Andrew remembers the gutting feeling he had when he realized that his family was dead in that burning car. The dejection, the hopelessness, the grief. He is not going to allow that kind of situation to befall his daughter.

He is going to get her mother out of whatever situation her fucked up family has gotten her into, and he is going to get his revenge.

He goes back to the house and he meets the gate heavily guarded. They probably heard what he did to the two guards and about twenty men are standing, trying to stop him from entering.

Their eyes widen as they see him. Some of them knew him as the useless son-in-law, but he was new to some.

“It's you, Andrew Carter. Son-in-law to the Sanchez family.” One of the guards says. “You are not allowed in here, by the order of Miss Sanchez!”

Andrew doesn't even bat an eye at them. He lowers his daughter gently to her feet, his jacket is still around her.

“Close your eyes darling and count to twenty.”

She is very obedient. She squeezes her eyes very tightly and counts till she gets to the number twenty. When she is done, she opens her eyes to see all the men on the ground, growing and wriggling in pain.

Not a crease has appeared on her father's shirt. He winks at her as he picks her up again. They walk over the bodies and into the house.

It's a beautiful three-story building, and the white building is surrounded by expensive cars. This is where Adriana lived, and this is where she put Uma in the basement like a slave.

Andrew walks deeper into the luxurious compound, there are over five expensive cars.

He hears giggles and laughter coming from the swimming pool, that's where he heads to.

He finds two people in the pool, almost naked and they are being very naughty in the pool. Andrew is disgusted by what he sees, and he throws spit on the ground.

It's Adriana Sanchez and Jasper Banks, her fiance. They are making out in the corner of the pool, lost in each other.

“How long before we get married, Adriana?” Jasper asks her.

“Not too long, my love.” She smiles as she runs her finger through his hair. “I just have a little thing to do, before it's finalized.”

Andrew clears his throat and the startled couple turns to look at him, the lady sneers as soon as she sees him.

“Isn't that Andrew Carter? I thought the gatemen were drunk when they said they saw you!” She says. “I ordered for my gate to be heavily guarded, I wonder how you went through my boys.”

“Get dressed immediately.” He says to both of them. “Don't be indecent in front of my young daughter.”

The man laughs as he steps out of the pool. He is Jasper Banks, the only child of JP Banks, one of the richest men in the country.

Adriana steps out of the pool, her body is glistening as she wraps a towel around herself. Her hair is a sparkling red, and her eyes are piercing brown. She has the same color of hair and eyes as Ruby, but they are worlds apart in character.

As soon as Uma sees her, she shivers with fear and presses herself against her father. This just shows how much she is scared of her wicked aunt.

Adriana laughs at the little girl.

“I see that you and your wretched child have found each other.” She points. “She is definitely your spawn, nothing good has come out of both of you…. And you two are extremely hard to get rid of.”

“You will speak only when I ask you to, lady.” He warns her. “Now, where is my wife?”

She laughs as she stands in front of him. “Oh, she is standing right in your face.”

Her smirk causes Andrew's brows to curve with vex and confusion. What's she talking about? Seeing that she has slapped him right in the face with surprise, she smirks and gets even closer.

“Don't tell me that you don't remember the events of that fateful day we got married. You thought I was Ruby? How foolish of you. You were too drunk to notice that she wasn't the one, but I, at the altar.”

Truly, the events of that day come before him in a flash. He was drunk, yes, he noticed that his bride was veiled throughout the ceremony.

And he was still drinking after the wedding, he was trying to numb the pain of losing his family, and that's when he heard some members of the Sanchez family saying that he was a useless man. He didn't have any money like they thought.

That's when he decided that he was going to leave. He staggered to his hotel room, but he ended up in the wrong room. Little did he know that that was the room where Ruby was locked up to hide her from him.

She was crying bitterly, but she couldn't utter a word. They had sex and he left before the morning came and she was awake, but he was gone.

Everything is slowly coming together for Andrew, his throat gets filled up with bile as he realizes how the Sanchez family had robbed him of his true bride, the love of his life.

Adriana's heart gladens when she sees his face turn as red as a tomato. She mistakes it for panic.

“I know that your greatest achievement was to marry into this family, but our marriage is going to end soon. You are useless to me, you have no money and it seems you can't give my grandfather an heir as he wants a great-grandson, not a great-granddaughter.” She says. “I will serve you with divorce and you will be thrown into the street with your stupid child and her mute mother.”

Jasper comes and slips his hands around Adriana's waist. “And she will become my wife. Thank God you are here now. She shouldn't suffer for mistakenly marrying a church rat like you!”

Andrew sighs and looks at the ground. He wants to kill these two right here, but his daughter is innocently standing behind him.

“Okay, this is what's going to happen.” He sighs. “You are going to tell me where Ruby is…”

“Oh, go fuck yourself.” She tells him. “Ruby owes me a lot of money and until I have pimped her out to enough men, you won't know where she is.”

Adriana has no idea how impatient Andrew can be. Before she knows what has happened, Andrew has given her a resounding slap. It's such a hard smack, that she feels blood in her mouth.

She holds her face in disbelief. Did this poor man just lay his fingers on her?

“Wrong answer.” He adjusts the cuffs of his shirt. “Where is Ruby, and I'm asking for an address.”

Jasper is perplexed that Andrew has just slapped his woman. He rushes at Andrew, wanting to defend Adriana's honor. “Do you have a death wish, Andrew Carter?!”

He tries to punch Andrew, but Andrew grabs his arm and gives it a sharp twist till Jasper screams in pain.

“Never throw a weak punch,” Andrew clicks his tongue with a chuckle. “Who the fuck taught you how to fight like this? Your father?”

He twists further till everyone hears the clear cracking of his bone. Jasper shouts out in raw pain, and Andrew pushes him away.

Adriana's eyes open in horror and she tries to run away, but Andrew grabs her by the neck. She gulps air as he slightly squeezes her throat.

“Don't test me because I will kill you.” He warns her. “Where…is…she?”

Adriana starts to cough, she is turning blue. He is slowly killing her, but even if she wants to tell him anything, she can't.

Andrew is just a second away from snapping her neck, but he then feels a gentle tuck on his trousers.

He turns around and sees his daughter behind him.

“Mummy is in the Red men's club.” She innocently says. “She works there every day.”

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