Chapter 9

The college had arranged a special expedition to surprise the students, it was a visit to the biggest Antiques collection company in the city. The students had always long for this trip because coming through the institution as an entity is their only hope of experiencing this unique site with amazing Antiques as they don't just take any visitors because they are private.

Jason was however the happiest of all, not because of the experience he'll be having but for the perfect location to put Vincenzo in a big mess. Framing Vincenzo of breaking one or two antiques will surely ruin his already miserable life, he thought.

"Leave it to me, I'll do it" Richard cuts in. Earning a glare from the rest of the gang.

Richard is one of the spoiled sons of a rich man who also enjoy oppressing the less privileged and is willing to join Jason's squad on campus just for validation.

With this he's willing to do anything and now he's taking on the job to frame Vincenzo for breaking an expensive antique. They all agreed and can't wait to see Vincenzo suffer again, they enjoy the look on his face when he struggles.


The moderator yelled on top of his voice as he passed safety instructions to the students. He also forbade them from touching certain antiques.

Vincenzo marched in with the rest of the students avoiding some deathly gaze aimed at him by some of them. They always hated him for being in their midst, they felt he shouldn't be among them and he only got there by luck.

He shook his head at their ignorance, if only they knew the kind of wealth and power he possesses now.

All his attempts to avoid trouble and just enjoy the view came to a halt as he felt someone pushed him off balance and immediately walked past him. With the unexpected hit, he couldn't control his balance and immediately fell on one of the antiques.

"I said it, this good for nothing boy shouldn't be here!" Mr Joe, the Physical education teacher said, jumping into conclusion without thinking if anything had triggered the accident. He's always in support of the rich kids as he enjoys various tips he normally gets from their parents.

All eyes on Vincenzo now as he struggles to stand up.

"Scholarship boy at it again"

"Why always a pain in the a**"

"A dirtbag will always be a dirtbag"

The students started calling him names as usual.

As he struggled to stand up from the fall and the slight injury on his wrist, Evelyn rushed to support him, only her among various students. Vincenzo's eyes scanned through the crowd to confirm who pushed him.

The mocking smirk on Richard's face didn't sell him away because he was eventually taking the credit for the damage he caused to Vincenzo anyway.

He also witnessed Jason and the rest of his gang walk over to Richard and pat him by shoulder, indicating a job well done. Understanding the situation completely, he knows nothing he can say to prove his innocence but now that he has the power, he will deal with the situation well enough.

The management and security team arrived, demanding nothing but payment for the damages. It has always been the rules and that's why they don't just accept anyhow visitors to the antique store.

"$10m?", the students exclaimed as they heard the price of the antiques.

"Surely the school management won't be paying for this damage, be ready to sell your kidney dirtbag because no amount of alms begging will raise you this amount" Jason said, taunting him.

Now everyone is gathered at the scene with the management demanding an immediate solution. Vincenzo remained calm as he walked calmly. Before he could talk, Mr Joe walked closer to him and landed a slap on his face.

"Even with this magnitude of offense you choose to remain silent! Are we a joke to you?"

Lillian burst into laughter. “Good for him, It is the way this poor scholarship boy always tries to be relevant, it's high time he knows his place” she said with a mocking gesture as she moved closer to Jason. Clinging to him still despite their failed marriage, she hung on to her pride to prove she chose right.

Before Vincenzo could talk , Evelyn was quick to get all defensive. " And why would you hit him like that without allowing him to express himself? Is it because he isn't privileged like other students? This is unfair!"

"Shut it!"

"What do I expect you to say?, ain't you schooling on someone else sponsorship also?. You less privileged kids from poor backgrounds tend to do too much, you are always a stain to our image!" Mr Joe slammed back.

Lillian giggled the most as she watched those words shot straight at Evelyn, her eyes already teary. The sight is soothing to Lillian because Evelyn always gives her a hard time on campus, challenging her status as the Queen of the college because she's beautiful and more brilliant.

Vincenzo who was trying to figure out how to deal with the situation while still concealing his identity was immediately triggered because of the horrible words thrown at Evelyn who was trying to defend him.

Evelyn was the only person always boldly taking his side, he was never aware she has a poor background too and was on sponsorship. It wasn't obvious because she always does well to package herself but now Mr Joe didn't hesitate to embarrass her all because she tried to defend him, he promised to make him regret his action.

"Okay Okay! I will pay" Vincenzo's voice broke the numerous murmurs in the hall.

"What's he saying?"

"Is he drunk now?"

"This dirtbag don't even know when to joke around"

They continue shouting until he makes himself clear again.

"I will pay for this damages but only on one condition" he said, focusing his gaze on the Manager of the Antiques company.

Before anyone else could talk the manager cuts in " sure, let's have your condition, I don't care as long as you'll pay for this no problem"

Vincenzo sigh of relief, he then point at Mr Joe " I'll pay on the condition that this man apologize for talking down at my colleague because she try to defend me and also I'll like to check the CCTV footage of this hall”

The atmosphere changed as they all wonder what has gotten into him to speak something gibberish, even if he is drunk, there should be a limit to the rubbish he says.

Mr Joe was about to scold him when a voice emerged from behind.

“Are you sure you will pay for the damages if your conditions are met?” the voice rang out as a man in his middle aged marched in majestically.

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