Chapter 88

The next day, Citra and Ethan headed to the office as usual. They chatted casually, but this time Citra seemed to be expecting something from him.

Realizing her hopes were unlikely to be fulfilled, Citra could only muster a weak smile.

She had apparently been thinking too far ahead, hoping for the impossible.

"Any special plans today? Have you checked the incoming emails?" Ethan asked without taking his eyes off the road.

Citra, prompted by the question, immediately opened the tablet in her hand, checking her company email and finding a new message.

It seemed to have been sent just this morning.

"There's a client requesting a meeting at..."

Citra furrowed her brow, confused by the location written there.

"What's wrong? Why did you suddenly go quiet?" Ethan asked, snapping Citra out of her thoughts.

She shook her head, telling Ethan she was fine.

"There's a new email, supposedly from the supervisor. But this address... it seems familiar," Citra mumbled, looking puzzled.

Ethan, not unde
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