Chapter 10

All eyes on the man identified as Ben Carlos. He is the senior manager at the Antique company and highly respected by all staff. Approaching with a strong aura that speaks authority, he stopped in his track and face Vincenzo expecting an answer.

“Yes sir” he replied confidently

breaking the silence before anyone could interrupt.

Mr Joe wasn't buying any of his blabbing a and he won't let him give the college a bad image by complicating the issue and getting on the Bad side of Ben Carlos.

“Just shut your mouth this instant,do you think Mr Ben is someone you can toy with? How dare you talk about paying up $10m or you think it's 10 cents you ungrateful scholarship boy”

“He's out of his senses sir, please don't mind him” Mr Joe said, facing the senior manager to make him understand.

“I'm afraid not, because I already believed him” Mr Carlos slammed back.”Now I'll appreciate you fulfill your part of his condition, which is the simplest thing to do”

Everyone surprised at the turn out of things, they believe Vincenzo is just trying to be relevant and now he has involved an important figure that is sure to put him in trouble.

Mr Joe was triggered, he's not bothered about Vincenzo getting in trouble and getting punished but he's not interested in keeping to one of his conditions by apologizing to Evelyn as he demanded. Turning to Mr Carlos he began “ sir this poor boy has nothing to offer in paying for damages, he's just wasting our precious time. He is just a less privileged boy that got lucky to be in our college by scholarship”

Mr Carlos slammed his hand on the wall, his anger started to boil “do you think I'm here to negotiate, the other condition he request for about the CCTV is the difficult one as the master room CCTV footage is the only one that covers here and it is only accessible by the CEO of the Antique company; Jordan Freeman. I'm sure sure I don't need to tell you the repercussion of calling him down here for nothing worth his time”

Everyone was shocked, as it appears this whole thing might get them into some serious trouble, the mention of Jordan Freeman send a shivers, he is a powerful billionaire and no nonsense man who's always busy and only the elite could have his attention.

The hall erupt with various suggestions

“Sir just ignore this poor boy and find another way to make him pay, he's lost his mind”

“He has nothing to offer”

“ It will take him his entire lifetime to even raise a hundred thousand dollars sir, he can never have $10m to pay”

During the chaos Vincenzo had quickly text Bradley with some important details of the situation and inquired about Jordan Freeman to know if the Inzaghi could use their influence and power to call him. Vincenzo was surprised to learn that the Inzaghi family has a large amount of shares with the Antiques company and is in care of Jordan Freeman to manage.

Vincenzo smile at this wonderful turn of event and coincidence he never imagined, it will make it easier dealing with his oppressor who are bound to disgrace him today. He was however startled by the yelling of Lyra who's angry to see him smiling under pressure.

“How dare you even smile right now dirtbag!!”

“he’s smiling to living rest of his life in hard labour as no one is coming to safe him” Jason added

Vincenzo ignore their rant and face Mr Ben. “Sir, the payment for the damages Will be sorted, but to prove my innocent, my condition should be met and most importantly the apology” he assured

“Deal” Mr Ben replied almost immediately, ignoring the numerous rants.

With this, Vincenzo step aside to make a call, to confirm from Bradley the CEO of the Antiques company is on his way and also to do everything while still hiding his identity. He isn't ready to show his identity soon as he want to enjoy dealing with them just the way they underate him as a nobody.

“This scholarship boy is cunning don't let him run away” Mr Joe said

“Yes, he's faking a call like he's important, who did he know in this city” Lyra added

“A glorified dirtbag that's opportune to be among the rich tends to forget who they are atimes” Jason mocked

Vincenzo ignored their rant since action speak louder than words.

“You guys are so shameless, acting all mighty to your fellow human while framing him” Evelyn said, giving the bully squad a deathly glare.

Vincenzo move closer to her and path her shoulder. He doesn't want her to stress herself because of the bully. He's happy someone finally got his back even without knowing his identity and he's willing to make her bless the day she took that decision. But for now he needs to deal with this scumbags.

Lyra hiss at the sight of the two most annoying people to her right now. “Let's see what your good for nothing pauper will do to the current situation” she mocked.

An escort car drives in at high speed followed by a luxurious white Bentley. Arriving the scene is none other than Jordan Freeman.

The atmosphere was palpable as staff were moving fast to make sure they were in the right place to avoid getting on his bad side. But to everyone utmost surprise he ignored everything and marched to the hall where the accident happened.

Calling for the senior manager me Ben who has been wondering how the CEO knows what's happening and arriving at a time the issue hasn't been resolved atall.

Presenting the parties involved, Jordan Freeman sighted Vincenzo as his features matched the description and image sent to him by Bradley before he head down here. He was overwhelmed to meet the young owner owner of the powerful Inzaghi empire. He almost bow before he remembered the warning of keeping Vincenzo identity.

With Authority, Richard and Mr Joe joined Vincenzo as they are all involved in the next action to unfold. Jordan Freeman had made it clear whoever is guilty after confirmation will be dealt with aside paying for damages.

They lead the way marching to the master room CCTV to check the footage of the VIP Antiques hall where the incident took place. Richard was already shaking, he never believed they could get to this point, he's about to get bursted.

He search for Jason with his eyes and he avoided every contact. He knows he's already in trouble.

Checking the footage was smooth, it was as clear as Day. The way Richard move swiftly and pushed Vincenzo to the expensive Antique.

Every Vincenzo bully stood there frozen , Richard hands already shaking as he scanned the room for his accomplice that could help to share the blame but he was all alone.

“Now now start by apologizing to the girl as he demanded” the senior manager Ben ordered, glaring at Mr Joe who's already drowning in embarrassment.

“This is more than what an apology can resolve now!” Jordan Freeman's voice was cold and frosty directing his gaze at Mr Joe. “How are you qualified to be a teacher?”

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