Chapter 87

Time flew by so quickly without notice.

Citra could hardly remember when she last thought about her parents. Her new life with Ethan made her much happier.

Especially with Amel, who always showered Citra with affection, even accepting her into her life from their very first meeting.

"Good morning, Citra!" Amel greeted the woman with a smile.

Noticing Amel's face seemed to be hiding something, Citra narrowed her eyes, looking closely at the girl.

"Alright. What can I help you with this time? You must have a college assignment, right?" Citra asked, able to guess what was on the girl's mind.

Amel chuckled, showing her neat row of white teeth to the woman.

"Yes, Citra. I'm really struggling. I've been trying to answer this material but still don't understand it. It's the weekend, which should be your rest time. But just this once. Please help me. I don't understand this material at all."

Amel clasped her hands together, begging Citra to be her private tutor.

Seeing the girl's serious face
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