Chapter 5 Money is power

His maternal and paternal grandparents have been searching for him. He was the only hair of the Harry’s family but was the most suitable successor in the Brian family. The two great family have an enmity toward each other. Would Alaric chose one or choose the two. 

Can he merge the two families who are like water and fire together. How is he going to unite this two family, will he be able to merge these two great enemies. What do you think. Share your view.

Last night was the worst night of his life. He was drench in the rain, The shop couldn't protect him. He stood on his feet till the rain subside down. He covered him self with graphics.


His clothes were all wet  but he still  mange  to have a short sleep around two thirty a.m. He was getting use to the environment so it has become easy for him to fall asleep. He had already accepted his fate.

He woke up to the beeping of cars lined on the street. He said to himself,

“Who are these people, could it be the Hans family who have regretted their decision? What are you thinking Alaric ,have you forgotten those where the same people who threw you out of the house, so how can they possibly come back to look for you, be serious for once .

But wait , this doesn’t look like any of their cars. No , one of these cars is worth a billion which I know for sure those greedy people can’t afford.” he soliloquized.

“Young master, your grandparents has been looking for you for several years.” 

“My grandparents? 

Ha! when did I have grant parents. But I have no family. My families are dead so how did I get grandparents?"

Young  master you have, the person next to me is your maternal butler.” 

" My maternal butler, meaning my mom had a family right?"

And why are you now coming for me? Do you know how many years I have been tortured, do you know the humiliation I have been through and how my dignity has been trampled on? I don’t have any family, my mother  never said anything about you. I thought they were orphans. I would not go with you.”

“Young master, do you think you can survive on the street. You should think twice, the street is not safe and it has no mercy. The rich rules and control the world.”  

The butler of the Harry’s family tried to persuade him but he was still not convinced.

The Brian’s butler chimed  in, “ young master,  have you  forgotten so soon, how you were treated in the Hans family. If you had money, who would have trampled on you, would they have called you useless? You should know in this life, without money, you have no dignity.

" And who are you too?" He asked the Brains family butler.

" Young master he is the butler of your paternal family."

My dad has a family?  Wow I thought they were orphans. Mister aren't you lost? Are you sure I am the person you are looking for?"

" Young master we are not lost, you are the person we are looking for." The Brian's butler replied him.

“ So convincing, you are trying so hard to persuade and dump me later after I’m no longer useful.”

“No young master, you an heir and you are above everyone, with you being the heir of two great families , no mortal being can trample on you and thus a fact.”

“ Well I have heard you but am not convinced . I would prefer to live on the street than to enter another hell. Go back and tell my so called grandparents am not going back, they should find another puppet,” He told the two butlers.

The butlers took a deep breath and said they will relay his message to the family head, they also told him to think about it again and hope he would have a change of heart. They wanted to give him a card but he rejected saying he doesn’t want anything from them. 

Alaric went to blue night club to relax. He was sitting behind two young mistresses.

“Hey have you heard, the Hans family  second miss is about to marry the Mills first son.” The first lady said to the second lady.

“Oh wow, but it was rumored that she was married”, the second lady asked curiously.


"Yes but I heard their son in-law was useless so he was forced to divorce her after the Mills and the Jason young masters wanted to marry Mandi.  The old lady chose the Mills family. I heard their  engagement will be held at Hans mansion.”

When Alaric overheard the ladies conversation, he clung onto the cup and clenched his fist, if you are closer to him , you could see coldness in his eyes. You could see his veins in his back hands.

He recalled what the butlers said.” If one day I will make it, I will make them regret ever knowing me.” He continue to drink till he passed out.

He woke up the following morning  and found himself in a strange environment. The room was spacious and have a nice outline. The designs was one he has never seen before. He looked around and  thought to himself,  such a luxurious room, the owner is living in an opulent life.

“Young master, he heard a voice and snapped out of his thoughts.

" It's you again, I said I don't want to be your puppet, he said to the butler and head straight to outside. 

I heard your ex- wife is getting engaged, are you going to let them go just like that? Young master think of what you have been through and how you have been treated. You should think twice and seek revenge for yourself. When he heard his words, he recalled the conversation he heard between the ladies and stopped halfway.

”Fine, tell my paternal grandfather, I would pay him a visit.”

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