The World's Richest Son-In-Law
The World's Richest Son-In-Law
Author: Ken Sagita
Chapter 1

“Stop! Don't come in!” snapped the security guard guarding the entrance to the Wongso Tower parking lot.

Alan immediately slammed on the brakes of the three-wheeled motorcycle he was riding. His body was thrown against the back of the seat as the vehicle came to a sudden stop.

“Hey, Greengrocer, where do you think you're going?” the security guard asked, suddenly standing next to Alan.

“I'm going to the Golden Dragon Hall. My brother-in-law is getting married, so of course I have to attend his wedding,” Alan answered honestly.

The security guard grinned badly and gave a short snort. His piercing gaze then scrutinized Alan entire body, from his toes to the top of his head.

“You're not joking, are you?” the security guard asked, smiling mockingly. “Hosting a party at the Golden Dragon Hall tonight is Albert Wongso, the richest man in Southeast Asia. How dare a greengrocer like you claim to be his son-in-law!”

Alan swallowed. He couldn't blame the security guard, who didn't seem to believe his words.

Alan appearance did not support his claim to be part of the Wongso Family that was partying in this grand building. He had left in a hurry from his vegetable stall, without changing his clothes because he knew he was running late. 

Look at the back of the tricycle Alan is riding. He even forgot to remove several bundles of vegetables as well as boxes of tomatoes, chilies and peppers.

“Okay, okay,” Alan said finally, not wanting to argue with the security guard for long. “I'm an employee of the catering company hired by the EO for the Wongso Family wedding. I came to deliver the groceries.”

“Now that's right,” snapped the security guard, then laughed out loud. “Then go to the back. Drop your stuff off at the security post near the kitchen.”

“Okay. Thank you.”

Alan nodded, then pulled the gas lever to where the security guard was pointing. He had to yield if he didn't want to be late because of the long delay at the security post.

The Golden Dragon Hall looked more festive than usual that night. Luxurious decorations with the dominant golden color filled the atmosphere. Combined with the elegant crystal chandelier in the center of the room.

Elegantly dressed guests gathered inside the hall. The male guests wore expensive suits, while the female guests wore vibrant ball gowns.

How could the atmosphere not be this festive if the one throwing the party was the richest conglomerate in Southeast Asia. Albert Wongso married his youngest son, Stephen, to the daughter of a fellow tycoon: Cynthia Pangestu.

“Papa, I rejoice in your happiness tonight. As a wedding gift, we are donating a three-week tour of the Nordic countries for Stephen and Cynthia,” said Andy Tansyah, Albert's second son-in-law.

“Wow, thank you so much, Andy and Gabriella. You're very generous to our youngest,” Albert replied, turning to the bride and groom and laughing widely.

“No problem, Papa. Spending three hundred thousand dollars to please your own brother is a small amount,” Gabriella, Andy's wife and Albert's second daughter, interjected. 

“Papa, we know that Stephen and Cynthia both have a passion for mountain climbing. So, we are giving them a five hundred thousand dollar package to climb the world's seven highest peaks,” said Jacky Hosea, Albert's first son-in-law.

“Wow!” Albert exclaimed in surprise, then burst into laughter again. “You and Jessica understand Stephen the best. Thank you, thank you very much.”

Stephen, who had heard all this, chuckled, then hugged Cynthia tightly.

“Honey, I think we should take a whole year off to honeymoon and enjoy these gifts,” Stephen said to his wife.

“It could have been longer, Sweetheart. Haven't Lilyana and Alan announced their wedding gifts for us yet?” Cynthia said.

“Ah, you're right,” chimed in Albert. “Where's Lilyana? The party is almost over, but why is she nowhere to be seen?”

Everyone cast their eyes around the room. At that moment, the figure they were looking for appeared to be walking hurriedly towards the center of the hall that was the center of the event.

Alan walked quickly behind Lilyana. He stepped while fixing his untidy suit. He had been dragged away by his wife while changing in the restroom.

“Papa, I'm sorry we're late,” Lilyana said when she arrived in front of her father and siblings.

“You're completely out of line, Lilyana!” growled Albert, shaking his head and looking at his third daughter with a sharp look in his eyes. “Where have you been?”

“I-I... I was waiting for Alan in the lobby, but he didn't show up and came through the back door instead,” Lilyana replied clumsily.

“I'm sorry, Papa, Sisters and Brothers. The security guard held me up at the front, so I had to lie to him to get in through the back,” Alan added, smiling mischievously.

“I didn't ask you!” Albert snapped, then looked away with a sour look on his face.

“Huh, you useless son-in-law. Lilyana shouldn't have waited for you. This party would still be great even if you weren't here,” Jessica said sarcastically.

“Jess, you better mind your tongue!” snapped Lilyana, not accepting that her husband was being insulted. “Alan is part of our Wongso family after all.”

