Bradley’s eyes darted around the alley, his gaze searching for something even though he wasn't quite sure what he was searching for.

Maybe an escape but he also knew that it would be impossible to escape from Bradley’s presence at that moment - not when he had a gun being pointed at his head.

Bradley concluded that there was no escape for him so he hesitantly lowered himself to the ground, his submission a bitter pill.

Oscar’s face was gleaming with a smirk of satisfaction. “Now, your hands behind your back.”

Oscar wanted to get Bradley back into custody like a mere thief just as he deserved.

Oscar’s hands moved with precision as the sound of the cuffs clinking hung in the air. “You want to know how I was able to find you here? Well, it’s the same flash drive.”

“Oh! And just in case the other members of your blackmail and organ trafficking group decide that they are going to come to steal the flash drive away from my possession, you might want to tell them that I have copies of every one of its contents stored elsewhere.”

Oscar’s lips curled with a taunting energy. “It’s just that you won’t be able to pass that information to them since you will be in jail where you belong.”

Bradley’s breath came in quick, intense bursts as he thought about the judgment that was coming on him.

He could already feel the cuffs closing up on him. Was he just going to let himself get restrained by a man he hated so much? Was he just going to let himself become the property of the authorities and prison wardens? He knew that he was going straight to jail if Oscar got a hold of him.

Bradley’s body tensed, his teeth bared with savage fury as his fist flew like lightning.


Bradley fired a deadly counter punch to Oscar’s tummy sending him a few steps apart but there was a huge problem.

Oscar was still with his gun and at that moment it was a very clear shot. All he had to do was to fire a bullet into any part of Bradley’s body he chose to.

Oscar flared his nostrils before shaking off the impact of the hard punch. He noticed that Bradley’s eyes widened in fear because of the realization of his disadvantaged situation.

Oscar’s lips curled into a smirk. “Oh, the gun? I am not going to use it.”

As an act of authority, he threw the gun toward the ground just beside the fence.

“Since you want to fight, then let’s have it,” Oscar spoke. “Like I said, I am going to enjoy every bit of it and that includes not making it too easy for myself.”

Bradley’s teeth clenched together in anger. He was determined to finally subdue Oscar and show him that he wasn’t all that the new big guy in town.

He could never become who he thought he was. He was and will always be a slave to others, Bradley thought.

His lungs burned with the effort of aggression as he lashed onto Oscar with his fist ready for another attack.

But Oscar kept his cool. His movements were swift as he intercepted Bradley’s punch, his fingers snaking around his wrist like a viper.

Oscar’s grip was so strong that Bradley froze as if he had been electrocuted.

With a controlled precision, Oscar twisted Bradley’s wrist with a controlled precision sending him into a scream.


There was no aota of strength left in Bradley just with a twist of his wrist.

Oscar gained more power and he sent a hard punch towards Bradley’s nose.

Bradley’s nose crumpled with a sickening crunch as the punch connected with a violent force, sending his head reeling back. His legs trembled as he fought to keep his balance.

“Is that all you’ve got?” Oscar mocked. “Come on, I expected more from you.”

Bradley’s eyes blinked rapidly as he tried to shake off the effects of the punch but he was finding it difficult to stay on his two feet gallantly.

Oscar’s smirk became bolder because he knew that Bradley was nothing but an easy bone.

He strode towards him further and landed another deadly punch to his jaw.

This time Bradley fell to the ground in a heap, his nose bleeding freely as he could no longer cope with the aggression.

Oscar, knowing that Bradley was completely weak with only two punches advanced towards his body which was lying flat. His breath was heaving dangerously as he fought for some air but there was barely any comfort for him.

Oscar finally took the cuffs and clicked them onto Bradley’s wrist, keeping him in restraint.

Oscar then went to pick up his gun and with an aggressive move, he yanked Bradley off the ground.

“Now, that was fun!” Oscar spoke with his lips curled into a smug smile.

He had texted one of his officers and described to him the exact spot he was going to stay.

He hoped that the officer did exactly as he was told told as he brought out his phone to text the officer while also dragging Bradley along with him like a dog on a leash.

Oscar’s lips curled into a sneer of triumph as he relished the power he held over his captive. He would do that a million times more if need be. There were a few others he needed to humiliate and he wasn't going to back down in the pursuit, especially with the dirt that he had found on them.

Bradley’s face twisted with shame, his eyes downcast as he trudged along under the cruel gaze of his captor.

His lungs burned with humiliation and for a moment, he kept his urges and didn't have anything to do with Charlotte. Now, he was doomed and fated to rot in jail.

Oscar’s senses were on high alert and his skin prickled with a sense of danger

There was barely any sound out of the ordinary but Oscar had a sudden strange feeling that it was no longer safe.

Oscar was still trying to process what that feeling meant when he heard a hail of gunshot sounds.

Pow! Pow! Pow!

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