Chapter 11

The word hit Mr Joe and he immediately felt the impact. Tried to talk but the words ain't connecting. “Sir…. sir it's,.....”

“Just answer me! Are you qualified to be a teacher with what you just displayed today?” Jordan Freeman asked again, his voice more frosty and mean.

Mr Joe swallow hard trying to look for the right word to defend himself, one thing is for sure, he has to mind his speech in front of someone as powerful as Jordan Freeman. What baffles him is why is he taking the poor dirtbag side.

“Sir it isn't what you think, you see, this boy bad reputation made me believe the allegation against him. He's the good for nothing mischievous scholarship boy in our college and …..”

“Shut the hell up this instance!!” Jordan Voice struck before he could complete his sentence, completely red and vein popping out of his head.

“It is very clear how unworthy of a teacher you are and I'll make sure your job ends here” Mr Jordan declared, authority evident in his voice.

As a man with the principle of ACTION SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS, he immediately reach out to his pocket and put a call through to Donald Jackson, his friend and owner of Springfield college with the order to sanction Joe as an unworthy teacher.

Jordan influence isn't one to joke with , Mr Joe phone buzzed instantly, incoming call from Donald Jackson informing him he will face panel and eventually be sacked.

He started to panic, couldn't believe what just unfold right in front of him. The less privilege boy he takes pleasure in bullying is now the cause of his downfall. Why Will someone with a big personality like Jordan Freeman takes Vincenzo side?

Unable to take it, he crawl towards Jordan and started begging. “Sir please don't do this, I can't lose this job, this job is my life” he sobs, not minding the fact that his students were present.

Jordan didn't flinch at his words. “Then you should have been careful with your words and don't talk down at people anyhow just because you feel you're in a better position” he concluded, kicking his hand away from us leg.

Richard is already frightened carefully waiting for his judgement, all his attempts to make eye contact with Jason and his cohort for support proof futile.

“And you! How are you paying up for the damages?” Jordan asked, turning to Richard, further adding to the tension building inside of him.

His heart beating in quick succession, Richard try to speak about his actions not planned alone and his accomplice, but the urge immediately died on sighting Jason deadly glare. He was wise to interpret what that means.

He further accepts the blame alone, he couldn't afford to jeopardize the rest of his college days. If there's anything Jason hate more than Vincenzo, it will definitely to be in position of having to apologize to Vincenzo.

The issues was resolved and Vincenzo was apologised to by the staff of the college and also the Antique company for misunderstanding him at first when he was not guilty. Jordan Freeman made sure he was respected, leaving everyone baffled by what relationship is between them.

Jordan Freeman however said Vincenzo had helped him in the past when Gus car broke down in the road without asking for anything and he didn't forget his mind gesture, which makes him believe he has a good heart.

Vincenzo smile at the perfect cover up story by Jordan, his identity has to be hidden by all means, only then he could enjoy dealing with his enemies without them being aware of where the hit is coming from.

Everybody was dismissed and the camping ended earlier than scheduled because of the incident.

Vincenzo gained himself more renewed enemies, Jason and Lillian believed he was just lucky today and Jordan Freeman won't be everywhere to safe him from what's to befall him moving forward, especially back in college.

He however gained himself a love interest too. It took him so long to realize Evelyn actually do care for him genuinely. And today just opened his eyes.

The way she stood by him and defended him while everyone was against him touched his heart. For the first time,He now believes there is hope for humanity, unlike before where everyone judge him and treated him bad because of his underprivileged background.

Though he didn't have any special attraction towards Evelyn, he still felt it's a relationship worth keeping and having her around won't be bad. Also wanting to know more about her because of what Mr Joe said about her struggling background. Now that he's wealthy he can helped those people that stand by him while punishing the wicked ones.

The newfound duo held hands as they got down from the college luxurious bus.

“See you on Thursday” Evelyn said, waving her hand to Vincenzo as they set to depart.

The school had given a two day break to all students and full activities for the remainder of college year will resume then.

Vincenzo was waving back at Evelyn and thanking her for standing by him earlier when a familiar voice interrupt their lovely moment.

“Why don't you both get a room, oh this is your b**ch now? Well you both fit and that's how it should be, finding someone from same social class and hopeless like you” Lillian said, giving them a disgusting look.

Vincenzo paused, unwilling to trade words with her but he won't be taking it when Evelyn is insulted because of him.

“Well yes, she's mine and far better than you if that's what you want to hear spoilt brat” Vincenzo hit back, shocking Lillian as the words pierce straight into her heart, much to the delight of Evelyn.

Evelyn giggled not knowing which feelings gladen her heart more, is it how the word pierced Lillian heart or Vincenzo claiming her. She however decide to enjoy the sweet moment.

The smile on Evelyn's face pained her and she didn't hesitate to throw a jab at her “ who do you think you are to even laugh? You are no match for me and will forever be under my shadow girl” she said, eyeing her features.

Evelyn laughed at her words and looked straight into her eyes. “Says by a spoilt brat with a failed attempt at early marriage who is nothing without her father's influence and teachers help”

“How dare you b**ch!!” Lillian yelled on top of her voice , evident that the word got to her. This caught the attention of Jason who was at the other side of the Bus. He quickly rushed to the scene.

Vincenzo was both pleased and surprised about Evenly counter word on Lillian. Truly the majority of the college students are aware of her failed marriage but none is confident enough to ever say it to her face.

Evelyn didn't feel the need to hold back, Lilian is a spoiled brat that never cares about how someone feels and it feels good to serve a taste of her own medicine.

Jason rushed to the scene and was quick to defend Lillian. “Who dares talk down at Queen of the campus, in my campus! Are you tired of schooling peacefully?” he threatened

Vincenzo with majestically practiced steps, marches forward, focusing his gaze on Jason. “ That is a thing of the past, the campus doesn't belong to you and enough of your wrath!!”

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