at me sadly before smiling and looking straight ahead again.

"I promised everyone her
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