He started to wonder if the person who was supposed to pick him up at the rooftop terrace was still there. If he was still there, then perhaps there was a chance that he was not alone should he get into a fight with Oscar.

Oscar, with his gun pointed with pinpoint precision, moved his feet slowly and surely as if he were encircling Bradley. His face was contorted with a smirk as he relished the chance of humiliating Bradley.

“Nothing brings me more joy than the fact that everyone now knows who you really are,” Oscar spoke, his voice laced with disdain. “You can no longer hide behind that mask of innocence anymore.”

Bradley’s chest heaved with each breath the moment Oscar said those words. He knew they were true and that he was ruined.

He was no longer going to operate his company effectively anymore unless he was able to magically get the accusations off his neck. That was definitely going to be a gigantic task with all the terrible images of evidence that had been piled up against him.

He was stripped of his corporate cover and the only chance for him to survive was to become a rogue. Oscar had left him with no choice but if he was to become rogue, he wouldn't just allow Oscar to get him constrained.

Bradley had to fight for his freedom since he could no longer fight for his innocence, he reasoned.

“How nice it was to see the surprise on your face at the event hall,” Oscar’s voice was laced with mockery. “You see, the truth is that I would do almost anything to make sure that I ruin you to the last strand.”

Bradley’s nostrils flared, his breath hot and sharp as he struggled to maintain control over his emotions. A hatred was seething within him because he had always hated Oscar.

He never understood how a beautiful lady like Charlotte was going to be hooked up with such a guy and he always felt like he was doing Charlotte a favor by engaging her even though he hid his trash attitude.

Bradley could never have guessed that Oscar was the CEO of Jones League of Companies. He tried to suppress the fact that he was a little unbalanced by gritting his teeth in anger.

He wasn't sure whether he should be scared or angry but at that point, he had more reasons to be scared than angry, especially with a gun pointed to his head.

“You know what? Get on your knees,” Oscar commanded.

Bradley’s gaze fixed on Oscar again. “What?”

“You heard me. Get on your fvcking knees!” Oscar gnarled.

At that moment, Bradley's expression turned sour and his ego took a bruising blow.

“Oscar, we don't have to do things like this,” Bradley spoke calmly even though he had a burning anger within him. “We can always settle this like mature men especially since you are now apparently a CEO. You don't want to get your hands dirty especially when you can't wash off the mud.”

Within a blinding second, Oscar lashed at Bradley, using the butt of his gun in a swift, vicious arc.


Bradley fell to the ground as the sound of metal connected with his skull bone sent a shockwave through his body.

Oscar then lashed out with a deadly kick of aggression, his shoes stomping against Bradley’s rib cage.

“You dimwit! Who told you that you have a say in any of this?” Oscar seethed, his voice laced with a cold fury. “You want to know how I got the evidence I found against you? I took advantage of your carelessness.

“I should have beat you up to a stupor on the day I caught you with Charlotte but I knew that I got something better so I let you go.”

Bradley groaned in pain, his body writhing on the ground but also straining to listen to what Oscar was saying. What better thing could he have gotten? What the heck was he talking about?

“Haha, you look surprised, is that a look of surprise I see on your face?” Oscar asked with a hint of sarcasm. “Oh, did you really think that I didn't kill you right there in my matrimonial room because I was cuffed?”

This time Bradley was more interested in what Oscar had to say even though he was still writhing in pain on the ground.

“Haha, the cuffs were nothing if it meant getting you what you deserved but I got something else and I was ready to take the gamble as that being a much more effective way to get revenge on you,” Oscar’s teeth clenched together as he spoke.

Bradley's eyes widened right there on the ground as he grew more desperate to understand the depth of Oscar’s treachery.

“Take a look at this,” Oscar spoke, his lips curled into a disdainful smirk.

Bradley darted to the side and saw Oscar holding up a flash drive. His eyes widened with recognition. That flash drive wasn't strange to him, he thought.

The air in Bradley’s lungs was suddenly too heavy to breathe as he processed the implications of the flash drive Oscar had in his possession.

Damn it! How did Oscar get a hold of that?

He began to recount the many secrets that he had stored in the flash drive and his brain was spinning.

“Haha, now that’s the exact kind of look that I was expecting,” Oscar’s words were laced with a twisted mockery as he sought to satisfy his desire for revenge.

“I chose to follow my guts by picking up your flash drive and the truth is I intended to frame you with the drive but when I checked the content of the flash drive, I knew that there was no need to frame you.”

Oscar’s tone made Bradley even more upset and he realized that he couldn't afford to just let Oscar have his way with everything. He knew that the moment he allowed Oscar to cuff him, he would be ruined.

“Now, enough of the stories. Kneel!” Oscar spoke with authority after he noticed that Bradley had finished writhing in pain.

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