CHAPTER 136: Taking Control

Amanda laughed slowly as she watched Barry talk.

"Look at this," she said, as she showed him her arms.

"These are marks from earlier," she continued.

"Lawton's reaction is justified, she molested his wife," she added.

Barry's grip tightened as he stared at Amanda, she was making sense and this angered it.

"I'm going to call the police and report you if you ever lay a finger on him," Amanda stated firmly.

Barry walked out of Amanda's office angrily as he had nothing more to say to her.

He walked into his office angrily and walked up to his mirror.

Barry got more upset as he saw his battered and bruised face.

"Lawton made a huge mistake by hitting me," he said, as he stood in front of his mirror.

Amanda is relieved as Barry leaves her office in silence.

She then picked up her bag and walked out of her office as she was done for the day.

Amanda called Lawton and asked him where he was as she stood outside the office complex.

"I'm on my way home," Lawton said, as he picked up the call.

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