Oscar’s gaze faltered, a flicker of doubt creeping into his eyes as his conscience nudged at him. The officer was indeed a good man and quite loyal.

He definitely didn't deserve to die in that manner because if there was something Oscar was sure about, it was about his loyalty and readiness.

Oscar could have called a convoy to come pick him up after the operation but he wanted to develop trust with the officer after noticing strong traits of loyalty in him.

Even though the dimwit in the backseat was only trying to provoke him, the officer was indeed a good guy.

Bradley saw Oscar’s silence as an invitation and encouragement to taunt him further as he spoke some more words.

“Have you given a thought to what his family would think about his death? His wife and probably his little girl?”

“Have you thought of how they would receive the news that the man of the house would no longer be with them? And all because of what? Just to protect you and in a very foolish manner I must say, haha.”

Oscar’s temper flared, his eyes blazing with fury as he glared at Bradley through the rear-view mirror. He knew that Bradley would try to escape from the vehicle and indeed it was exactly what he was trying to do.

Oscar noticed that Bradley was slowly and slightly nudging himself to the car door so that he could escape.

“Don’t fool yourself, Bradley,” Oscar spoke. “You can’t escape through the door. Did you really think I wouldn’t have locked it through the central lock? Just forget about any prospects of escaping.”

Bradley’s lip pressed tightly with a deadly clamp of failure and then he realized that the better method of doing things was to continue taunting Oscar.

“Err, that’s not going to disvalue the truth in what I said though,” Bradley spoke, the corners of his mouth twisting in scorn.

“An innocent man died because of you today and when his little daughter learns about it any moment from now, she is going to hate you and carry on with the hatred until she dies.”

“You would have successfully ruined an innocent life with sadness. Perhaps you wouldn't have an idea what I am talking about because you have given birth to a child before.”

Bradley’s eyes were a sarcastic twinkle as he sought to punch into Oscar’s conscience and so far he was effectively doing what he wished.

“You would have had an opportunity of a female child with Charlotte but unfortunately even if the barren b!tch eventually gives birth to a child, it just might be mine, haha.”

Oscar’s anger was boiling over as his muscles tensed with a seething ripple. The provocation had reached the brim and he could no longer take any more of the thrash words.

He pulled over the vehicle and got his gun. His anger was evident in his eyes as he shot a punishing blow that tore into Bradley’s legs.



Bradley’s mouth fell open in a horrified scream of pain, his voice a tortured roar of despair.

“Now, that’s to keep your filthy mouth shut,” Oscar spoke with authority.

Bradley’s eyes were screwed shut, his expression a mask of torment as he writhed on the car seat. He struggled to breathe through the wave of pain that coursed through him.


Meanwhile, the shooter at the sky deck who shot at the officer limped all the way downstairs to the ground floor where Oscar was to assess the situation while keeping himself away from view.

He didn't want someone to recognize him as the one who killed the officer lying dead by the side of the street.

It was a very painful limp down to the alley because there was a bullet stuck to his leg that he had to remove as quickly as possible.

He gritted his teeth in anger because he failed to kill Oscar. It was Oscar he was aiming to kill but he couldn't understand how he missed the shot and it killed the officer.

Killing the officer was good but Oscar was the aim, he thought.

His hands scrambled through his phone as he put a call through to the kingpin.

“What’s the update, Raphael?” A voice spoke through the phone. It was the organ trafficking kingpin.

“Boss, I wasn't able to get Bradley with me.”

“What? Why didn't he show up?” The Kingpin asked, his voice laced with an inquiry.

“Boss, he did show up actually but he was tailed by Oscar.”

“Oscar?” The kingpin’s voice was filled with fury.

“Yes, boss,” Raphael responded. “I got into a shoot-out with him but he escaped with Bradley.”

The kingpin’s voice was filled with retribution towards Oscar, his words dripping with the syllable of power. “I see that Oscar wants to spread his wings but before he does that, I will cut them myself. I will cut him off before he becomes something out of hand.”

“Boss, I suspect that Oscar has done something very destructive, especially with the call that Bradley made to us. I think he exposed us in some way. I don't know how but I think it's quite serious.”

“Give me a moment. Let me make some findings and get back to you,” The kingpin spoke.

Raphael’s hands trembled as he reached for a bottle of antiseptic, his breath coming in short ragged gasp as he struggled to maintain his composure.

Raphael used his fingers to get a feel of the bullet and the metal sent a shiver down his spine. He gritted his teeth in pain. He could tell that it was going to be such a difficult task pulling out the bullet.

The liquid was stinging him like nailed being pierced into his wound.

The liquid washed over his open flesh as he finally got a slippery grasp of the black metal bullet.

The pain was searing within him as he screamed, pulling off the bullet from his flesh, his eyes screwed shut in agony.

“Oscar must pay for this pain,” he swore out loudly as he examined the bullet that he had pulled off from his flesh. “Oscar would suffer for this. That damn bastard!”

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