Bradley instead of stepping back moved further forward, his eyes filled with a hidden desire to play smart. He quickly used his body to block their view before shoving one of the officers, knocking him off balance in an instant.

Bradley then found an open space to run into, taking the opportunity to run towards the glass door. He then smashed through it with ease before sprinting out of the hall and into the streets.

Oscar was just about to get to Bradley when he stormed out of the hall.

“Get him!” Oscar yelled at the top of his voice.

The officers took off after Bradley, their boots pounding against the ground in a relentless pursuit.

The other officers who couldn't pursue after Bradley had their radios crackling with updates and commands as they sought to remain in strategic positions to intercept Bradley.

Bradley sprinted across the terrain, his lungs burning with effort as he pushed his body to its limit. He couldn't afford to get himself caught because it would expose the organ trafficking organization he worked for and its members.

Bradley slowed down before he ducked into an alleyway, his body pressed against the wall as he recounted everything that had happened to him in the last 30 minutes or so.

He couldn't believe that Oscar couldn't mess him up so badly. Now he had to remain in hiding for as long as he intended to live because he had been exposed. Not only him but other gang members of his secret cult.

His cult members were the only ones he could reach out to though. They were the only ones who could bail him out of the terrible situation that he found himself in.

He pulled out his phone from his pockets and dialed a number.

“Hey, Diallo, we have a problem,” Bradley spoke, his breath heaving with a frantic wheeze of panic.

A deep voice at the other end of the phone spoke. “Brad, you gotta calm down. You corporate shenkes always have something bothering you.”

“No, Diallo, this is serious, there is a problem. We are exposed.”

Bradley’s mouth was dry as he struggled to catch his breath. His eyes flitted from side to side as he scanned the alleyway for any sign of danger.

“What problem are you talking about, Brad?” Diallo asked.

“It's Oscar,” Bradley responded. “Oscar Jones has exposed us.”

“What are you talking about, dude?” Diallo was getting irritated as he downplayed the situation. “What is a damn Oscar? Who is Oscar? How is that damn name going to help with the fact that we still need 7 million dollars for the next operation even though we still have clients owing us.”

Bradley’s voice cracked with desperation as he sought to make Diallo understand that there was a real problem. “No! Diallo, you need to listen to me. There is a real problem. We need to close up the factory because we have been exposed. Oscar Jones has exposed us all.”

Diallo paused for a moment, processing the news that he had just received before he spoke again. “Give me a moment man.”

Bradley’s heart was pounding against his ribcage as he waited for Diallo to return to the call. His eyes kept staring up and down the alley, as it felt like he was losing his mind.

He could hear whispers of Diallo talking to other ring members of the organ trafficking organization.

“Come on, come on,” Bradley spoke faintly as if he was speaking within himself.

He was waiting so desperately for Diallo to return to the phone call that had been kept on hold.

Seconds felt like minutes as he kept looking just in case there was any sign that the officers or Oscar were close. He wouldn't be surprised if Oscar actually followed the officers in doing the chase.

He knew what he had done to Oscar to warrant revenge from him but what he just couldn't fathom was how Oscar was able to get those pictures and images. Each time he thought about it, he got more confused.

He clutched his phone to his ear, waiting for Diallo to respond as he tapped his feet to the ground repeatedly.

Soon, the silence was broken by the sudden voice at the other end of the line.

“Hey, Brad, where exactly are you right now?” Diallo asked.

“Erm, I am hiding in an alley just by Sucrose Street. Yeah, somewhere around that area I think,” Bradley responded, his voice heaving with tension and desperation.

“Okay, I have spoken to the bosses. We will send someone to pick you up but you have to find a way to come to 28, Hiverly County. It's a yellow-painted building.”

“When you get there, go straight to the rooftop terrace. You will know how to find your way there when you find the address. We have to be strategic because of the men who are after you.”

The line was disconnected immediately after Diallo spoke those words.

Bradley nodded his head in tension as he let the address sink into his brain. He kept reciting the address so that he wouldn't forget.

His mind was quite under so much pressure so the more he recited the address in his mind, the more his brain tried to maintain some stillness.

Immediately Diallo told the other members of the cult, they decided that it was best not to take risks even though they didn't get the whole information that Bradley was trying to pass across.

All they needed to know was that Bradley was in trouble and since he was an important member of the cult, the leaders decided to attempt to rescue him.

Bradley’s mind raced, his thoughts spinning in an intense rhythm as he tried to plot a path out of the alley.

He weighed his options as he gently crept out of the alley before peeping into the streets to see if there was any sign of the officers.

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