Chapter 86

Ethan opened the door to his and Citra's office, finding the woman's face looking blank, as if she was carrying a heavy burden in her mind.

Luckily, he had returned with two cups of coffee in his hands. He approached Citra, offering one cup to her.

"To help you feel fresher. What are you thinking about?" Ethan asked, taking a seat right in front of the woman's desk.

He then sipped his coffee while looking intently at Citra, waiting for her to speak up again.

"It's nothing. I'm just thinking about what Nike said that time. Is it true that Richard is planning something against my company?" Citra pondered.

Honestly, this had been bothering her thoughts. Especially since that business was the only thing Citra owned.

Although Citra clearly no longer managed the company, she secretly still kept an eye on it.

She also didn't hesitate to send messages to Nike, providing solutions so that her company wouldn't fall into the abyss of defeat due to the competition.

"If he's really doing that, you
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