“Don't be an idiot, Lily!” snapped Gabriella. “Didn't you know that Bryan Sanjaya is here and has been wanting to see you for a while? You'd better go with him and bring him here.”

“Gabe, don't talk nonsense!” snapped Lilyana angrily. “Alan is my husband, of course I have to wait for him. And don't mention Bryan's name in front of me again.”

“Enough, enough, don't spoil the mood.” Andy seemed to want to intervene with a wise tone. “We'd better get back to focusing on Stephen and Cynthia. Don't we all want to know what wedding gift Lilyana and her husband are going to give our newlyweds?”  

“Ah, you're right,” Jacky said, glancing at Alan. “Lily, I'm really curious what kind of gift your husband, a greengrocer with an obscure family background, would be able to give us.”

Lilyana took a deep breath. This was exactly what she had avoided by coming later. She really didn't like seeing Alan humiliated by her father, sisters and brothers-in-law.

It was true that in her heart, Lilyana still did not feel love for Alan. But Alan was her husband after all. She was willing to marry him because it was her mother's last request before she died.

Of course, Albert and his other children were also surprised by this request. But in keeping with tradition, they couldn't help but agree.

So Lilyana was married off to Alan, a greengrocer that Mrs. Wongso had used during her lifetime. A marriage that Albert hoped would end quickly. It was also expected to produce no children!

“I am very sorry if I disappoint you, but I cannot give any gifts to the happy couple. Instead, I'd like to borrow some money from Papa, because Carol, my childhood friend from the orphanage, needs surgery soon,” Alan said later.

Everyone looked surprised, then looked at each other. Albert's face turned bright red, indicating that he was holding back his anger.

“You insolent son-in-law!” Albert snapped angrily. “Your brother-in-law is getting married and you don't give any gifts and instead want to owe me?”

“Papa, I didn't borrow much. Only about a hundred thousand dollars,” Alan said, hoping that his father-in-law's anger would subside because he only needed a small amount of money.

“Only a hundred thousand dollars, you say?” repeated Gabriella with a sardonic look. “When you say 'only', you should be able to find it yourself. Instead of borrowing from Papa.”

“Alan, we are both in-laws in the Wongso Family. But why are you such a disgrace? You have no face!” Jacky added, grinning sarcastically.

“Lily is a fool. She's willing to have an obscure husband like this!” Jessica added. “Take my advice, Lily. You should divorce him and marry Bryan.”

“That's right, you're better suited to Bryan than keeping this greengrocer,” Andy said approvingly. “After all, tying the Sanjaya Family to the Wongso Family will also be good for our business.”

“Your words are true!” Albert spoke up as well. “Lily, if you still want to use the Wongso surname, consider Jessica and Andy's advice. Divorce him!”

“Papa!” Lilyana exclaimed in shock, as she stared in disbelief at her father. “I hope you didn't mean that.”

Lilyana had never expected Albert to make such a request. Especially at a wedding like this. It was so contradictory.

“It's fine if you still need time to think, I can understand that. But I don't want to see your husband in this room. Tell him to get out right now!” Albert said again, firmly.

“Papa?” Lilyana looked back at her father in disbelief. “If Alan has to leave, I will leave with him....”

“Lily, don't make Papa angry,” whispered Stephen, who had been silent. “Now please give in. Tell your husband to get out of here.”

Alan, who had overheard the whisper, understood the situation. He touched Lilyana's arm and said, “It's okay, I should just leave.”

Then Alan bowed respectfully before Albert. Before leaving the room he said, “I'm sorry for ruining the moment. I'm leaving now.”

Seeing that, Jacky laughed mockingly.

“Ah, Alan, it's a shame you didn't even get to taste the dishes on the buffet table. Don't let hunger make you beg on the streets. It would ruin the Wongso Family's reputation. Here, I'll give you some money so you can buy some food.”

After saying that, Jacky threw a one-dollar coin at Alan's feet. Albert smiled sarcastically at the sight, while Andy and Gabriella laughed mockingly followed by Jessica with Stephen and Cynthia.

Only Lilyana looked angry at Jacky's actions. But before she could say or do anything, Alan interrupted her with a nod of his head and left the Golden Dragon Hall without a second glance.

It would be a lie if Alan wasn't angry. But he knew he had to hold it. He could only vent his anger by driving his tricycle as fast as he could, to the point where he lost control and....



Alan smelled the strong scent of medicine. Then the typical hospital noises filled his ear cavities.

“Oh, where am I?” muttered Alan, wincing in pain. His whole body was in pain.

Hissing in pain, Alan slowly opened his eyelids. The first thing his senses caught was an old, earthy face that smiled at him.

“Ah, my grandson, I finally found you....”

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