Oscar’s movements were swift as he ducked for cover, taking shelter behind a dumpster.

The roar of gunfire echoed in the alley and it was clear to Oscar that the shooter was on the top floor - perhaps on the sky deck.

Oscar dragged his captive along with him so that he wouldn't think of escaping even though he was probably too weak to actively conjure a successful escape.

Bradley, even though he was very weak and almost lifeless could hear the gunshot sounds. He knew that it was coming from the member of his organ trafficking group who was sent to come and pick him up.

He wished that whoever it was, he kept shooting until he found the damned Oscar and kill him.

Oscar’s fingers rested slightly on the trigger of his gun, his breath steady as he prepared to unleash a hail of bullets at the sky deck. He was waiting for the perfect time and knew that the shooter would have to reload after firing his bullets.

Oscar baited the shooter into releasing another round of bullets.

Pow! Pow! Pow!

The bullets ricochetted off the wall violently, shattering through the pillars' structures but Oscar effectively took cover and protected himself.

Oscar could feel that the shooter was reloading his bullet and without wasting much time, he dove out of his hiding with his gun pointed in the direction of the sky deck.

Oscar’s senses were attuned to the slightest signal as he fired bullets straight into the blurry figure he saw on the sky deck.

Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow!


Oscar soon heard the sound of the shooter groaning in pain.

Oscar’s face curled into a smirk.

“Boom! Boom!” Oscar muttered under his breath, indicating his readiness and alertness. “Damn, fvvker!”

Oscar could tell that the bullet had hit the shooter but he was still firing bullets down the alley.

The smell of gunpowder had filled the whole environment and Oscar figured out that engaging in an active exchange of gunfire wasn't going to be too beneficial to him especially if the officer he instructed was on standby to pick him up.

Oscar heaved a sign when he looked through the alley entrance and saw a vehicle that looked like that of the officer he called to come pick him up.

Could that be true?

He heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the voice of the officer inside the vehicle.

“Come on sir,” the officer spoke in a loud voice. “Or should I come over there, sir?”

The officer’s voice was blurred by the hail of bullets.

“No! Stay there, I will find a way to get across to you,” Oscar responded with a high-pitched tone.

“Alright boss!”

Oscar knew that there was a slight advantage he had with the shooter getting hit by a bullet so he angled his weapon upwards in a precise direction before spitting bullets towards the shooter.

Oscar’s shots had done their job as the sky deck erupted in a flurry of activity as the shooter sought to take cover.

Oscar was such a precise shooter that despite being in a disadvantaged position, he was still able to get effective shots one of the bullets actually got to the shooter.

Oscar’s feet hit the pavement, his legs carrying him forward with lightning speed as he seized the chance to flee, pulling Bradley along with him like a log of wood.

The urgency of Oscar’s movement drove him forward until he got into the vehicle.

The officer, when he realized that Oscar had gotten close felt that he had to get up from the car seat to help his boss open up the door.

The officer’s movements were swift, his muscles tensed with urgency as he leaped from the car seat, rushing to aid Oscar in getting a battered Bradley into the vehicle.

“No! You don't have to come out,” Oscar spoke, his voice laced with caution because he knew that the shooter might still be actively trying to fire a bullet.

“Oh, it’s not a problem boss, just have to help you with the son of a drunkard!” The officer spoke innocently. He was more concerned about helping his boss, his loyalty a powerful force as he shoved Bradley aggressively into the vehicle.

“You id!ot! Get in there, man,” the officer spoke with a harsh tone.

Pow! Thwack!

The officer fell to the ground in an instant as the shooter on the sky deck targeted him.

His body became a tangle of limbs as the bullet tore through his flesh, blood spilling on the ground.

Oscar’s face was a mask of horror, the realization of the danger of the shooter settling in on him.

His thoughts raced in terror as he quickly shot the door behind Bradley and ran towards the car seat, driving off and leaving the dead officer on the ground.

Oscar’s heart hammered as he raced away from the scene. Things would have been so much better if the officer didn't have to die but maybe he got what he wanted anyway.

The officer didn't listen to him and was too forward. Although he was sad about the officer dying, he had gotten Bradley in cuffs and was ready to send him to jail.

Oscar started the engine and immediately he drove off.

Bradley’s eyes were cold as he sat weakly in the backseat staring at Oscar in the driver’s seat.

Bradley was beginning to recover some of his strength even though he was still constrained to his cuffs.

He witnessed the death of the officer and the gunfire exchange that happened but he wished that it was Oscar who took the hit from the exchange.

In any case, he felt like taunting Oscar about the death of the officer.

“You weren't to save the innocent man though, were you?” Bradley’s expression was twisted and his features were contorted with a grimace of hatred. “That man’s death is on you, I hope you know that.”

Oscar refused to respond to Bradley as he kept his mouth sealed even though he was getting upset with each word that came out of Bradley’s filthy mouth.

“Oh, come on, Oscar. You know that I am speaking the truth, don't you?” Bradley continued. “He must have been a loyal guy with maybe. A family man most likely with maybe two, three, or four children but you succeeded in getting him killed.”

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