
Meanwhile, Oscar instead of following the other officer in pursuing after Bradley stayed back to reaccess situations.

“What are we going to do about this situation?” Oscar’s personal assistant, Layla asked as they headed back into the hall.

Oscar’s mind was brimming with ideas as he sought the best option to apprehend Bradley. He knew that Bradley’s first point of call was going to be his organ trafficking cult and that only meant that he would be hiding somewhere waiting for them to come and pick him up.

If his cult members come to pick him up, it would be much more difficult to find either him or members of his organ trafficking group. He paused for a bit as if he was in a deep thought and then he hissed.

“What's that sir?” Layla asked, noticing that her boss was disturbed about something.

“Oh, that? Apologies, it's just that I think I know where Bradley might be or at least where he would be heading.”

Layla’s eyes bulged open in surprise. “How do you know that, Sir?”

She then took a deep breath. “Oh, my bad, it's not as if I am doubting you. It’s just that I wonder if you are not overstressing yourself on this issue. I am sure the officers can handle it themselves.”

“Haha, believe me, Layla, I am not in any way considering this as a stress. It is a pleasure to even chase him because I don't want it to be so easy when I finally have him in my grasp. I want to enjoy every moment of it and that includes the chasing,” Oscar responded.

Oscar’s face shone with a bright smile as if he had just figured something out. He then turned towards Layla and spoke. “Wait around here for me, let me get something in the vehicle. I will tell you what you need to do when I am done.”

Layla then watched as Oscar got into the vehicle. She was wondering what exactly Oscar wanted to do in the vehicle and what it had to do with finding Bradley but she didn't want to ask too many questions.

Within a few moments of waiting, Oscar stormed out of the vehicle. His speech was rapid and breathless as he spoke. “I will be back soon. Take care of things while I go after Bradley.”

Before Layla knew what was going on, Oscar was already about 10 feet away from where she was.

“Sir, don't you want the officers to accompany you?” Layla spoke out of concern but her voice was getting faint as the distance between her and Oscar was widening each moment.

She had to just hope that Oscar would be safe because going after an organ trafficker definitely meant some rugged business.


Bradley finally arrived at the yellow-painted building at 28, Hiverly County.

He looked around and he saw that it had to be one of the hideout centers of his cult group. He wondered why he never heard about that place before though.

Anyways, there were more important issues at stake but for now, he felt some sort of safety because the officers were no longer pursuing him.

He peeped outside one last time just to be sure that no one was watching him before letting out a sigh of relief.

Bradley pictured the building with the eye of his mind as he looked for ladders or elevator shafts through which he could reach the rooftop unseen.

His concentration was distorted and his heart leaped into his throat when he heard a strange footstep sound suggesting that there was someone around.

The building looked like an empty one with no one living inside, not until he heard the sound of footsteps. Could it be that he was wrong and people were actually living inside? He tried not to imagine that the worse someone was after him.

Bradley moved a few steps in an attempt to head to the rooftop terrace but the sound was clearer this time.

He then stepped back, his eyes darting back and forth as he sought to find where the sound was coming from for real this time.

He turned to the other side and his body tensed when he heard a voice behind him.

“You didn't think you were going to escape, did you?”

Bradley’s heart pounded in his chest as he knew that he was no longer alone. Without turning back, he already knew that it was Oscar behind him.

Oh, damn, Oscar! He reasoned.

Bradley’s feet were stuck to the ground and he knew it was time to either fight or fly. One of them had to be done to escape the mess that he had found himself in.

“Come on, turn around very slowly,” Oscar spoke, his voice laced with authority.

Bradley turned around slowly and his eyes locked onto Oscar, pointing a gun to his head

How on earth was Oscar able to find him there?

His face was pale with a deadly share of danger and his mind was a jumble of desperate thoughts.

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